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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: BridgetsMum on January 24, 2012, 05:45:41 PM

Title: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: BridgetsMum on January 24, 2012, 05:45:41 PM
I had no idea it was this bad. I put a Craigslist ad in looking for a part time bookeeper for one of our schools. Just one days worth of responses and it's over 50 applicants. Most of them are way over qualified and this is only for part time work. It's heartbreaking.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: kaoskat on January 24, 2012, 05:59:28 PM
It really is that bad.  :sad:
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Echo_Shell on January 24, 2012, 06:07:00 PM
Absolutely.  Terrible.  Worse yet, the older you get, the worse it is.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: SourdoughStomper on January 24, 2012, 06:13:01 PM
Yes. :( Bad here too.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: StarDragon on January 24, 2012, 06:16:05 PM
That's the type of job my mom is looking for. Problem is, she is "overqualified" as well. :/ Honestly, she just likes to do it. She enjoys it. Unfortunately, people don't want to higher others if they have been in the work force too long, even though in this economy, it would really help for older people to get jobs so they can help pay for their children's college expenses (like me, lol).  XD
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: DazzleKitty on January 24, 2012, 07:29:35 PM
Awful here too. :(

I'm not really qualified for a lot of high end jobs. I'm just part of a call center. I have no college to back me up (went for two years but didn't put effort in).
I work in a hospital with tons of departments. Within the last three months I must have put in at least 40-50 transfer requests for different departments. I only got an interview from ONE and didn't get the job. I didn't even get a call back from any others even though for some of them I was a bit persistent in trying to get an interview.

I even tried outside companies for jobs and had an interview for an amazing job but found out recently I didn't get it either. I had a couple other interview opportunities but I educated myself on some of those companies but found out they are shady. Like, one present the job as something else when it was a door to door sales job. No way!

It's very rough out there. I'd like to think it will get better soon but I'm not a very optimistic person about it right now.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: kittybethy on January 24, 2012, 07:38:23 PM
Same here. I'm job hunting for jobs that I am way overqualified for.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Rainbowjuice on January 24, 2012, 07:41:46 PM
I'm one of those 'over qualified' people.
Been looking for a decent job for over two years. I was out of work for 18 months.

Still haven't got the job I studied for. College and University, all that time and money for nothing.

*le sigh*
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: coinoperatedgirl on January 24, 2012, 07:46:07 PM
It's pretty rough around my area as well.  My husband got fired from his job of nine years about 3 weeks ago after someone accused him of theft and he applies to several jobs daily, and he's heard back from *one* place that was actually legit, and that was a 100 mile commute daily.  Most everyone is looking for people to do outbound sales/telemarketing, because they don't need to keep you if you're not bringing in the money.  He's got technical school certificates, but no high school diploma, and has only had this one job in the US.  He's gotten a friend to help him with his resume, which is helpful, but not a lot of places that require resumes are hiring. 
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on January 24, 2012, 08:32:40 PM
It's pretty bad in Dayton. While my primary source of income does get me by, I work literally 100 hours a month. Fortunately the audio business is a high rent industry, so even while working 100 hours a month, I can still pay my living expenses, though much else.

Though, I'm only working 100 hours a month, so I'm looking for secondary income. I've applied everywhere. Even fast food, I've turned in applications, called them back, and haven't even gotten an interview. I'm really anxious about money, 'cause working as a freelance engineer is really inconsistent money. I never know when, or if the next gig is going to come, so a secondary source if income would be ideal, but I can't find anything. It's annoying, I have a good resume. I used to work as an editor in chief, and prior to that I held a job pull and processing orders for shipping at a warehouse till I moved to go to school.

