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Messages - Ponybookworm

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 328
Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: December 27, 2024, 11:27:28 PM »
I see more ill peeps. Get well soon xxx Fortunately I only have the chesty cough, which is stubborn, as anybody who's had a chesty cough knows.

Tuesday evening: couldn't get a lift to a nearby village for the thing there. Locally there was a midnight service but I was tired by 11pm so no-go there. Did get fun nibbles from the Co-op.
Wednesday: Made the Festive service & took the last sharky. The person it's for wasn't there, but the people hosting me for lunch were, & they have stubborn chesty coughs too!!! They took me along wi them to their home, where I met their FIVE dogs, who are all cuties & two in particular are sooks to everybody. One stood next to me as much as possible, while the other sat on me a good few times xxx
The lunch was very filling & good, the veg was yummy, there was a veggie roast for me & chicken for the hosts (the dogs got a wee bit of chicken too, but not much - the German Shepherds have sensitive stomachs), there was an intriguing starter, & the dessert was lemon tart with mint Vienetta (chocolate & ice cream). Afterwards watched some Wallace & Gromit, then got back home & vegged out.
Thursday: Got a bit more of project done, caught up on Youtube & Netflix, stayed up so long I didn't get to bed until 7am!!!
Last few hours (Friday/Saturday): got the project done!!! Packages have arrived bit by bit, & a slightly late prezzie arrived. Not sure I want something ehavy to eat later, but might see if I can have a light munch. Otherwise more Youtube...

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Christmas Carol Contest Voting (pick up to 3)!
« on: December 27, 2024, 11:03:35 PM »
Really hard choices here!!!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Celesital Pony design
« on: December 27, 2024, 10:59:03 PM »
She looks so real!!!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: G1 Twilight in watercolours
« on: December 27, 2024, 10:58:06 PM »
She looks lovely!!!

Oh no the poor Ponies xxx

Pony Corral / Re: pony table centre :)
« on: December 24, 2024, 11:27:12 AM »
That's so cute!!!

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: December 24, 2024, 11:23:34 AM »
Get well asap everybody!!! And Merry Christmas xxx

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: December 23, 2024, 09:27:24 AM »
I had a cold for 3-4 days solid. Today I only have the chesty cough left
Wednesday I went out, masked up, to get meds, tissues, & stuff, then sat at home to get as well as I could. Full of it. Somehow made broccoli soup, but no bread. Shark making
Thursday, full of it. Made 2 sharks. Total: 30
Friday, Festive coffee morning with children. Those who recall January will remember my opinion on exposing young children to cold viruses. I masked up, tried to find a way I could (even sit through the back or something) go, but nope, not happening, & still felt yeuch anyway. So I just dropped off the stuff which needed dropped off (sharks & cards), popped to the Co-op for more meds, some antibac spray (it also kills cold viruses), & a few I'll miss the foobs snacks. Caught a few more folks going in & passed along the antibac spray, then headed home. Texted a person I knew was there asking if leftovers could come my way. Some did along with her & it was awesome. Made another shark for later. Still full of it
Saturday, less full of it but the cough is the WORST!!! Concert on, very few folk there. Weather is as bad as I've been recently, all wet & gusty. Went for a bit, had to keep popping out to the door to cough. Got a glass of juice & an apple pie. Left early as I was spending more time coughing than listening...
Sunday, still coughing like mad, but at least I could watch online. Started on a new project
Today, nose all gone. Got more chesty cough meds & Germolene, plus quick munchies. Cough is really annoying but as long as I don't spend too long somewhere it's ok (just don't cough). Germolene needed due to state of nose. The Rudolph impression
Saturday's turnout tells me everybody else has been ill too.

Reading below tells me it's not just here. Get well soon everybody!!! My Sharky server was also full of the Snivel Club xxx
BC well done on all that hard work!!!

Off Topic / Re: Rainlove The Pegasus's Thrift Store Job Thread
« on: December 23, 2024, 09:08:18 AM »
G3!!!!!!!!!! YAIY!!!
And quite a good day of work too

Off Topic / Re: Whatcha Got Cookin?
« on: December 23, 2024, 09:01:45 AM »
I got the broccoli soup done!!! But nothing else baking-wise as I've been ill!!!

Off Topic / Re: So... how has your 2024 been?
« on: December 23, 2024, 08:17:02 AM »
One word: blessed
This year I became aware of how supportive my peeps are. Coffee peeps are angels, Discord peeps are saints, you lot are lovely xxx
I've had a few things happen which could have been so much worse if not for so many amazing peeps being there, listening, coming round, & pulling through. And best of all, I've been able to give a little of that support & love right back xxx

 :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Off Topic / Re: Rainlove The Pegasus's Thrift Store Job Thread
« on: December 17, 2024, 10:10:11 AM »
Great book haul, & hope the party went well too xxx

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: December 17, 2024, 10:06:01 AM »
Artie, congrats on the case!!! Courts can be strenuous at the best of times, so it's little surprise your SO is upset xxx
Everybody else, hugs where appropriate & hope the festive prep is going well xxx

In the UK every benefit except the pensions is transferring to Universal Credit, including jobseeker's, employment support, & a whole bunch of others. Yesterday I went to get mine applied for with help at the local Jobcentre, & today I went again for my ID verification. OOOH boy!!! At least that's dealt with.
Meanwhile the thing I put on Trivial Complaints is getting dealt with, & I have a new card coming soon (festive post will delay it but I got a little more cash to tide me over).
I didn't even get one sharky crocheted yesterday due to the happenings, but finished it today & working on another.
Tuesday coffee, Wednesday Night meeting, Thursday festive lunch, Friday coffee & children, followed by the Trivial Complaints thing. Saturday carols & coffees, Sunday an afternoon concert after the usual morning stuff.
Yesterday I went to our last film day of the year. Film was A Dog Called Christmas, about a dog, a veteran, & an autistic young man. Really cute.
Coffee this morning had a couple of carols & some pies (I don't like mince pies so I had apple).
Also re both Trivial Complaints thing & the benefit transfer, somebody very kindly dropped £100 through my door, which will help a lot with managing until the UC begins as there's a little delay.
People are so good to me xxx

Congrats xxx

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: December 14, 2024, 03:18:40 AM »
Less than trivial, but can scammers please stop targeting people on benefits??? Thank heavens for good banks which spot unusual activity & flag it xxx
Anyway, my card got locked & I've had to apply for a new one, while taking some cash out to tide me over xxx

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