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Messages - Ponyfan

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Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: Yesterday at 07:31:46 PM »
My dad can be a bit of an idiot sometimes.   He just told me he accepted a friend request on Facebook from someone that was impersonating someone else and was like "I don't know what to do. Fix it."  I've told him not to just blindly accept friend requests, but he doesn't listen to me because he thinks he knows everything.

Also, my bookstore membership should renew soon.  When I upgraded I was automatically enrolled in automatic renewal using the credit card I put in the card reader at the store.  I hope it renews without a hitch. 


I've gained a few pounds. :sad:  I guess I'm not trying hard enough.


Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: Yesterday at 03:56:26 PM »
I was waiting in line at the pharmacy today.  There were two people ahead of me in line at first.  Then I was the next person in line.  While I was waiting, I watched another pharmacy employee sign in to another computer and then he said loudly "How can I help you?"  I assumed he had opened another spot for pickup/drop off because there was only one other employee doing pick up/drop off. When I went up to his counter he said "Oh, not you" and indicated the phone in his hand that I couldn't see from the line to be waited on at the pharmacy.  I apologized and got back in line . 


Off Topic / Re: What manga are you reading?
« on: Yesterday at 03:36:53 PM »
I picked up a few more books today and rearranged the shelves again.   I was putting out all of the Horimiya series since I bought the last 2 books I needed today to complete the series (i'm planning on getting the art/memorial book later) and couldn't find vol 10.  I checked a few boxes. but still couldn't locate it.  I checked one more box and found volume 10 in there.  I had forgotten that box had books in it too.

Here's pics of how the shelves look now.  There's a few books that aren't manga mixed in, but most of it is manga.

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Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: What are you playing?
« on: Yesterday at 03:32:00 PM »
I picked up Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door. :D.  Some parts are really confusing to me as to what I'm supposed to do.  I've already had to look at a Youtube video several times to see how to advance in the Boogley Woods since there's nothing I've found so far in the game that gives you a clue in certain sections.  It might be because I never played the original game though.


Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Legos
« on: Yesterday at 03:29:33 PM »
I finished the Tranquil Garden. 

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I want to get the NYC skyline set too.


Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 31, 2024, 03:34:24 PM »
Beth, I'm so sorry that happened to your parents.  I can't even imagine how scary that must have been for you and your parents.

I'm really sad today. 

My dad has been really whiny lately.  He keeps saying my mom and I eat too fast and rush through meals.  We do eat faster than him since  he
eats super slowly, but a large part of why he doesn't get done as fast as we do is my dad will get up while we're eating and start doing other things and then return to his meal.  Of course, if he does that, he going to finish a lot later than my mom and I do.  I'm sure if I did the same thing I'd be told to sit down and eat and the other stuff could wait until later, yet he does it and then complains when he's the last one to finish eating. 

I do eat a little fast sometimes because I'm really hungry especially if it's been a long time since my last meal or if the previous meal wasn't much. 

Also yesterday, my dad said I could pick the restaurant we were going to eat at, but when I told him, he didn't like what I picked and insisted we go where he wanted instead.  I could have argued, but it would have ended with him getting angry and never letting it go.

Yesterday my dad almost hit a parked car.  How do you not see a car parked right in front of you?  He had to jerk the wheel at the last minute to avoid hitting it. 

My dad called a guy to give him an estimate on cutting back some of the huge tree branches that are touching the roof, but he never showed up yesterday or today.

I laid down on the couch for a few minutes because I was really sleepy.  My mom came in and woke me up asking me if I didn't feel good.  I didn't go back to sleep after that.

Also, I didn't see a metal bar in front of the refrigerated cases at the store and slammed my leg in to it


Off Topic / Re: The Plant Thread
« on: May 31, 2024, 10:13:56 AM »
Good luck Stormness.  I've looked at bonsai tree kits as well as trees, but haven't  bought either one.  I love the look of bonsai trees though.

My red strawberry didn't fully develop and started to rot.  :(  I cut it off the plant.  None of my strawberries look exactly right.  Is it because the plant is in a pot?


Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 27, 2024, 03:46:11 PM »
Thanks everyone.  :hug:  :hug:  I know I'm more upset about not getting to see my friend than I should be, but it's hard not to. My friend didn't promise to meet me this time so I can't say that she broke a promise, but still... It's hard to understand why she seemed to want to meet me and then when it came down to it, she didn't unless the family member she was with had something to do with it.