I'm at a loss as to how I'm going to get some more income.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: FlyingPonyMonster on January 24, 2012, 11:04:40 PM
Hugs to everyone struggling finding a job, it's so hard right now xxxx
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: bewilderness on January 24, 2012, 11:59:30 PM
Things are bad in my area too.  In fact, IIRC our unemployment rate here is higher than the national average.  The official unemployment rate here is something like 12%.  The actual rate of course is higher.  I remember a couple of years ago, one of the grocery stores had a job opening for a cashier and they got 80 applications for that one job.  A couple of months ago, my favorite (very large) bookstore, that's been here for 15 years, closed down.  Gas prices keep going up.  Food prices keep going up.  I'll be expanding the garden some this year (and hope it does a lot better than last year).
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: kiwimlp on January 25, 2012, 12:05:36 AM
I really hope things improve soon.  This has been going on for far too long.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: dollhands on January 25, 2012, 12:13:20 AM
It's bad all over the world :(

A year or so ago a new supermarket opened in Auckland and they had 200 positions available. They got over 2000 applications. Crazy :(

It took me just over two years to find my contract sewing job after I finished my training. One of the reasons it took so long was there were hardly any sewing jobs being advertised or they all wanted someone with experience. But I finally got my break, so I would say to others to not give up and keep trying :) I know it is tough though.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: starrypawz on January 25, 2012, 03:22:10 AM
It's no better here I'll be done with college in a few mnths and I am so not looking forward to job hunting.  I have little experience as I've not been able to work and do college at the same time so I'm probably at a disadvantage :/
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Kiwi on January 25, 2012, 04:04:18 AM
It's sad that it's so bad out there :( Thankfully hubby's future career (once finished school) looks pretty stable, but he'll still have to get a job, and hopefully a decent one that he likes. Getting a job that you absolutely hate can be just as bad as no job.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Rocketeer on January 25, 2012, 04:58:42 AM
I got lucky, but I took a job that I was overqualified for. It is in my field though, and it mostly pays our bills, so we're doing /okay/ right now.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Roccoriel on January 25, 2012, 05:44:00 AM
It's awful.  I worked a year or two ago at a temp agency front desk while I did my Masters.  I took resumes from people looking for a job.  We seriously only staffed admin/receptionist/secretary jobs and we had PhDs and surgeons trying to get jobs with us because they couldn't find a job elsewhere.  Seriously, people who could normally make 60-100K+ a year trying for a temporary, part-time admin job at $10/hour.  It was really, really depressing.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Beldarna on January 25, 2012, 06:09:53 AM
McDonalds put out an ad for one position in my city and got over 700 applications the very first day it was out. I went to look for a job in a clothingstore, they said they were in fact hiring, but had gotten over 400 applications when I turned mine in. The jobmarket is insane and living in a collegetown makes it worse because most places hiring want students because they're cheap and can work cray hours. One store that was hiring just wanted a person who could cover the lunches two hours every Saturday.

I've not been unemployed long enough to be desperate, but it's not the workers market right now and even if my experiences are retail, I've been high enough in rank to be looked over on the simplest jobs. It sucks, because I get crazy just sitting at home.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: creampuf on January 25, 2012, 08:11:49 AM
It's really a global problem...which is sad. The world is melting down and people are hurting.

My best wishes for anyone trying to find work. It's hard out there but maybe lady luck will give you a hug and lead you somewhere.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: StarDapple on January 25, 2012, 09:29:15 AM
The poor job market is what finally prompted me to get into college.  When I graduated high school I thought "I'll get a part time job and try to set up a horse training business as I go."  Well, there were no part time jobs to be had, I trained a couple of horses over a couple of summers, but those quickly dried up too as people had to cut back to make ends meet.  If I wasn't still living at home, I don't know what I would have done.  So this fall I am getting into college so I can have my own veterinary business.  Seems like the only option open to me now.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: melodys_angel on January 25, 2012, 11:01:54 AM

Its worse when someone that is overqualified cant get work in their field and is turned down elsewhere because they are overqualified.  ive seen it from both ends--the economy is brutal :(
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Scraleos on January 25, 2012, 12:51:37 PM
I've already given up looking for a job because I got a D in maths and english GCSE's. I hope to open up my own vintage video game shop, but everybody is putting me down, saying that I can't do it...
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: creampuf on January 25, 2012, 01:07:48 PM
I've already given up looking for a job because I got a D in maths and english GCSE's. I hope to open up my own vintage video game shop, but everybody is putting me down, saying that I can't do it...

than you need to tell those people to stick it where the sun don't shine!

