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Messages - xSexyWafflesx

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
The Dollhouse / Re: Trading shoes
« on: February 26, 2013, 01:23:54 PM »
Ended up trading for some shoes that match her new sundress I made her.  :3

Customs / Re: NEW Dollyhair Trade Thread!
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:55:15 PM »
Nope.   :(

The Dollhouse / Trading shoes
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:52:37 PM »
Didn't know Jinafire's shoes wouldn't fit Abbey's big 'ol feet.   :huh:  If maybe you'd like to trade, I'm only looking for heels or sandals that'll fit Abbey.   :blush:

Customs / Re: NEW Dollyhair Trade Thread!
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:38:35 PM »
Does anyone happen to have any spare virgin snow (or another white)? I don't really have anything to trade (unless I have something from your wishlist) so I'll have to buy.

Never mind, got some!
Does anyone have any spare red (any red), though?
I think I have some red.  I'll look after dinner.  Do you have any black magick by chance?

I got mine and I LOVE her!  >w<  I showed her off to everyone I could think of!  I'm shipping out on monday.  Some things came up with the wedding planning, and it was either wedding stuff, or shipping.  So, I had to go with wedding stuff. 

Can I text the pics? 

Just about done.  Gotta finish her tonight.  Then boxed and out by wednesday since I get my tip to pay for shipping on Tuesday.

Update on me.  I have laryngitis, so I haven't been able to do a whole lot but rest.  :(  So, thats why I haven't sent in a pic yet.  Just been to darned tired and sore.  :(   

Crap.  I totally missed the sept 7th check in!  D:>  I'm waiting on my camera I just ordered, so let me see if it comes by the weekend.  If it doesn't, I'll just use my phone.

I just bought more stuff, so more progress for both of us!  I've come a long way since the check in.  Got it almost done.  Just gotta do a few not so...  normal... things to it, then seal it.  XD 

I'm happy with any sealant as long as it's not sticky and stuff.  I prefer matte, but for like blood and stuff, use what's necessary.  ;P

I gotta get more clay.  O.O  I'm goin all out.  I think this is the most I've ever sculpted. 

Can I check in here?  I'm still cutting my bait up.  Slow going.  But, she's getting there.

Prooooocrastinating...  As usual...  >.>

Customs / Re: Do you need whipple?
« on: July 22, 2012, 09:11:49 PM »
It DOES air dry, and I don't have a pic.  I only have one box of pink left.

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