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Messages - cola

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I have to be honest, I would just make G2 again. Maybe make them a little stumpier like G3. I would probably create something really similar to LPS, like a lot of Y2K-esc abstract buildings, everything is pastel or brightly colored. Maybe something like the friendship garden's gimmick from early G2? Like, connectable fences or some sort of obvious interactive play between them.

There would be way too many gimmicks as well. Every gimmick imaginable that I like at least lol. Flocking, tinsel, butterfly wings- just all the gimmicks.  Seasonal/themed gimmicks would be fun- like every Halloween we could get a different toy theme and playset. Like let's say, a graveyard one year, a haunted castle the next, etc. New ponies, new merch for every wave of toys etc. oh and bring back fashion packs, I could get into a pony closet situation. Vampire costume, ugly sweater, aprons, tutus...y'know the works.

maybe a cartoon, but i think it would just be something really similar to TYT or Tales. It wouldn't have a solid cast- I would probably just cycle through characters a lot. I'd at least have most ponies made put as background characters. Uhh no real plot lol, it'd be slice of life/drama. Comics and other media would be the same. lots of songs

The tone would be really, really understated and casual. yes they're neon horses who bake cookies and play hopscotch. they like that kind of thing. all the critical thinking would be put into the story telling not the world building.

i guess that is it :P oh wait uh, no babies and no obvious gender divide in design. sorry baby pony fans. Pink is a neutral I think :good:

Pony Corral / Re: Flocking: Yay or Nay?
« on: April 08, 2024, 12:39:06 PM »
 :wonder: Both!

I prefer my SS with their flocking, but I'm not opposed in anyway to deflocking. There's some historical value to having one with their original flocking, in good or bad condition. There's also some appeal to a smooth, unflocked SS pony. Both are desirable to me.

I think it's a eye of the beholder situation. For me, I could go either way.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: it's been so long since I had a proper brag
« on: March 18, 2024, 02:42:27 PM »
Aw yay! Hope they arrive safe and soon :)

Pony Corral / Re: Hasbro's Most Baffling MLP Decisions
« on: March 17, 2024, 01:06:46 AM »

What are your thoughts on the Core 7 15 years later, and are there any other decisions made about MLP that make you go "Hmmm"?

 :lookround: So I am late to the party...haha. I still want to talk about it though :) !

I never understood the "core cast" that MLP kept pushing for. It happened with Tales (Someone else mentioned this!), it happened in G3.5, and it's still happening as MLP continues. I heard this theory that the "cast" system was pushed to try to market recognizable characters, like in other children's toys and media. It's not completely outrageous to suggest MLP try it again (They have tried it every generation. Megan, G2 Sundance/Sparkle, etc etc.), it never really, truly appeals to me however. I think it has to do with my approach to collecting them.

There's a "cheapness" that comes with it in my mind, I'm not exactly sure how else to describe it. I know it costs less to produce 10 Pinkie Pies with slightly different cutie marks, than 10 different ponies. Ponies don't have an inherent image in my mind like Disney, or "army building" aspects that well, army toys have. I'm sure there's people who like to have 20-30 of the same character, and I like that for them. I don't think I am one of those types of collectors. I can tell they're really trying too, with MLP- different outfits, or themes, maybe a different mane or a gradient. Maybe it worked for G4 because there where a different kind of fanatics are out there, where the FIM design reached that "iconicity" of other "hello kitty"s or "pikachu"s of that era.

I just don't really need 10 of the same pony, with slightly different gimmicks unfortunately. I give them a good pat on the back for adding sick translucent glitter variants and dresses- I sure do love a cute pony in a dress! So, maybe- one or three of the same pony is okay? G3 had a nice sweet spot- some with tinsel, some with big TAF-esc marks- a new pose etc, etc, etc. Re-releases are okay in my book, it's different when there's somewhere close to 2-3 new versions of the same pony every year for me though.

