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Author Topic: The MLP Enterplay FiM Trading Card Trading Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo  (Read 95951 times)

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Hey there everyone! Dragonflitter, who was kind enough to play host to our card-trading shenanigans for such a long time has found herself needing her trade thread, so welcome to the new trading card post! Post lists of what cards you're looking for and what cards you have to trade and find some folks to trade cards with!

For example, here's my list of my needed cards and the ones I have to trade!

Series 2
Cards Needed

Regular Set
None! Completed!

Inanimate Objects
None! Completed!

Equestrian Magic
None! Completed!

Moments of Friendship
None! Completed!



Filly Foils
None! Completed!

Parallel Foils
F07 - Twilight Sparkle: Student
F08 - Pinkie Pie: Party Pony!
F10 - Applejack: Apple Farmer
F11 - Rarity: Seamstress
F15 - Apple Bloom
F17 - Sweetie Belle
F18 - Discord

Crystal Empire Puzzle
F21 - Pinkie Pie
F23 - Rarity
F25 - Fluttershy
F27 - Applejack

Princess Twilight Puzzle
F29 - Charity
F30 - Compassion
F31 - Devotion
F32 - Integrity
F33 - Optimism
F34 - Leadership

Special Foil Cards
F36 - Unknown
F37 - Rainbow Dash
F38 - Unknown
F40 - Unnamed (Drama Pony)
F41 - DJ-Pon3
F43 - Unknown
F44 - Unknown


Gold Foils

Standard Gold Foils
G1 - Princess Celestia
G3 - Princess Cadance

Box Topper Gold Foils
G5 - King Sombra
G6 - Discord & Fluttershy
G7 - Trixie
G8 - Timberwolves



Standard Stickers
S07 - Dorkin' Up The Skies Since 2010
S08 - Harmony
S09 - Have Tuba. Will Travel.

Foil Stickers
S10 - Rainbow Dash
S11 - Twilight Sparkle
S12 - Fluttershy
S13 - Pinkie Pie
S14 - Rarity
S15 - Applejack


None! Completed!


Available for Trade

Regular Set
05 - Rarity: Seamstress
16 - The Flower Ponies
22 - Pipsqueak
29 - The Olden Pony
37 - Berry Punch

Inanimate Objects
43 - Smarty Pants
44 - Mr. Turnip

Equestrian Magic
51 - Alicorn Amulet
55 - Love Poison
56 - Starswirl's Time Travel Spell x2

Moments of Friendship
65 - More Gabby Gums!
79 - I Just Can't Decide!
82 - Sweet Apple Memories


F2- Filly Rarity

Promo Foils
F42 - Princess Twilight Sparkle - Bronycon 2013 Exclusive!




S2 - Changelings!
S4 - Nightmare Moon


PM Me if you'd like to make a trade, and ask about S1 trades! I'm more than happy to trade or sell my S1 cards for any other S1 or S2 cards!

Happy Trading!
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 11:05:47 AM by Aquatice »

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« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 08:51:34 AM by Rarity Fan »


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Thanks for starting the new thread! Hopefully it'll be as popular as Dragonflitter's original!

( Edit on 1/5 ) : I'm now down to needing just one gold and two promos, and I have a possible trade in progress for that last gold.
So, aside from that gold, all I need now are promos.

(By the way, I'm not looking to sell my promos at the moment, since the prices are hard to estimate. I might change my mind later though)

Here's my list:

Cards I need:

Gold Series
G3 - Princess Cadance (might be getting)

Convention Promos
F37 - Rainbow Dash
F40 - Rarity

Cards I have for trade:

Base Set
#2 - Rarity
#3 - Fluttershy
#5 - Pinkie Pie
#12 - Sweetie Belle
#15 - Granny Smith
#18 - Zecora
#19 - Snips & Snails
#20 - The Cakes
#21 - Braeburn
#27 - DJ Pon-3 & Octavia
#28 - Mare Do Well & Daring Do
#30 - Prince Blueblood
#34 - Sea Serpent
#38 - Winona
#40 - Angel
#41 - Gummy
#42 - Tank
#44 - Peewee

Moments of Friendship
#45 - A Sonic Rainboom!
#47 - A Party of One?
#49 - "Chaos is a Wonderful Thing."
#57 - Slumber Party 101
#59 - Meet the Apple Family
#61 - "Hush Now Quiet Now"
#63 - Crazy Cutie Pox!
#65 - The Green-eyed Monster
#68 - The Flight of Rarity
#72 - "I really AM a doormat"

