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Messages - Cswift

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Customs / Re: Daddy Moonstone and TAF Moonstone
« on: June 27, 2017, 09:24:48 AM »
I am in love with TAF Moonstone. That space theme just works so beautifully when placed all over her body.

Daddy Moonstone makes me wish that there were rainbow-haired boy ponies. It suits him so well.

Pony Corral / Re: What are your thoughts on G4.5 ponies?
« on: June 26, 2017, 12:07:43 PM »
I hated them when I first saw them online. The anatomy just really irritated me.

Then my sister bought an open-mouthed Pinkie Pie for her daughter, and now I'm starting to see the appeal...they're silly-looking, but in a very sweet, expressive way. Pinkie looks like such an adorable chatterbox. It's hard not to smile when you look at her. I'm coming around to the smaller G4.5s. Like other people have said, I honestly think they're much more expressive and charismatic than G4.

I still think the princesses look terrible with those balloon heads and overly exaggerated spaghetti limbs, though.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: June 26, 2017, 10:08:16 AM »
I think FIM does put too much emphasis on earing a cutie mark and how it determines a pony's place is society. What is a pony got a cutie mark they didn't like are they stuck forever doing that talent?

I think the idea is that if the pony didn't like doing it, it wouldn't be their special talent...which is, of course, silly. Plenty of people are talented at things they wouldn't want to do all the time. I love music and have a knack for it but I'd never want it to be a job.

I also agree that cutie marks being connected to that pony's specific place in society is a bit irksome, but for different reasons -- I feel like before that was established as lore, Hasbro felt a bit more free to just create symbols that looked nice since they didn't necessarily have to mean anything. What would the deal with Twice as Fancy ponies be? Would they be mega-ultra-talented? Would Munchy's talent be making excellent fast food? 

Pony Corral / Re: Hiding the fact that you're a brony in public.
« on: June 26, 2017, 12:20:12 AM »
I wouldn't call myself a brony, but my take on being a "fan" in public is that I'll do whatever I want so long as it doesn't disturb anyone else, and I'll trust others to do the same.

I wear Five Nights at Freddy's shirts sometimes, for instance. I've worried a couple of times that people will harass me because the fandom has a fairly poor reputation online before shrugging it off and putting the shirt on anyways. Nothing bad has happened to date. I think the vast majority of people know it's none of their business and act accordingly.

I also don't go out of my way to talk about my interests in public unless I'm asked first. I'm a pretty private person -- I have my friends, and with everyone else, I'm polite but not particularly eager to share about myself. Again, this seems to work for me pretty well.

Of course, I am a young, petite woman. I imagine my experience would probably be different if I was a man, or even if I was physically larger; people tend to be more indulgent with those they don't perceive as a threat in any way, which is both useful and annoying, lol. :)

If I'm feeling lazy, I use tinypic, which doesn't require you to even make an account there. Otherwise, imgur. I feel like these options allow you to host pictures the most...shall I say, discreetly.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: June 24, 2017, 11:02:53 PM »
My sister recently bought a G4.5 for her daughter, and while I was solidly in the "no thank you" camp previously, I feel myself...warming to them? Sure, their anatomy is totally wonk and their hair is weird and greasy, but there's something lovable about those goofy faces and I appreciate that they're a lot more expressive than G4s. I'm particularly weak for the open-mouthed molds.

I still don't really think of them as actual horses though, LOL

Pony Corral / Re: Poll: Who's your favorite male G1 pony?
« on: June 24, 2017, 04:47:18 PM »
Nobody is making out that it's a conspiracy. It evolved this way from the manner in which UK and European ponies first emerged into the pony community. I'm not blaming anyone for it being there (and I said clearly I wasn't attacking Haruna), but I just think that it's time that it wasn't there. The poll didn't create this, it illustrated something that is already here. As I think I said first of all, I was offended that they were not included because they were part of my childhood and it meant I couldn't participate in the poll. It's absolutely not ok for Haruna to be made to feel crappy, and if I did that then I apologise to her in all sincerity - but I also want to emphasise that their exclusion made me feel bad too, and that ought to matter as well.