I usually don't like to give pony designs a hard time, but I am starting to realize they rely on certain patterns. Food themed, flower themed, star themed- Pink, white, purple, rinse, lather, repeat unti- I have completely forgot what I'm talking about. There's nothing wrong with these in concept of course, I love all my ponies of the aforementioned adjectives. There is in fact, a limit to how many times you can give the pink haired earth pony with a flower mark, a new name. I'm jaded :razz: Don't let me rain on your parade. I still love my fair share of Blossomforths and Cupcakes.

Now that I think about it- I really enjoy my ponies looking similar in some aspects. The collector's pose ponies are quite charming to me, they have an antiquity that some toys few toys meet (In the context of the 80s, and in today's age).  But, I think what Hasbro has missed is variety in some cases. I don't gravitate to newer MLP toys because, they all sort of look the same.

I don't mean to knack G4 and 5 (and even some G3.5/Ponyville), this is more of just an observation I have; They share molds, so the toys look really similar. That's good for building an image and recognition, but it makes me less interested in collecting. In laymens terms, Ponies aren't traditional dolls, I guess? They're inherently novel, and collectable in the same way a postcard or statue is, well at least to me. I liked the LPS comparisons made to MLP too.

I think G5 has made great strides to push MLP towards their ideal, a toy that can continue to be supported with accessories (much like a doll). They've yet to release very many toys outside of the same 4-5 ponies, there is an occasional new one (I think the mini world stuff has more variety). That just isn't my ideal of a pony unfortunately.

For me, it comes off as too corporate, and manufactured. I'm so happy I can walk into a store and get myself a Sunny Starscout or Pipp, because surely there's children who want that too. But that's uh, all I have to pick from. I don't have a reason to collect something that isn't really collectable or appealing to me.

To leave on a less sour note ^^; I don't collect G4, but I remember when I saw it's first toy reboot, and was  super shocked. I totally thought they where doing well with the style they had, although I didn't collect them. I'm not sure how to describe the style. "Movie"? 2017 reboot? I don't find the sculpts particularly pretty, but wow do I understand the appeal they where going for. Different poses made me retroactively interested, but kind of suffers from "same mares syndrome".

All of the above is just my hot takes and ramblings XD Sorry, I didn't mean to make this an entire thesis paper...

MLP Nirvana / Re: If you had to choose
« on: March 16, 2024, 11:22:28 PM »
 :biggrin: I picked both. I like most ponies, and both have some collectable significance to me. I do think takaras look cuter, but piggies feel so enigmatic to me.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Wowza, did this really happen?
« on: March 15, 2024, 06:15:55 PM »
Woah, nice haul! Sounds like you hit the pony jackpot!  :good:

Pony Brag Arena / Re: I got my first Spanish piggy pony!
« on: March 13, 2024, 12:04:43 PM »
congrats!! :biggrin: she's so pretty!

Pony Corral / Re: Who is your favourite Celestial pony?
« on: March 12, 2024, 01:08:11 PM »
milky way because pink :)
(They're all pretty)

Introductions / Self Introduction :)
« on: March 12, 2024, 12:51:53 PM »
Hii  :happy:

I'm Cola! I have other aliases as well :) If you recognize my photos, I go by cries on discord, and I have a few tumblr blogs (that I rarely update...!) I'll try to go through the suggested stuff that is in the introduction post for new members

How old are you?
21! Gemini  :thumb:
Where do you live? State, Country?
 :lookround: I'd like to only say the US :)!

Do you work or attend school? Profession or major?
I am currently a homebody, I am looking to improve my digital art as well!

Who are the important people in your life?
 :wonder: My friends! Most are online, however many of them I have met in person before we separated :) I am getting more into the pony community as well!

oh boy...There's too many to pick from! From what I own, right now my favorite is SS Ribbon  :yippee: She's not in great condition but, there's just something special about her! I'm not sure what else to say about "ponies", I like them!