#73 - Everfree Forest
#74 - Sugarcube Corner
#75 - Cloudsdale
#76 - Crusaders Clubhouse
#77 - Ponyville Schoolhouse
#78 - Golden Oaks Library
#79 - Sweet Apple Acres
#80 - Carousel Boutique
#81 - Day Spa
#82 - Canterlot
#83 - AppleLoosa
#84 - Fluttershy's Cottage

F15 - Royal Wedding Shining Armor

#1 Applejack
#3 Pinkie Pie
#4 Twilight Sparkle
#6 Fluttershy
#7 Sweetie Belle
#8 Scootaloo
#9 Apple Bloom

Promo Foils:
F35 - Applejack (x2)
F38 - Fluttershy (x2)
F41 - "Special Pony" (x1)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 02:06:32 PM by Bread »

Offline shottsy85

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« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2012, 12:12:32 PM »
I no longer need any trades, so I am now selling everything on this list. I am going off of what they are worth from my research and selling them a bit cheaper for this forum. Please PM me if interested in any of the cards I have listed below.

Please Note:
*After a Mishap with some rare 1st edition foil cards someone had purchased getting lost in the mail, and I having to take the loss and send them something else, (which they graciously accepted, and were kind of enough to still give me good feedback, thanks so much!), Be aware that I no longer use regular mail to mail out any of my cards unless the total value of the cards is less than 5.00. Over 5.00 value I will only send them in a flat rate small box that can be tracked! It is safe for the buyer and me as the seller this way. It also ensures the card's safety to make sure they aren't likely to get crushed, or damaged. All Sales will therefore have a 5.15 shipping charge. Thank you for your understanding! All of my cards are still packed in top loaders and card sleeves within the package for extra safety. *

(I am currently redoing all of my inventory. Here is my current list of second printings I have up for sale. My 1st editions will be posted shortly along with a more extensive list of all of my foils. If you have any further questions or would like to request pics please PM me and we can work something out. Also have some autographed special cards I will be listing here soon, so keep checking back!)

What I have:


1. Twilight - .50
2. Rarity - .50
3. Fluttershy - .50
4. Applejack - .50
5. Pinkie-Pie - .50
6. Rainbow Dash - .50
7. Spike - .50
8. Princess Celestia - 1.75
9. Princess Luna - 2.75
10. Apple Bloom - .25
11. Scootaloo - .50
12. Sweetie Belle - .50
13. Princess Cadance - 2.50
14. Shining Armor - 4.75
15. Granny Smith - .25
16. Cheerilee - .25
17. Big Macintosh - .50
18. Zecora - .25
19. Snips and Snails - .25
20. The Cakes - .50
21. Braeburn - .50
22. The Wonderbolts - .50
23. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara - .25
24. Hoity Toity and Photo Finish - .50
25. Mayor Mare and Time Turner - .50
26. Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda - .25
27. DJ PON-3 and Octavia - .75
28. Mare Do Well and Darin Do - .50
29. Golden Harvest and Lyra Heartstrings - .50
30. Prince Blueblood - .25


31.Nightmare Moon  - 3.50
32. Discord - 3.50
33. Queen Chrysalis - 5.00
34. Sea Serpent - .25
35. Gilda - .50
36. The Great and Powerful Trixie - .50


37. Owlowiscious - .25
38. Winona - .25
39. Opalescence - .25
40. Angel - .50
41. Gummy - .25
42. Tank - .25
43. Philomena - .25
44. Peewee - .25

Scene Cards:

45. A Sonic Rainboom! - .25
46. Vanquishing the Ursa Minor - 1.50
47. A Party of One? - .25
48. "Come On Smile!" 2.50
49. "Chaos is a wonderful thing." - .50
50. "Worst. Companion. EVER"-1.50
51.Parasprites Eat Ponyville - .25
52. Best.. Comedy Act? - 1.50
53. Another Day, Another Dungeon - 1.75
54. "You're not scientifically possible!" - 1.75
55. "My little Spikey Wikey!" - .25
56. Best. Wedding. EVER. - 1.50
57. Slumber Party 101 - .25
58. Pony Without a Team - 2.50
59. Meet the Apple Family! - .25
60. Nightmare Night Indeed! - 1.00
61. "Hush Now Quiet Now" - .25
62. Curse of the Evil Enchantress - 1.75
63. Crazy Cutie Pox! - .25
64. "I hate being a model" - 1.50
65. The Green-Eyed Monster - .25
66. The Big Doozy - 2.00
67. A Very Special Somepony - .75
68. The Flight of Rarity - .25
69. Into the Dragon's Lair - 2.75
70. Elements of a Good Cheer - 1.50
71. Iron Pony Competition - .25
72. "I really AM a doormat" - 1.50

Locations: (Multiple Copies of All without codes.)

