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Messages - Aadra310

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Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: September 06, 2018, 06:28:07 AM »
UGH.  Parents, please tell me kids start sleeping sometime before the teen years.  Too tired to accomplish much towards my goals but I did get a shower today so... YAH?!

IIRC, you have two kids 3 and under? How much are they sleeping?

The younger they are, the more sleep they are supposed to have...

Right?!  According to the pediatrician, I got "lucky" with two kids who just need less sleep than others!  Great.  Thanks.
But, cooler weather is on the way and the toddler can play outside and burn off all that energy.  Maybe that'll do it!

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: September 05, 2018, 08:59:17 PM »
UGH.  Parents, please tell me kids start sleeping sometime before the teen years.  Too tired to accomplish much towards my goals but I did get a shower today so... YAH?!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: What are your obscure toy collections?
« on: September 04, 2018, 08:12:05 PM »
Wow!  Those SS Cake dolls are very cool!  I like the ones that look like "real" little girls!

Not exactly obscure, but not many other people collect Get Along Gang stuff.  Also I collect anything Miffy, Poochie or Moomin.

Do you need any of this cool stuff, lovesbabysquirmy?  Got it for sale!
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I don't have an obscure toy collections and I haven't heard of a lot of the stuff on this thread.  So, that was fun!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: 80's Pound Puppies
« on: August 31, 2018, 09:38:28 PM »
Good story, Skeen!  That's fun!

I LOVED pound puppies/purries.  Still have all my originals which is about 5-6 adults (including Cooler with his jacket) and 5-6 babies!  My story is I had a brown striped kitten that I took everywhere.  I mean, I talked to that kitten, petted it, loved it so much.  Then, when I was in second grade, it disappeared.  I cried and cried.  I even told my little brother that if he'd hidden it somewhere that I promised I wouldn't get mad at him if he would just give it back!

Months went by and I still pined for that cat.  My mom (unbeknownst to me) had been searching thrift stores, little independent toy shops, and the like because, of course, they weren't carried in the big toy shops, anymore.  One day, she brought me home another little brown kitty just like the other one!  But, there were subtle differences.  Her head sort of tilted the opposite way and her face was slimmer and higher.  I just didn't love that new kitty like the old one.

More months passed and I was helping my mom wrap a gift for some occasion.  She kept wrapping paper under her bed so I went to get it and BOOM!  Little brown kitten was way under the bed!  Oh, I sobbed like I'd never sobbed before.  It was bittersweet, though, because her eyelid paint on both eyes had come off!  So I was crying because I was happy to have found her and crying because her eyes were wrong!  My Mom (what a trooper!) found some grey paint and made new, albeit wobbly, lines and fixed my kitty. 

It was YEARS later when my brother finally admitted to me that he had taken kitty and hidden her but he had forgotten where!  He felt so badly about it that he never hid any of my toys ever again.

Not my picture but this was the one I loved so much...
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I now have about 8 of this particular cat because I have to buy it if I ever find one.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / WANTED: Sylvanian/Calico Critters
« on: August 31, 2018, 09:18:34 PM »

I had the good fortune of stumbling across 24 Sylvanian figures and assorted furniture pieces at a local antique store and I HAD TO GET them because I had a few as a kid and they brought back good memories.  Also, I have 2 small kids that I think would love these in a few years

Not sure what I'm looking for but definitely not rare or expensive stuff especially since Walmart carries new Calico Critters, now.   Interested in animals, accessories, and maybe buildings.

Just let me know!  I have an etsy shop with vintage toys and ponies.  We could possibly trade!

Off Topic / Re: How is your sense of direction?
« on: August 25, 2018, 07:22:39 AM »
This is making me feel better with so many of you not being good at directions!  I'm TERRIBLE!  Been living in the same area for 25 years and I still can't remember the street names (although, I have got the cardinal direction down!).  Everyone knows not to ask me for directions because I can just give landmarks and not the actual intersection.  It's really kind of embarrassing to be an adult and not be able to read a map on the spot- I need time to study it beforehand- or have to have detailed instructions on how to get somewhere.  But, my brain just does not process that stuff.  I have a hard time translating an overhead view of a map to the streets I'm driving.  I HATE highways with lots of signs and exits.  I get so stressed and confused!   

