Pony Talk > Pony Corral

Tips on sunfading and getting out ingrained dirt?


So I got a few ponies in a good lot and some of them have ingrained dirt, particularly on the hooves and legs and on the tips of their ears and (for the unicorn) horn.  I tried some acetone and it got some surface stuff off, but it's still very apparent.

Any tips for getting ingrained dirt off?

Also, I have a few ponies with bright red/orange lines on the NDS sides/bellies. Looks like they were from a marker. Again, acetone didn't budge them. How do I go about sunfading these? I've never done it before.



Baby Sugarberry:
There's a tutorial for cleaning ingrained dirt around, *rummage*
You want this: http://mlparena.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=181104.html

and heres my sunfading tutorial ^_^

dont forget to post before and after pics so we can drool with you! ;)


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