73. Everfree Forest - .10
74. Sugarcube Corner - .10
75. Cloudsdale - .10
76. Crusaders Clubhouse - .10
77. Ponyville Schoolhouse - .10
78. Golden Oaks Library - .10
79. Sweet Apple Acres - .10
80. Carousel Boutique - .10
81. Day Spa - .10
82. Canterlot - .10
83. Appleloosa - .10
84. Fluttershy's Cottage - .10


(All of the 1st edition and 2nd edition puzzle set Foils seem to have no differences from what I can tell. They are still separated just because I have kept all of my first printings I ever bought together, but I will be listing those probably the same as the 2nd editions. Only the Parallel Character Foils, have differentiating differences between the 1st and 2nd editions, and will have separate pricing once posted.)

Elements of Harmony:
F1 Applejack-Honesty - 8.00
F2 Fluttershy-Kindness - 8.75
F6 Twilight Sparkle-Magic - 6.50

Royal Wedding:
F7. Applejack - 5.50
F8. Twilight Sparkle- 6.75
F9. Pinkie Pie - 5.75
F11. Rarity - 5.50
F15. Shining Armor-5.75

Reg Foils:

F17. Pinkie Pie - 4.75
F18 Rainbow Dash - 5.00
F20. Twilight Sparkle - 5.50
F21. Fluttershy - 10.00
F25 Spike - 5.00
F26. Zecora - 4.00
F28. Cheerilee - 4.50

(Multiples of All)
1. Applejack - .50
2. Rainbow Dash - .50
3. Pinkie Pie - .50
4. Twilight Sparkle - .50
5. Rarity - .50
6. Fluttershy  - .50
7. Sweetie Belle - 50
8. Scootaloo - .50
9. Applebloom - .50

1. Fluttershy's Cutie Mark - .50
2. Pinkie Pie's Cutie Mark - .50
3. Applejack's Cutie Mark - .50
4. Princess Celestia's Cutie Mark - .50
5. Luna's Cutie Mark - .50
6. Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark - .50
7. Rarity's Cutie Mark - .50
8. Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark - .50
9.Rainbow Dash and Applejack - .50
10. Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle - .50
11. Card Temporary Tattoo #11 Rarity and Pinkie Pie - .50
12.Fluttershy and The Cutie Mark Crusaders - .50


(I have 2 complete sets for my boyfriend and I including all released promo cards EXCEPT F40 Rarity!!)

NEED F40 Rarity Promo Card!!

I have extra promo card Fluttershy, Applejack, and plenty of :muffin: Ponies if anyone has a F40 Rarity that they are willing to part with, I would even trade a promo, plus some foils, or have some autographed cards that can be discussed, and pay some of the difference. It is the last one I need so far for my complete set!
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 11:55:39 AM by shottsy85 »


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Since Series 2 is out now, of course I need to collect them all! lol So heres what I have for trading. I will usually only do foil for foil and regular card for regular card. Worst case, send me a message and maybe we can work something out. :3 I'm leaving Series 1 here also in case you still need Series 1. I don't mind trading a Series 1 for a Series 2..

Series 2:
What I Have To TRADE:

Tattoos - All of them
Foil Stickers - Rainbow Dash & Applejack & Twilight Sparkle
Sticker - S2 - Never Judge a Book

1 - Twilight Sparkle
2 - Pinkie Pie
3 - Rainbow Dash
4 - Apple Jack
5 - Rarity
6 - Fluttershy
7 - Spike
8 - Apple Bloom
10 - Scootaloo
11 - Princess Celestia & Princess Luna
13 - Babs Seed
14 - Crackle
16 - The Flower Ponies
17 - Flitter & Cloud Chaser
18 - Auntie Applesauce & Apple Rose
19 - Little Strongheart & Chief Thunderhooves
20 - Joe
22 - Pipsqueak
24 - Jet Set & Upper Crust
23 - Sapphire Shores
25 - Filthy Rich
26 - Granny Smith & Filthy Rich
28 - King Sombra
29 - Olden Pony
30 - Lightning Dust
31 - Timberwolves
33 - Diamond Dogs
34 - Flim Flam Brothers
35 - Ahuizotl
37 - Berry Punch
38 - Aloe & Lotus
39 - Minuette
40 - Untitled
41 - Bloomberg
42 - Tom
43 - Smarty Pants
44 - Mr Turnip
45 - Rocky
46 - Sir Lintsalot
47 - Madame LeFlour
48 - Elements of Harmony
49 - The Crystal Heart
50 - Mirror Pool
51 - Alicorn Amulet
52 - Starswirl the Beardeds Book
53 - Poison Joke
54 - Zap Apples
55 - Love Poison
56 - Starswirl's Time Travel Spell
57 - Seeds of Truth
58 - The Fire of Friendship
59 - Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
60 - The Three Strikes
61 - Stitch By Stitch
63 - Clock Is Ticking
64 - Buzz Off!
65 - More Gabby Gums
66 - The Stare Master
69 - Unlearn what You have Learned
70 - Face Your Fears
72 - You're A Leader
73 - Raise This Barn
75 - Thats What Friends Do
76 - Spikes Got It All Under Control
77 - Becoming Popular
78 - 800 Wing Power
79 - I Just Can't Decide
80 - Fancy mathematics
81 - A Bad, Bad Seed
82 - Sweet Apple Memories

