Pony Talk > MLP Nirvana

Your Nirvana wishes for 2024

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Hi ponies,

What are your collecting wishes for 2024?

I would like to add Spanish Tex to my collection or get the pink or blue Argentina rainbow Starbow babies (I kept forgetting to bid on auctions so missed them a couple of times).

Love pkw xxx

Hmm Brazilian Bowtie and then other rainbows I assume

Same as always... Felicidades/Argentina xmas pony :xmas: Wouldn't mind Alt December Holly either... and I'm not specifically after them, but I wouldn't say no to Brazilian Baby Lofty (or just a NBBE custom, either way) and Milky Way :lovey: oh and the French reverse Bow-Tie!!

Piggy Butterscotch &/ or a unique Piggy (drawn to Algodoncete but Fresita or Rayito would be good too)
Macau Butterscotch or Blossomscotch
Any other Butterscotch I don't have yet
If I get one I'll be super happy

Spanish Tex for me too!  :blush:
My absolute want would be german Swirly Whirly.


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