I definitely don't think anyone wants you to feel like your opinions or feelings are irrelevant. It's mostly the dogged insistence on proving your point via sprawling walls of text even after Haruna has apologized multiple times and made it clear that she feels bad that is upsetting people at this point. We understand the issue you have and why your feelings are hurt, but at this point it'd probably be better to just make another thread -- possibly with its own poll. :) I say this as someone who has Ice Crystal as my favorite boy pony and would love to vote for him!

Pony Corral / Re: People who grew up without any ponies at all
« on: June 23, 2017, 09:48:54 AM »
I technically had a hand-me-down Sweetheart Sister (Rosey Love, I think) and a few G2 McDonald's toys, but that's about it. The way I played with dolls, they were all basically just characters in a sprawling story, and it didn't really matter to me if those characters were humans, ponies, dogs, cars, etc...basically, because I wasn't into ponies specifically, I had no incentive to seek MLP out. I only got into it later specifically because by chance I saw some G1s in person and thought "wow, this is way cuter than the MLP I remember!"

I remember making my McDonald's toy Light Heart a huge jerk in my games. I'm not really sure why, lol.

Pony Corral / Re: What's Your Popular Pony Opinions?
« on: June 21, 2017, 11:26:52 AM »
I think most early pony art draws Surprise with yellow hair. I actually prefer it yellow to the icky green colour they sometimes use, but that looks like being an unpopular opinion, so maaaybe I should take it to the other thread ;)

I think the trouble is that it's really hard to replicate Surprise's very distinct shade of highlighter yellow in flat digital shades. I dunno, maybe something about how the light hits the hair on the toy is really hard to reproduce? Anyways, that's how most of the art you see online ends up depicting her with either corn yellow or snotty green hair. :P I used to draw digitally and I would encounter this problem with trying to represent multidimensional color in a simplified style all the time.

The Dollhouse / For Sale -- Bleeding Edge Goths Atara Inferno
« on: June 21, 2017, 10:51:09 AM »
Hello everyone, I have an extra MIB Atara Inferno that I've had just sitting around for a while. I've kept her inside a plastic shipper so even the box itself is in very good condition:

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Please note that the specks pictured are random dust and not defects on the doll itself.

Since she is a collectible that is no longer produced, I'm asking for $60 including shipping. I would very much prefer to ship within the U.S., but if you're elsewhere, PM me anyways and we might be able to work something out. I might also consider trades for G1 ponies or rare Furbies!

Thank you. :)

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 6/20/2017 Seashell
« on: June 20, 2017, 09:27:35 AM »
I can't decide if I like her or Bubbles more but I'd like to have both of them eventually. Her green hair is pretty unique, I think her blaze is adorable and the sitting pose is so cute, like a pet waiting patiently for food. :lovey:

Customs / Re: Bride of F
« on: June 19, 2017, 10:17:47 AM »
Wow! I'm a bit of a Frankenstein enthusiast and I've gotta say -- nice work! The odd head shape of these fakies somehow works really well for the Creature and his bride...

Customs / Re: Something a little different
« on: June 19, 2017, 10:00:05 AM »
Beautiful! If you hadn't said that he was made from a pony, I honestly never would have guessed.

This makes me miss the old carousel horses I used to own...

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Beautiful custom dino from Darcisan
« on: June 17, 2017, 10:33:11 PM »
Oh my goodness she is just beautiful! So pretty with all the glitter and Merriweather's symbols <3

Thank you! Even now I find myself holding her up to sunlight to see the different ways she'll sparkle.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Is eSnipe dropping snipes?
« on: June 17, 2017, 11:29:35 AM »
I've never used eSnipe so I can't really answer that question. It's possible their server is having issues, though.

I'd personally recommend Gixen! It's completely, 100% free, and it hasn't failed me yet. :)

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