F1 - Twilight Sparkle Filly
F5 - Fluttershy Filly
F8 - Pinkie Pie (Foil Parallel)
F10 - AppleJack (Foil Parallel)
F11 - Rarity (Foil Parallel)
F12 -Fluttershy (Foil Parallel)
F13 - Spike (Foil Parallel)
F14 - Princess Celestia & Princess Luna (Foil Parallel)
F16 - Scootaloo (Foil Parallel)

Crystal Empire Puzzle
F21 - Pinkie Pie
F20 - Princess Cadance
F27 - Applejack


Series 1:
What I Have to TRADE
Standees - ALL
Tattoos - ALL
Locations - ALL
Regulars (to Save space)
1-11, 16, 18-20, 28-30, 33-34, 36, 38-44

45. A sonic Rainboom
46. Vanquishing the Ursa Minor
47. A Party Of One
49. Chaos is a Wonderful Thing
51. Parasprites Eat Ponyville
55. My Little Spikey Wikey
57. Slumber Party 101
58. Pony Without A Team
59. Meet The Apple Family
61. Hush Now Quiet Now
62. Curse of the Evil Enchantress
64. I hate being a model
68. The Flight of Rarity
69. Into the Dragons Lair
71. Iron Pony Competition

Foils -
F17 - Pinkie Pie
F22 - Scootaloo

Puzzle B - Royal Wedding
#5 - Rarity
#4 - Rainbow Dash

What I NEED:
#F6 - AppleJack (Filly)
F28. Spike Crystal Empire

G2. Princess Luna

I'd be willing to trade multiple foils for a gold or buying them from you.  :lol:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 02:44:43 PM by powergirl0214 »

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Thanks for opening a new one!!

I have finished my base set and only need gold and promos now! But I am more than willing to sell my extras!! I will sell foils for $2 each. Base cards for $0.50. Plus a dollar for shipping. Here they are:

F5 - EoH Rainbow Dash
F7 - Royal Wedding Applejack
F14 - Royal Wedding Cadance
F15 - Royal Wedding Shining Armor
F19 - Rarity parelell
F26 - Zecora paralell


I have extras of all, just ask!


4 - Twilight Sparkle
5 - Rarity
6 - Fluttershy (x2)
7 - Sweetie Belle (x3)
8 - Scootaloo


45 - A sonic rainboom (x2)
47 - A party of one
51 - parasprites eat ponyville
52 - best...comedy act?
55 - my little spikey wikey
58 - pony without a team
59 - meet the apple family (x3)
60 - nightmare night indeed
61 - hush now quiet now
63 - crazy cutie pox
64 - i hate being a model
65 - the green eyed monster (x2)
66 - the big doozy


37 - Owlowiscious
41 - gummy
42 - Tank (this is a first run with pinkie pie shown as owner)
43 - Philomena
44 - Peewee (x2)


1 - Twilight Sparkle
2 - Rarity (x2)
3 - Fluttershy
4 - Applejack (x2)
5 - Pinkie Pie (x2)
6 - Rainbow Dash
7 - Spike (x4)
9 - Princess Luna
10 - Applebloom (x2)
11 - Scootaloo (x4)
12 - Sweetie Belle
15 - Granny Smith
16 - Cheerilee (x2)
18 - Zecora
19 - Snips and Snails (x2)
21 - Braeburn (x2)
23 - Silver Spoon & Diamond Tiara
25 - Mayor Mare & Time Turner
26 - Cranky Doodle Donkey & Matilda (x2)
27 - DJ Pon 3 & Octavia
29 - Golden Harvest & Lyra Heartstrings (x2)
34 - Sea Serpent (x4)
35 - Gilda
36 - TGPT (x4)


Gold series = all
All but 38 and 39
I am open to any offers!! :]
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 11:30:13 AM by mkia9 »

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I'm gonna update my post ASAP, right now I'm going through my cards and figuring out which ones I still need! :heart: Thanks for making this post for us, Aquatice!

