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Messages - Ponytails

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I'm in!

Age: 29
Height: 5'6"
Weight:  227 lbs

Measurements using tape measure - 
Waist: 44"
Hips:  48"

What is your goal weight?  I'm not sure.....being under 200 is a start, I'd love to get down to 160lbs BUT realistically 180lbs is about right for me
2.) What are your goal inches? not sure exactly, I'd like to fit into a size 10 jeans and wear large T-shirts again though (US sizing)
3.) What habits do you want to break? Snacking on junk, not exercizing, poor eating habits in general
4.) What habits do you want to develop?  making better food choices conciously, exercising regularly

1.) What program will you be following (this is important, you need a PLAN for success, so be detailed)?  This includes how many days per week you are exercising... how many minutes/hour(s) you are exercising that day... WHAT type of exercising you are doing... etc.

Mon: 5 min warm up on eliptical, 20 mins concentrating on back/biceps on machines, 20 min cardio eliptical
Wed: 5 min warm up on bike, 20 mins concentrating on legs/abs on machines, 20 min cardio bike
Fri: 5 min warm up on eliptical, 20 mins concentrating on chest/triceps on machines, 20 min cardio eliptical
-walking at least a mile on 3 of the other days
-Increase cardio on bike and eliptical by the end of February 2012
*My husband and I are doing this together, we started Jan 2 2012, we go together to the gym in the morning before we go to work*

2.) What steps are you going to take to improve your nutrition?
Planning meals for the week on Sunday and writing them down
ONLY eating out ONCE per week
NO fast food (McD, Wendy, Taco Bell, BK, etc)
Carefully planning breakfast, lunch, and 2  healthy "snack" times throughout my day
Making better choices when we do eat out
Always drinking a glass or bottle of water before my snack or meal
I get "1" soda PER day, no exceptions, otherwise water, and 50/50 juice only

WHY: What are your reasons for wanting to get into better shape and play with us in this journey?
I NEED to get into better shape in general.  I feel so overweight and bloated and I HURT in my joints from it.  I also hate how exhusted I get running after the kids at work (I teach preschool).  I want to feel good and look good again.  Also, at the end of 2012 my husband and I are planning a trip to Australia, and I want to be able to do fun stuff like snorkeling without being exahusted.  Finally, I want to be in shape when we do decide to have a family (within the next 2 years).  My family has a history of being overweight as we get older, and developing diabetes, and all sorts of other ailments.  I also know that being in better shape will help my migraines.

Off Topic / Re: Skyrim MLP
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:41:07 PM »
Very cool!  There's also a RD one to watch with a neat metal+MLP song.

Tenar, who's the uni in your avvie?  I KNOW that uni from SOMEWHERE. . . . ???

Off Topic / Re: Curious: how did you choose your user name?
« on: January 21, 2012, 05:21:45 PM »
When I was at pony camp over the summer (many summers actually) my nickname was "Ponytails."  It started out because my hair was always in a ponytail AND I was the best at briading the manes and tails of our horses and ponies.  I liked it, and it stuck.  When I was old enough to get email and go online I was surprised no one else seemed to use that name.  So, I kept it and have used it ever since.  It suits me still.  I did not get a persona pony designed for it till 3 years ago though, despite having the nickname for quite longer then that AND being on the pony-boards longer then that.

Pony Corral / Re: G4 Keychains
« on: January 19, 2012, 07:38:03 PM »
All my local TRUs AND Stop 'N Shops (a local grocery store) have them still. LMK if you're still needing them and I can get them for you.

Off Topic / Re: Beauty & The Beast 3D!
« on: January 16, 2012, 07:57:43 AM »
I never go see the 3D release of it b/c its a trigger for my migraines.  BUT it's really great to see older disney movies back in the theater again. 

It was the original film, they did not add the "Human Again" song this time.

And I agre with Tuneful87, The Little Mermaid should be next rather then Finding Nemo!

Off Topic / Re: What are you reading at the moment?
« on: January 15, 2012, 12:41:15 PM »
I'm reading an anthology set in Valdemar, "Inside the Vale and other stores."  Edited by Mercedes Lackey of course.  Loving it, and missing new full-length Valdemar novels.

I remember Animorphs!  I LOVED those books when I was a tween!  The TV series they made out if it though, notsomuch.

Off Topic / Beauty & The Beast 3D!
« on: January 15, 2012, 12:37:30 PM »
So, who went to see the re-release (again) of Beauty & The Beast in the movie theaters this weekend?
Who saw it in 3D?
I am sooooooo happy it was back in the theatres again.  Brings back so many wonderful memories, and it really is a great movie on the big screen.  I did NOT see it in 3D as I get migraines from the 3D, but the 2D was awesome on the big screen again.  Next up is Finding Nemo aparently for the 2D --> 3D re-release.

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