How long have you been collecting?
:wonder: since...sophomore year? so uh, at least 6 years? Maybe...longer? I'm not good at math  :biggrin:

Which generations of ponies do you collect? G1, G2, G3, G4 or G5?
G1, 2 and 3! Not really into 3.5 toys, or forward unfortunately. Still, I am a fan of all ponies :) Quite enjoy all the shows as well! I use to enjoy G4 figures, but I have sort of moved on from them (So, only G1, 2 and 3 for now!)

What made you want to collect ponies?
:wonder: It must have been the first ponies I received! I collected dolls as a kid, but I lost interest as I got older unfortunately. I always loved MLP as a kid, it was sort of niche and underground for me- I just never had friends who liked it with me. G4 definitely increased the popularity but... I really preferred the older generations, so again, I was kind of left in the dust  :coffee: It wasn't until I made a friend in high school who only collected G4 toys, and happened to really like all of MLP when it started to really click for me. I told them I would like to start collecting someday, but I was only really interested in the older toys- and almost like fate, they told me "I buy lots of ponies, and my mom gave me her Lemon Drop. I'll bring some tomorrow for you to have!"  :cheer: Still very good friends with him to this day.

I talk about it like it's some romantic momentous event- He brought a very dirty, well loved, Lemon drop (who they did clean before hand) with a missing tail, a gunky G3 Goody Gumdrop, and a Strawberry Surprise that needed a good paint job (YES she does still smell like strawberries.) Despite my jaded view now, I had never held a Pony in my hand before. There was something captivating, I had that same feeling I had when I use to collect dolls. The plastic wasn't abrasive, the molds looked charming, I felt like I was holding something special. I know it's kind of lame when I type it out, but it's such a unique feeling I only really get when I collect something I like. I get that same feeling with art, or stuffed animals- books too. Anyways, if I didn't receive a handful of technicolor equines at lunch (who still need a bath...all these years later), I would not be here today!

I suppose I could have said "I really liked the G1 show!" but that's not as interesting as my sob-story  :lookround:

Tell us about your collection!
I am a G1 enthusiast however... I own very few  :biggrin: My grails are all, lowballs :lookround: My display case is mostly bait ponies but I love them despite it. I have maybe 5 or 6 G1 ponies, I plan to get some more of course! Again, Ribbon is my current favourite. Another gift, from my mother, a couple years ago!

A few Years ago now, my friend gifted me her childhood G3 collection- which i am working to clean up! I hope to repay her with a few ponies some day- however she's made it clear to me she has no interest in collecting them. Right now... Cotton Candy, and Guava Lava are happily cleaned up on my display case in my closet. (Dang Cotton Candy broke my comb.) The same friend who gave me my first ponies also gave me a G3 grail  :blush: I really wanted a Love Wishes, and they just so happened to have one from another pony lot. My desires may be low, but I am happy with what I have. Oh- an estimate? Maybe, somewhere around 15-20 ponies :shrug: I am very slow with my cleanings...

Finally...  :iconclap:G2. I recently started collecting G2 after years of eyeballing them. Like the others, I only really want to collect what I would like to keep. Unfortunately for me, that means big shipping costs! ...Because of the nature of G2's lifespan. Well, I did manage to pick up a few this week, who...also need quite a few different uhm, restorations! :rolleyes: we're really in it now, huh moonshadow. I'm excited to share what I have!

Extra stuff:
I really love cooking, and I mentioned I do art. I like to write, I like cute things...I play video games and DND..? I don't think going to the gym and jogging is a hobby but uh, I do enjoy that as well! I like... a lot of things :) It keeps me looking forward to the next day and reminiscing my memories.
I collect Sylvanian Families as well! (Although it has been quite a while since I have uhm, bought any.) 

to sum up!:
Newer US collector! G1, G2, G3  :sheepish:
Collection formed mostly on bait or future restorations
Likes vintage :) Likes the shows :) Likes some of the games!

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