EDIT: I finally got my list finalized! Here we go!!

Hi everyone! I am currently only looking to trade my extras, but if no one is interested, I will sell! :) I'm wanting to trade 'like for like' - as in, I won't trade a foil for a non-foil, but I'm happy to trade my locations for non-locations, ditto for tattoos and standees! I'd love to hear multi-card requests, but please don't think I'm mean if I turn down your offers. Similarly, I'm also happy to trade multiple "normal" cards for foils!

I'd also ask that, if you have fewer feedback than I do, you send first - I'm happy to pay my own shipping (a stamp, lol!), but I won't send first to someone with no feedback. Thanks for reading!



Gold Foils:
G1 Princess Celestia
G2 Princess Luna
G5 Princess Mi Amore Cadenza
G6 Discord
G7 Nightmare Moon

Royal Wedding Foils:

F10 Rainbow Dash Puzzle B: 4 of 9
F13 Princess Celestia Puzzle B: 7 of 9

Elements of Harmony Foils:

Regular Foils:
F16 Applejack
F22 Scootaloo
F28 Cheerilee


F20 Twilight Sparkle x2
F21 Fluttershy

2/9 Twilight Sparkle

#2 Rarity
#3 Fluttershy
#4 Applejack
#7 Spike x2
#8 Celestia
#10 Apple Bloom x3
#11 Scootaloo
#12 Sweetie Belle
#15 Granny Smith x2
#17 Big Macintosh
#18 Zecora
#19 Snips and Snails
#21 Braeburn
#22 The Wonderbolts
#26 Cranky Doodle Donkey & Matilda x3
#27 DJ Pon-3 and Octavia x2
#29 Golden Harvest/Lyra Heartstrings
#34 Sea Serpent

#37 Owlowiscious x2
#38 Winona
#40 Angel x3
#42 Tank
#43 Philomena
#44 Peewee

#47 A Party of One?
#51 Parasprites Eat Ponyville
#53 Another Day, Another Dungeon
#55 My Little Spikey Wikey
#59 Meet the Apple Family
#61 Hush Now, Quiet Now x3
#62 Curse of the Evil Enchantress
#63 Crazy Cutie Pox x2
#64 “I Hate Being A Model”
#65 The Green Eyed Monster
#68 The Flight of Rarity
#71 Iron Pony Competition x2
#72 “I Really AM a Doormat.”

#74 Sugarcube Corner x5
#75 Cloudsdale
#76 Crusaders Clubhouse x2
#77 Ponyville Schoolhouse x3
#78 Golden Oaks Library x2
#79 Sweet Apple Acres x5
#80 Carousel Boutique x2
#81 Day Spa x2
#82 Canterlot x2
#84 Fluttershy’s Cottage x3

#1 Applejack
#3 Pinkie Pie x2
#4 Twilight Sparkle x2
#5 Rarity x2
#6 Fluttershy
#8 Scootaloo
#9 Apple Bloom x2

#1 Fluttershy x2
#2 Pinkie Pie x3
#3 Applejack x2
#4 Princess Celestia x4
#5 Princess Luna
#6 Rainbow Dash
#7 Rarity
#8 Twilight Sparkle
#9 Applejack/Rainbow Dash
#11 Pinkie Pie/Rarity
#12 Fluttershy/Cutie Mark Crusaders x2
And even more, so if you don’t see the sick tatts you want, drop me a line, I’ll take a look!


#2 Pinkie Pie
#4 Applejack
#8 Apple Bloom
#10 Scootaloo
#11 Celestia and Luna
#16 The Flower Ponies
#17 Flitter and Cloudchaser
#22 Pipsqueak
#28 King Sombra
#35 Ahuizotl
#37 Berry Punch
#38 Aloe and Lotus
#40 (on hold)
#43 Smartypants
#47 Madame Le Flour
#48 Elements of Harmony x2
#49 The Crystal Heart x2
#50 Mirror Pool x2
#51 Alicorn Amulet
#52 Starswirl the Bearded's Book
#53 Poison Joke x2
#54 Zap Apples
#55 Love Poison
#56 Starswirl's Time Travel Spell x2
#57 Seeds of Truth x2
#58 The Fire of Friendship x2
#61 Stitch By Stitch
#63 Clock... is TICKING!
#66 The Stare Master
#67 Behold, the Crystal Princess!
#70 Face Your Fears
#72 You're a Leader
#76 Spike's Got it All Under Control!
#78 Eight Hundred Wing Power!
#79 I Just Can't Decide!
#81 A Bad, Bad Seed!
#82 Sweet Apple Memories

And I have these extra tattoos:
#1 x2
#2 x2
#3 x2
#4 x2
#5 x2
#6 x2
#7 x3
#8 x3
#9 x3

F 12
(is there anything beyond 27? If so, I need those too. xD)

Non foils:

Standee #2

Aaaaand of course some gold foils, but I have no extras to trade, so!