Pony Corral / Re: What do you think of the new anniversary ponies?
« on: August 23, 2018, 08:40:21 PM »
I love them!  Super excited that my kids can grow up and open “old” ponies!  I’d be thrilled if they’d do alternate poses or new designs all together but that’s probably a stretch.  Really love what’s out so far and hope they sell well!

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: August 21, 2018, 07:41:29 AM »
I've been lurking since I mostly only get to check from my phone and I am NOT a good poster/typist from my phone... too old, I guess!  Taking a minute on the PC to check-in.

Doing okay on my weight loss.  Lost a few more pounds in the last 6-8 weeks but kind of holding steady, now.  Probably will have to try to exercise to get past the plateau.

I think the "me time" before midnight is not a doable goal for me for a few years.  *sigh.  I LOVE my kids but it's 14 hours a day straight and that really starts to wear a person down.  I'll be glad when they can play with each other!

and doing more ed learning with my toddler.  Shes so smart but she doesnt want to try very much, dh says shes spoiled...

What are you doing, Kiwiwchi?  I have a 2.5 year old.  Feeling that I need to try to have a few more structured learning things!

Pony Corral / Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
« on: August 14, 2018, 07:55:55 PM »
Good for you, achab1984!  I got rid of Christmas stuff last year.  I'm not really into it but I have great memories from when I was a kid so I have to keep some for my kids to build traditions with.

I have a trunk load of stuff for charity and I just gave a friend a bunch of baby clothes.  WOOT!  More stuff out of the house!

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: August 06, 2018, 08:31:21 PM »
Yeah, new people joining!  Great to read about your goals!!

Not to bring it down but I’m kinda bummed.  Joined a book swap on Facebook (it’s a chain thing so you have to recruit your friends and they in turn recruit theirs).  I joined because I’m super introverted and was just trying to do something outside of my comfort zone.  No one joined under me.  Man, I know I shouldn’t take that personally but it’s a punch in the gut and takes me straight back to high school.  I was ignored in high school which was an improvement from middle school where I was bullied.  This stuff sticks with you, my friends. 

Pony Corral / Re: Stumped with restoration.
« on: August 06, 2018, 12:08:39 PM »
I’ve done the hot water thing and then used an exacto knife to cut into the neck seam.  Sometimes if you can just get it started, you might be able to pull it off.  I’ve had some that were so hard, I had to cut all the way around.  It usually turns out fine if you are patient and go slow.  Reheat as necessary to keep plastic soft.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: August 04, 2018, 12:58:05 PM »
I really want to participate but I'm afraid I might end up letting my buddy down :sad:  even though I would still encourage them if I failed.


I think that’s all that really matters!  I mean, even you don’t accomplish what you wanted to, you aren’t a failure.  You just succeeded at different stuff!  Like, going to work, caring for your dog, cooking a meal... whatever!   

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: August 03, 2018, 09:27:40 PM »
What are your dream goals?
Reaching my pre-pregnancy weight of 140.  130 would be better but might be unrealistic!  Would prefer to weigh MORE with MORE muscle mass!  Yeah!
Having "Me time" that is earlier than midnight!
Better relationship with my in-laws
Learn sign language
Be more social/less introverted

What can you accomplish in 3 months?
Lose 5-7 pounds
Some kind of exercise once a week (hard to do with an infant and toddler in tow!)
Find time to work on crafts/ponies/reading/whatever I want a few hours a week. 
Finish my current quiet book craft.
Reach out/take initiative to text/call/Facebook post/visit my husband's family and my brother's GF once a week.
Research an ASL (American Sign Language) course to take in a year or two.  My husband grew up signing (and remembers quite a bit).  We want to teach it to our kids.
More social/less introverted- Already doing it!  Signed up for Healthy Pony AND a book swap on Facebook... on the SAME DAY!  That's big for me.  Try to continue with similar activities once to twice a month.

Can you handle or would like to have more than one buddy?

I think I have a few things I could donate as prizes.  So, that's another goal... finding them!  LOL!

Off Topic / Re: How to improve healthy pony
« on: August 03, 2018, 09:08:18 PM »
I’ve been pregnant the last few times healthy pony came up so I didn’t join but, now that I have lots of baby weight to lose and have done like ZERO exercise in the last three years, this sounds really cool.  I have no critique to add, but would consider donating a few pony things as prizes!

Pony Corral / Re: What is the most expensive pony you've ever bought?
« on: August 03, 2018, 08:06:39 PM »
Mommy Pony!

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