You can do whatever you want as long as you put everything you got into it.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Scraleos on January 25, 2012, 01:11:16 PM
I've already given up looking for a job because I got a D in maths and english GCSE's. I hope to open up my own vintage video game shop, but everybody is putting me down, saying that I can't do it...

than you need to tell those people to stick it where the sun don't shine!

You can do whatever you want as long as you put everything you got into it.

Thank you Creampuf! I'll try my best :)
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: RavenWolf on January 25, 2012, 05:14:07 PM
I've already given up looking for a job because I got a D in maths and english GCSE's. I hope to open up my own vintage video game shop, but everybody is putting me down, saying that I can't do it...

I hope you are able to open your vintage game shop! Vintage games and systems are really sought after but increasingly hard to find as the majority of chain game stores like Games stop don't carry any of the older games.

Back on topic, The job situation where I live is truly horrible, especially since the GM plant shut down. My friends husband has been out of work since. He had worked there for 25 years!!! He can't find a job because he has no other experience combined with his age no one will hire him :(
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: DazzleKitty on January 25, 2012, 07:40:55 PM
I've already given up looking for a job because I got a D in maths and english GCSE's. I hope to open up my own vintage video game shop, but everybody is putting me down, saying that I can't do it...

People who trample on your hopes and dreams like that are low. I've had some of my family members tell me in the that past that I couldn't do certain things and I sometimes blame them for not pursing certain interests more. I don't think they meant to hurt but sometimes it still hurts anyways. When other people have no hope in you then it's hard to have it in yourself.

I feel bad complaining about how I dislike my current job when lots of members here don't even have a job. I am fortunate to have employment. But I can see how horrible the job market is when they didn't even consider a current employee for an interview with as many transfer requests as I put in. Probably lots of overqualified people went for those jobs.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Varkolak on January 25, 2012, 09:58:35 PM
jobs are really hard to come by, and if there are any openings, they usually go to people the person hiring, knows personally.
i only get 4-8 hours a week now at my job. went from a $200-$160 paycheck, to a $27 paycheck this week from hour cuts. i have to live off partial unemployment for the time being, because not even walmart here is hiring. :(
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: BridgetsMum on January 25, 2012, 11:26:41 PM
Wow. It does look dismal. I hope things take a turn for the better for all you looking for a job.

At our schools most of the staff has been there for 10+ years. We don't get much turnover. I value each one of them. It's so depressing doing interviews. So many good candidates. I try my best to place the ones that are qualified, especially if I can tell they really need the job. I also keep resumes and call people at a future date. 
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: ponybabe on January 26, 2012, 01:32:15 AM
I'm one of those 'over qualified' people.
Been looking for a decent job for over two years. I was out of work for 18 months.
Still haven't got the job I studied for. College and University, all that time and money for nothing.
*le sigh*
Same here, I have a Masters in Biotechnology and from 2007 until 2009 applied for hundreds of jobs (even work in a pharmacy) but no one wanted to hire a newly educated engineer :redface: I got sick of it and took a Lab Tech degree and the 1 year and 3 month experience I got as a trainee seems to count for nothing. Either I don't have enough experience, don't have the right experience (have chemistry experience when they want biotech experience) or I'm too over qualified to work as a Lab Tech with a Master's Degree :stressed: It's very frusterating and upsetting because I'm feeling the way you do Rainbowjuice :cloud:
I've pretty much given up on finding a job with my Master's Degree but am still hoping for a Lab Tech job :drunk:  I got into a temp agency as soon as my 3 month extension was over so she's working hard to find me something :work: I really hope something comes up soon :hope:
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Sonata on January 26, 2012, 01:57:53 AM
I really just want freelance opportunities, but a part-time job at pretty much ANYTHING would be great... So far, nothing at all... :<
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Rainbowjuice on January 26, 2012, 03:31:18 AM
I'm a trained teacher. Working in McDonalds.
What is my life?