UPDATED as of May 18th!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 09:59:43 PM by Snapdragon »
Commissions and sales are currently closed due to pandemic.~*~Sales!~*~Want List ~*~JAFFACAKE!


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Aquatice are you even old enough to have seen Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo?  I love the cheesy 80's movies, just rewatched James Spader's gem "Tuff Turf" but I digress.

At the moment I have 4 gold cards available for sale.

G2 Princess Luna sold
G7 Nightmare Moon $15.00

G5 Gold Cadenza
G8 Gold Chrysalis

Pm me if you are interested in one or all.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 03:30:16 PM by pallas »


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Re: The MLP Enterplay FiM Trading Card Trading Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2012, 09:06:10 PM »
Aquatice are you even old enough to have seen Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo?  I love the cheesy '80's movies, just rewatched James Spader's gem "Tuff Turf" but I digress.

At the moment I have two gold cards available for sale or swap.

Gold Cadance
Gold Cadenza

It's on my list! I've liked the cheesy 80s movies I've seen so far, and then there's the really good 80s movies! My parents wouldn't let me into the 90s before I learned about the 80s! (I've been watching M.A.S.H. as long as I can remember, and that's from the 70s!) And thank you everyone, hopefully we can bring this thread to where it was in Dragonflitter's!

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Re: The MLP Enterplay FiM Trading Card Trading Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2012, 10:50:54 AM »
**List IS CURRENT as of 10-26-13!**

This is for my Series 1 cards.  If you are looking for Series 2 cards, my list of those is here:,329545.msg758720.html#msg758720

I'd love to sell my extras as well to get them out of here.  PM me if I have one you need!  I'll make you a wonderful deal on multiple cards!  I just want them gone, lol.

Here is the list of Series 1 that I NEED:



Sweetie Belle x3
Applejack x1
Rarity x1

4. Applejack x5
7. Spike x2
9. Princess Luna  ($1 if buying, it seems to be harder to find)
10. Applebloom x2
11. Scootaloo x2
13. Princess Cadance
15. Granny Smith
17. Big Macintosh
18. Zecora
19. Snips & Snails
22. Spitfire & Soarin'
23. Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon x2
26. Cranky Doodle Donkey & Matilda x2 
27. DJ Pon-3 & Octavia
28. Mare Do Well & Daring Do
29. Golden Harvest & Lyra Heartstrings x3
34. Sea Serpent x2
35. Gilda x2
36. Trixie
39. Opalescence x2
40. Angel x2
42. Tank
43. Philomena x4

Scene Cards:
45. A Sonic Rainboom! x3
47. A Party of One?
49. "Chaos is a Wonderful Thing!"
50. Worst. Companion. EVER.
51. Parasprites Eat Ponyville
55. "My Little Spikey Wikey!"   
56. Best. Wedding. EVER
57. Slumber Party 101
59. Meet the Apple Family!
61. "Hush Now Quiet Now" x2
64. "I Hate Being a Model"
65. The Green-Eyed Monster
68. The Flight of Rarity
69. Into the Dragon's Lair
71. Iron Pony Competition

Locations: (codes used!)
73. Everfree Forest x6
75. Cloudsdale x4
76. Crusaders Clubhouse x6
77. Ponyville Schoolhouse x8
78. Golden Oaks Library x2
79. Sweet Apple Acres
81. Day Spa x1
82. Canterlot x6
83. Appleloosa x4
84. Fluttershy's Cottage x3


F1. Applejack EoH Honesty  $3
F7. Applejack RW  $2
F19. Rarity  $2
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 01:20:40 AM by tiggerkitn25 »
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Re: The MLP Enterplay FiM Trading Card Trading Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2012, 08:48:57 PM »
list updated 1/19/13

First off, thank you for making a new card trading thread, Aquatice!

I finally have a decent enough amount of extras that I got everything listed up. I would love to hear from anyone who would like to trade, even if it's just a card or two!  :heart:  I'm pretty chill when it comes to trading, just PM me if you're interested in any of my doubles and I'm sure we can work out something.  ^.^  I would be happy to trade multiple regular cards for the foils I need.

