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Messages - Nilenna

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Added 8 more ponies. :bumping:

It's been a while since I've visited mlp arena now.. so it was about time! :D Still got some ponies for sale!  ^.^

Pony Corral / Re: Sunshine pony poll
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:58:22 AM »
If I have to choose one, Sand Digger.  ^.^ But I really love Mainsail and Seaflower too!   :biggrin:

Added som more ponies.  :lol:

*bump*  ^.^

Later today I'll add some more g1 and g2 ponies for sale. Some of the g2 also got the playset that goes with it.   ^.^  Stay tuned!  :satisfied:

Okay, thank you!!  ^.^  What if I have the playset that goes with some of the ponies? Then is it worth more? For example I got the canopy bed that goes with Light Heart..  :)

Post Merge: June 15, 2015, 03:07:00 AM

Here are some more pictures of the playsets I've got. :)

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And these I'm not sure who belongs to... anyone? :) It says Hasbro on it, except on the blue one.
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Also if anyone's interested, please send me a personal message. :)

Post Merge: June 15, 2015, 03:09:36 AM

Oh, and the Ivy pony I've got is the basket surprise pony. With ivy leaves inside a big green leaf!  ^.^

I just got some g2 ponies.  :) But I don't know much about these. Can anyone help me.  :lookround:  Is there UK/Europe ponies of g2, just like g1 or maybe not?

What are these worth?

Thank you!!  :lol:

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I like all of them! But maybe Bluberry basket is my favourite..  :lol: I still don't have Boysenberry Pie and Cherry Treats though.. :/

MLP Nirvana / Re: Glow in the dark princess PC
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:38:49 AM »
I don't think I've seen this pony before. She's lovely!  ^.^

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