Stupid job market. *le sigh*
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Malancaiwen on January 26, 2012, 06:24:44 AM
When in France, despite talking 4 languages (french, english, spanish and chinese) all I got was a front desk position in a company that turned me down at first (big thank you to the guy who interviewed me and insisted that they meet me!)...

All I could do was move far away, arrive in China again and be a teacher. Salary is really not bad and kids are great, I'm just feeling sad that my parents still think I'm just "fooling around". Hey, at least I'll have a stable job!
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Ginger on January 26, 2012, 07:10:38 AM
Wow.. how disheartening. I don't understand why employers discard the older and more experienced?! My first workplace hires a lot of 14-17 year olds but a couple years ago a lady in her 60's needed extra work so my boss hired her. She is AMAZING. I'm the "manager" but we work as a team. I feel like I'm babysitting some of those kids who come in though.

I have been SO fortunate when it comes to employement so far. I got my first job at 14 but it was only open on weekends. A couple years ago, a regular customer came by, liked my work ethic, so he got me hired at his daughter's Dairy Queen. Now I have a new opportunity waiting at my favorite fabric shop. The manager there has seen my friend and I come in for years, she hired my friend and now she wants me. Shy lil' me somehow managed to make connections.

These jobs have been getting me through Community College out-of-pocket, are paying for a car, allow me to get airplane tickets so I can see my long-distant boyfriend, and buy ponies! As a student living at home I am SO blessed.

On the flip-side, my dad's company is doing a HUGE layoff at the end of next month. We're keeig our fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Sonata on January 26, 2012, 08:41:40 AM
Man, things sure look tough with all of you guys... I was lucky enough to get a freelance opportunity at the beginning of this year and I can tell the guy gave me the job also because he understood that it's hard to start on your own when you want to freelance. I am so happy someone gave me a chance at all ! But still, I will need a more stable job or more commissions by the end of August when I finish my MA to release a bit of the pressure on my family... My family are putting a lot of effort on keeping me here and, although I live together with my boyfriend, it is still hard to think that they are all making such an effort - both the families are ! My boyfriend is doing an internship right now, but we are both scared because he can't seem to get a job in his area at all. And it's not only about being overqualified, it's more about people not wanting to give him a chance since he has nearly no experience at all ! I really wish someone else would give him another chance like they gave me... That is also why I am working hard on the job I have now and working on personal projects to make my work be seen out there and become a better artist. I feel that I need to cover things ahead until he gets a job. It's a lot of pressure on me, but I don't mind because I believe things will get better eventually.

But you know, for all of you who need a job as much as we do: don't give up. Keep on believing that things will get better and they will, don't doubt it ! Work hard on your dreams and on what makes you happy the most and your dreams will come true. Call me naive, young, unexperienced or whatever you want, but this is how I want to see things and how I wish more people would see things as well. That, and doing what we both did requires a lot of guts to do and if we both didn't think positive... we would be sinking into depression by now.

So, to all of you, keep your hopes up ! :)
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: ZennaBug on January 26, 2012, 09:29:22 AM
I'm unemployed.  I apply to entry level positions that I'm plenty qualified for, but I'm up against people who are just as qualified and have years of experience (but were laid off from better positions).  So I'm sent away because I don't have enough experience.  For an entry level position.  So then I apply to retail stores, just to make ends meet.  And they send me away because I'm overqualified.  I'm seriously debating making a resume that doesn't mention my degree, just so a store will hire me until I can find a job that I actually want.