And just a heads up, the foils I have in my wanted section are mostly for my own records.  I have a modest amount of foils in my collection and only a few to trade - I'm just trying to keep track of everything in one spot, not expecting to be offered any rare foils for what I have.  :P


13 - princess cadence
31 - nightmare moon
52 - best... comedy act?
60 - nightmare night indeed!
64 - "I hate being a model"
67 - a very special somepony
69 - into the dragons lair
*elements of harmony*
F1 - applejack ~ honesty
F5 - rainbow dash ~ loyalty
F6 - twilight sparkle ~ magic
*royal wedding*
F7 - applejack
F11 - rarity
F12 - fluttershy
F14 - princess cadance
F15 - shining armor
*foil parallel cards*
F18 - rainbow dash
F19 - rarity
F20 - twilight sparkle
F21 - fluttershy
F25 - spike
F26 - zecora
F28 - cheerilee
*discord set*
F29 - twilight sparkle in chaos!
F30 - pinkie pie in chaos!
F31 - "loyalty shmoyalty."
F32 - rarity meets 'tom'
F33 - arrivederci, fluttershy!
F34 - applejack in chaos!
*special foils*
F35 - applejack (canterlot gardens promo)
F36 - pinkie pie (unreleased promo)
F37 - rainbow dash (SDCC exclusive)
F39 - twilight sparkle (collector's tin)
F40 - rarity (bronycon exclusive)
F41 - "I just don't know what went wrong" (NYCC promo)
F42 - DJ PON-3/octavia (HT collectors box)
F43 - untitled (DH)

*GOLD series*
G1 - princess celestia
G3 - princess cadance
G4 - twilight sparkle
*GOLD series box toppers*
G5 - princess mi amore cadenza
G6 - discord
G7 - nightmare moon
G8 - queen chrysalis


4 - applejack
5 - pinkie pie (x3)
7 - spike
8 - princess celestia
10 - apple bloom
12 - sweetie belle trading
15 - granny smith
16 - cheerilee
17 - big macintosh
22 - the wonderbolts trading
23 - diamond tiara & silver spoon
26 - cranky doodle donkey & matilda (x2)
27 - dj pon-3 & octavia (x3)
29 - golden harvest & lyra heartstrings (x3)
30 - prince blueblood (x5)
34 - sea serpent (x2)
36 - the great & powerful trixie (x2)
37 - owlowiscious (x2)
39 - opalescence (x2)
41 - gummy
44 - peewee (x2)
47 - a party of one? (x2)
49 - "chaos is a wonderful things"
50 - worst.  companion. EVER. trading
57 - slumber party 101 (x3)
59 - meet the apple family! (x2)
63 - crazy cutie pox!
65 - the green-eyed monster
68 - the flight of rarity (x2)
71 - iron pony competition
LOCATION (all codes used)
73 - everfree forest
74 - sugarcube corner (x4)
75 - cloudsdale
77 - ponyville schoolhouse
79 - sweet apple acres (x3)
80 - carousel boutique (x2)
81 - day spa (x3)
82 - canterlot (x3)
83 - appleloosa
84 - fluttershy's cottage (x4)
extras of all, just ask
1 - applejack
3 - pinkie pie
4 - twilight sparkle (x2)
5 - rarity (x2)
7 - sweetie bell (x2)
8 - scootaloo (x2)
9 - applebloom (x4)
*elements of harmony*
F2 - fluttershy ~ kindness trading
F3 - pinkie pie ~ laughter trading
F4 - rarity ~ generosity trading
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 03:54:35 AM by agnusdei »

Offline melipuffles

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Re: The MLP Enterplay FiM Trading Card Trading Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2012, 11:24:02 AM »
I have quite a few cards up for sale now!

Cards are:
PLAIN FOILS $3.00/ea:
Foil Rarity
Foil Zecora
Foil Granny Smith x2


Rarity-Generosity: $5.00
Rainbow Dash- Loyalty: $5.00

Too many to list just ask! Pricing varies!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 12:42:33 PM by melipuffles »


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Re: The MLP Enterplay FiM Trading Card Trading Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2012, 07:30:06 PM »

8 Princess Celestia
14 Shining Armor
15 Granny Smith
32 Discord
36 The Great and Powerful Trixie
56 Best. Wedding. EVER
60 Nightmare Night Indeed!

ALL foils except F8, F3, F19, F14, F20, and F38

ALL golds


74 Sugarcube Corner
21 Braeburn
75 Cloudsdale
68 The Flight of Rarity
1 Twilight Sparkle
43 Philomena
22 The Wonderbolts
57 Slumber Party 101
81 Day Spa
12 Sweetie Belle
10 Apple Bloom
82 Canterlot
54 "You're not scientifically possible!"