I tried to talk to my mom about it and all she can say is stuff like "you don't know that she didn't want to meet up with you."  or "you're judging her by what person A did."  It's true that one of my former friends (also no on here) caused a lot of emotional damage due to the way she treated me.  I've tried hard to get past a lot of that and not judge other's based on what she did, but sometimes it resurfaces at times like this. I also struggle with feeling excluded and left out, so knowing my friend was here and didn't seem to put forth any effort to let me know she was here so I could meet her and her family member somewhere is a blow.

My mom also said things like "maybe she sent you an email and you didn't get it." even though I told her my friend would have sent me a message that she'd know I would get quickly if she wanted to meet with me.

It would be nice if my friend sent me a message, explaining what happened and why she couldn't meet with me, but I doubt she'll ever tell me the reason.


Pony Corral / Re: Retro MLP Journal at Five Below
« on: May 27, 2024, 03:39:26 PM »
That one is nice too.  :) 


Off Topic / Re: The Plant Thread
« on: May 27, 2024, 03:18:27 PM »
Here's this week's pics of the plants.

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Baby aloe

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Strawberry plant

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top down lavender

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Lemon thyme

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Mint 1

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Mint 2

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Pony Corral / Re: Retro MLP Journal at Five Below
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:17:11 PM »
Thanks for posting the pics of the other tabs Snapdragon.  :D 

I had actually gone to Five Below looking for a different character journal, but found the MLP one instead.

The dots mimic the format used by the bullet journal method.  This is so fun!

Now the dots make more sense.  I was wondering why the pages were dotted.


Pony Corral / Re: Retro MLP Journal at Five Below
« on: May 24, 2024, 06:46:49 PM »
Cute! Does it have those dots on all the pages?

Yes, it does.  I'm not sure why it's dotted instead of lined, but the other character journals are the same.


Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 24, 2024, 03:43:19 PM »
:hug:  :hug: lovesbabysqurimy

I feel petty even posting this, but I need to vent.  This post is not about anyone that's on here.  I have a friend that lives several hours away from where I live, but she has family that live only a few hours away from me.  We usually let each other know if we're going to be close by just as a courtesy in case we're able to meet up. There's no pressure or obligation to do so. 

A while back I messaged her because I thought I might be close to where she lives. I then messaged her later and told her that it didn't work out and I wasn't coming after all.  She told me that she might be in my area on a certain date.  I told her to keep me posted.  I've been checking my Facebook off and on to see if she messaged me.  I found out earlier that she's in the same area as me and didn't send me a message to meet her while she's here.  I know she has another family member with her that I've never met so I don't know if that's why she didn't tell me or if she forgot because she got sick after she came to visit her family.  I could have really used a visit from a friend today. :(    I even checked the cameras to see if maybe she came by while I was out earlier, but no one came.  I wouldn't have pressured her to spend a lot of time with me either.  I was willing to meet up with her and her family member at a store or restaurant and then go our separate ways. 

Would it have been so hard for her to just send me a message and say she didn't think it would work out this time and we'd try again next time?  I'm trying not be disappointed or hurt. After all she didn't promise that we'd make it work, but right now it doesn't seem like she cared enough to try. I can't think of any reason why she wouldn't tell me to meet her somewhere unless her family member didn't want me to take time away from them being together or she forgot.  I have so few people that I consider friends already that I try to hang on to the ones I have.   As far as I know, there's no reason for her not to want to see me as we haven't any disagreements. 

Also, even after I found out we were in the same area, I had no idea where they were specifically so there wasn't a way to go find them.  Last time my friend came we made a concrete plan to meet up at a certain location at a certain time.  I'm assuming if she wanted to meet with me while she was here my friend would have told me where to find them. There's always next time I guess.

One a somewhat lighter note, one of the fanfiction writers that I really like has posted part of a new story.  I want to read the part that's posted, but it's told in multiple points of view and the chapters are very short.  It's been a little hard to stay involved with the story.


Pony Corral / Retro MLP Journal at Five Below
« on: May 24, 2024, 03:17:24 PM »
I found this at Five Below.   

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