I spent a couple months job searching after graduation last year, before taking a seasonal position as a horticultural assistant.  I'd worked there during the summer before, which is why they hired me.  They extended my position a couple times because they had wiggle room in the budget, but once the year ended, there was nothing for me to do.  So I was sent home again.  And now I'm back to job searching.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on January 26, 2012, 02:28:28 PM
Getting work doesn't have much of anything to do with experience, or education, it's more about who you know. Your network, who you know that can get you a job.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Rainbowjuice on January 26, 2012, 02:40:48 PM
Getting work doesn't have much of anything to do with experience, or education, it's more about who you know. Your network, who you know that can get you a job.

which is wrong!
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: ponybabe on January 26, 2012, 03:13:54 PM
Getting work doesn't have much of anything to do with experience, or education, it's more about who you know. Your network, who you know that can get you a job.
which is wrong!
Yes it's very wrong, I'm sure lots of people who are talented in their field end up never getting a chance and I'm scared I might end up being one of them :sad: I can't help it that we moved here when I was 16 and my mother and family don't know anyone in my field, it doesn't make me any less qualified than someone who's e.g. aunt or father can get them in. It's a horrible way to hire people because for the most part, you're excluding newly graduated people who may very well be very talented with a little training and can perhaps give the company new and innovative ideas. These young people eventually give up and end up driving buses or taxis or something else were their talents and education go to waste. That's the way it happens here.
It's so disheartening to see people I went to high school with having huge careers since they were lucky to have family that could get them a foot in the door while I'm struggling so hard just to get a "measley" Lab Tech job since I've pretty much given up on ever getting anything based on my Master's :yikes:
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: flyawayraven on January 26, 2012, 03:54:09 PM
What's really sad is we have a whole generation now, my generation, that was taught from day one that a BA was guaranteed to get you a decent salaried position. That's not the case anymore. The reality is that a BA is a high school diploma, a Masters is a BA, and a PhD is a Master's. When a college education was rarer in the US, that diploma meant more job-wise. Now it's no more than toilet paper. Expensive toilet paper. Tuition keeps going up and the value of the degree keeps going down. It's heartbreaking.

The only reason I managed to find my job is through a connection of my father's. It's a good job, thankfully, but I wouldn't have it if not for him.

Good luck to all of you out there. :hug:
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: Rainbowjuice on January 26, 2012, 04:15:36 PM
What's really sad is we have a whole generation now, my generation, that was taught from day one that a BA was guaranteed to get you a decent salaried position. That's not the case anymore. The reality is that a BA is a high school diploma, a Masters is a BA, and a PhD is a Master's. When a college education was rarer in the US, that diploma meant more job-wise. Now it's no more than toilet paper. Expensive toilet paper. Tuition keeps going up and the value of the degree keeps going down. It's heartbreaking.

The only reason I managed to find my job is through a connection of my father's. It's a good job, thankfully, but I wouldn't have it if not for him.

Good luck to all of you out there. :hug:

My degree is now a rather expensive looking picture hanging on my wall, with Brian May's (Yes, of Queen fame) signature on it.
People keep telling me I should go back to University and retrain. the issues I have with that are, that the UK government has lifted the university cap on their fee's. Basically meaning a university can charge pretty much whatever they like for a course.
This said, I can't afford adding another £20,000 to the debt I owe from my FIRST course.

Also, I don't want to retrain. I want to do the job I originally planned for but..YAY job market ¬¬
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: StoryDreamer on January 26, 2012, 07:31:54 PM
Yeah, I moved 13 hrs away to find a job because Florida is awful for jobs. I applied to a lot of law places and office type jobs on Craigslist, and with each post that sounded sketchy, I'd google it, and see if the same language was used in multiple ads, or I'd email them a question like "Where are you located?" and my resume had my name and phone number, no address (I'd only list my city).  I applied to maybe 15 places on craigslist while I was working at Borders and ended up getting a law office job.  But my degrees are in English and Communications.  Yet I love my job. It was hard though moving here and getting "nos" everywhere and not knowing anyone and just..ugh..awful.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: dollhands on January 27, 2012, 02:55:44 AM
I've already given up looking for a job because I got a D in maths and english GCSE's. I hope to open up my own vintage video game shop, but everybody is putting me down, saying that I can't do it...