Standees 7

« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 07:07:10 AM by Argentum-Zeena »


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Re: The MLP Enterplay FiM Trading Card Trading Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2012, 10:43:27 PM »
Updated 7/8/13


Note: I am also willing to trade custom ponies for cards! Hit up my DA for examples ->

I've got lots of base cards, feel free to message me if you are looking for something specific.

Series 1
-F8 Twilight Sparkle Wedding
-F13 Princess Celestia Wedding
-F18 Rainbow Dash
-F19 Rarity
-F22 Scootaloo
-F27 Granny Smith

Series 2
-F5 Filly Fluttershy
-F10 Applejack
-F11 Rarity
-F18 Discord
-F25 Fluttershy Cadence Puzzle


Series 1
-F39 Twilight Sparkle Promo

Series 2
-F40 Everyone's favorite grey pegasus with the censored name promo


Series 1
-F40 Rarity (trading)

Series 2
-#15 Fancy Pants
-#30 Lightning Dust
-#57 Seeds of Truth
-#67 Behold, the Crystal Princess!
-#68 The Real Pinkie?

Standee #1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9

Sticker #1, 3, 5, 6, 8

-F2 Filly Rarity
-F3 Filly Rainbow Dash
-F7 Twilight Sparkle
-F8 Pinkie Pie
-F9 Rainbow Dash
-F14 Princess Celestia and Luna
-F15 Apple Bloom
-F16 Scootaloo
-F17 Sweetie Belle
-F19 King Sombra
-F21 Pinkie Pie Cadence Puzzle
-F22 Twilight Sparkle Cadence Puzzle
-F23 Rarity Cadence Puzzle
-F26 Shining Armor Cadence Puzzle
-F27 Applejack Cadence Puzzle
-F28 Spike Cadence Puzzle

-G1 Princess Celestia
-G2 Princess Luna
-G3 Princess Cadence
-G5 King Sombra
-G6 Discord
-G7 The Great & Apologetic Trixie

« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 01:53:09 PM by StealthClaw »

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Re: The MLP Enterplay FiM Trading Card Trading Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2012, 08:56:15 PM »
I'd rather trade, but will also buy wanted cards! Will also sell cards for 25 cents each. I can include Standees, Location cards, and Tattoos for free. I would also trade multiple commons for a foil (I know it's a longshot).

Available For Trade
1   Twilight Sparkle
3   Fluttershy
4   Applejack
6   Rainbow Dash
10   Apple Bloom
11   Scootaloo
16   Cheerilee
18   Zecora (2)
22   The Wonderbolts
25   Mayor Mare & Time Turner
27   DJ Pon-3 and Octavia (2)
34   Sea Serpent
35   Gilda
42   Tank (2)
43   Philomena
44   Peewee (2)

47   Party of One?
49   Chaos is a wonderful thing
51   Parasprites Eat Ponyville
56   Best, Wedding, EVER
57   Slumber Party 101
59   Meet the Apple Family!
61   Hush Now Quiet Now
62   Curse of the Evil Enchantress
64   I hate being a model
65   The Green-eyed Monster

74   Sugarcube Corner (4)
75   Cloudsdale (2)
76   Crusaders Clubhouse
77   Ponyville Schoolhouse
79   Sweet Apple Acres (2)
81   Day Spa
82   Canterlot
84   Fluttershy's Cottage

S2 Rainbow Dash (2)
S3 Pinkie Pie
S5 Rarity

Basic Cards I Need
13   Princess Cadance
14   Shining Armor
52   Best... Comedy Act?
53   Another Day, Another Dungeon
58   Pony Without a Team
67   A very special somepony
69   Into the Dragon's Lair
72   I really am a doormat.

Standees I Need
S6 Fluttershy
S8 Scootaloo

Foils I Need

Elements of Harmony #F5 Rainbow Dash -Loyalty
Elements of Harmony #F6 Twilight Sparkle - Magic
Canterlot Wedding #F7 Applejack
Canterlot Wedding #F8 Twilight Sparkle
Canterlot Wedding #F14 Princess Cadance
Canterlot Wedding #F15 Shining Armor
F17   Pinkie Pie
F19   Rarity
F24   Apple Bloom
F25   Spike
F26   Zecora
F27   Granny Smith
F28   Cheerilee
G1   Princess Celestia
G2   Princess Luna
G3   Princess Cadance
G5   Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?
G6   Discord
G7   Nightmare Moon
G8   Queen Chrysalis
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