Aww don't listen to them! Maybe you could open up a video game shop, which mainly stocks vintage games/game systems, but also stocks newer stuff. So you'd get people coming in looking for a vintage game and seeing new games too they'd like to buy as well.

Don't give up on your dreams, and keep looking for jobs even though it's hard. You might miss out on a great opportunity.

Hugs to you, and everyone else who is having a tough time at the moment. :hug:
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: pinkkittywinks on January 27, 2012, 11:45:19 AM
 :(  i know that a new store opened in town late last year and they had over 4,500 applicants for 150 jobs.

it is hard, and even harder if you need full time, full time work no longer exists it is all part time jobs, doing 12 hours a week broken into 4 hour shifts. don't get me wrong this is good for a student and the shifts fit with lessons or you are a mom, but in other ways it is not that good.

in fact it is better to be on the dole than have a 12 hour a week job!!!!! you get more money (i am totally serious, you get more money from the dole per week than you would working 12 hours per week on minimum wage!!!) and better benefits (sickness, national insurance, free prescriptions etc). companies are screwing their workers to save a buck, by making sure they are employed for less than 18 hours a week. this way they don't have to pay sickness pay, national insurance, you also don't get breaks and you get less holiday entitlement.  out of a companies budget wages are the biggest spend so that is the first thing they cut, by getting rid of people and cutting the hours down.

i was made redundant january 2011 from my job of 10 years. i knew where i was working was going to close as they had to give us 5 months notice. it took me 5 months to find a job and i was lucky imho. i was sending of my cv left, right and center with very little responce back. some of my friends who were made redundant with me, were still out of work in september 2011 and it was not for want of trying to get a job either they had been looking for over 12 months with no joy.
there is no security in any job now, there is always the threat of cut backs and being cut down in working hours or being made redundant.
love pkw xxx

Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on January 27, 2012, 10:28:12 PM
The job situation around here got even worse once the state slashed WorkStudy funding.  Suddenly a bunch of college kids who had previously been doing little on-campus jobs like barista or research assistant were looking for non-University part-time jobs.  I mean, how does that help the state's economy??  And it's not like those on-campus jobs aren't needed any more, they will still need people to serve coffee and help with research . . . It doesn't make any sense!

I have been super lucky in terms of jobs . . . I got out of my old dead-end job about two years before the economy tanked, and have been fortunate enough to find part-time and summer jobs through my professors since then.

To you folks in college, really try to connect with your teachers, take advantage of seminars and talks where you can meet people from industries you might like to work in, and network, network, network.   That is what will get you a job.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: stopxmotion on January 28, 2012, 12:34:26 AM
It's even worse for people like me with mental illness that can't work jobs with a lot of customer interaction, for instance.. My options are very limited and I dread ever having to go out and look for a job.
Title: Re: Job market is really that tough?
Post by: ponybabe on January 28, 2012, 08:04:06 AM
To you folks in college, really try to connect with your teachers, take advantage of seminars and talks where you can meet people from industries you might like to work in, and network, network, network.   That is what will get you a job.

Yeah I've been trying to get help from some former teachers but they don't seem to care at all. I've also been going to some of these job seminars to talk to people from different companies but that hasn't helped either. I just get told that I don't have enough experience when they get my card and I never hear from them :cry: I think the problem here is you need stronger connections like a family member, close friend, a close family friend or an ex-coworker to help you, everyone else doesn't seem to care or think it's their problem you can't get a job :blink: These people forget however that that's how they got their first jobs, whatever, I'm done begging for help from these people who don't show the slightest sign of wanting to help :enraged:
I'm hoping that either some company finally realizes I'd be a huge asset despite being newly educated or the temp agency finally comes through with something, she still seems to think she can very easily find me a temp job since she feels I have so many great qualifications :hope:
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