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Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Taffeta on April 08, 2015, 02:26:54 PM

Title: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Taffeta on April 08, 2015, 02:26:54 PM
Ok, this is really confusing me.

My sister and I had all three of these from new, and we got them at the end of line, from a store in London called Jennings. I have the packaging still, but sadly it doesn't answer the question which is bothering me.

My sister had Candy Kisses, and hers has been played with some, because she was younger. But I was about 12 or 13 when I got Kiss n Tell and Kiss n Make Up, and I took them out of their packages but I never played with them.

Both of them have ribbons in their hair and as far as I remember, those ribbons CAME with those two ponies. I did not have any other ponies at the same time, and the ribbons, like the ponies, are mint. They are also definitely later UK ribbons, rather than from earlier ponies.

Here are my loose ponies:

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You can see that they haven't been played with, since the hair and tinsel is still neat. (Not true for many of the ponies I played with >.> ahem).

The only MOC image I can find for these doesn't show a ribbon, but I have this feeling that the ribbon was behind the lipstick in the packaging. If anyone has one MOC, I'd really like it if they'd take a look see and resolve whether I am mad and hallucinating ribbons, or whether Hasbro just hid it really well...

It is possible they have the ribbons the wrong way around since I got them at the same time, but I really am certain I didn't get any other ponies at the same time I got those two...
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Gizmo on April 09, 2015, 08:16:22 AM
Would love to know more details on their accessories, I never gave this set much attention but seeing these two in this condition is tempting! :heart:
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Taffeta on April 09, 2015, 10:14:54 AM
Well, thanks to your PM, Gizmo, I went digging around in the dregs of the internet looking for the remains of a really old version of the Scrapbook website, which would've been from about 1999/2000ish...and I wrote on that page, too, that they had lipstick, ribbons and combs. So I've either been under a delusion for the last 15 years, or they did come with the ribbons. Just to prove that I have had those ribbons in the pony hair for that long, too...

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My original photo of the set from back then. Ribbons still in situe...

That version of the site is probably about 4 years after we got the my memory then would probably have been clearer.
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: ponycake on April 09, 2015, 10:24:18 AM
Not mine. Old Ebay auction.

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Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Taffeta on April 09, 2015, 10:28:23 AM
Hm. I admit I haven't seen a single picture of one MOC that supports the ribbon theory, either. But I need someone with one in front of them, to see if Hasbro hid the ribbon somewhere. Because, otherwise, I'm really foxed as to where those two ribbons magically came from if not from those two ponies...><
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: ponycake on April 09, 2015, 10:38:50 AM
I saw the one of Candy Kisses from the wiki and one from Etsy that I couldn't see well but it looks to me like they just didn't come with them.
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Taffeta on April 09, 2015, 10:45:43 AM
Which begs the question, whose ribbons are they o.o.
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: kestral_kitsune on April 09, 2015, 01:59:34 PM
Not mine. Old Ebay auction.

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it looks like there's a ribbon behind the lipstick, I know I've had ponies in those kind of bubbles with the ribbon behind the pony themselves
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Taffeta on April 09, 2015, 02:43:05 PM
I've put it down to my memory but as unproven for the time being on my site, and have left ribbons off the pages of the two ponies, because unless someone has one in hand and can see the ribbon is there, I can't assume I must be right. It just seems weird to me that I'd have written that then, and now, and the ponies still have the ribbons.

I tried looking up other ponies from the same year, to see if I could match the ponies they went to, but no success.

The ponies from Jennings were from Hasbro's own warehouses, sold to there and some other stores at the end of My Little Pony. But they're all normal ponies, nothing unique or special about any of them or the either the ribbons are hidden, or I'm mad...
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: ponycake on April 09, 2015, 04:37:34 PM
This is the photo blown up.
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I would think what I circled was a reflection (kind of like directly down from there at the base of the lipstick) or some part of the packaging but not sure. Doesn't exactly look blue either.

Hope you find someone with them MOC so they can look around for you.
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Taffeta on April 09, 2015, 05:05:18 PM
Hm. I have been doing some more squinting, and working out what other ponies we had from that store, even if not at the same time exactly. It is bothering me that they don't have ribbons on the insert either so I think it must be my bad memory...

I thought the blue ribbon might be Starlight's...but then I checked the cupboard and Starlight is wearing hers so forget that!

My current theory, peering at MOC is that the blue one could be BonBon's, as she doesn't seem to be wearing it at present. Sister and I both had a BonBon so the probability is higher, Naynie might have had hers at a different time when I had the Sweet Kisses and they got mixed up...

Pink one? Pass.
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: ponycake on April 09, 2015, 06:12:42 PM
I have Bonbon MOC. The saturation is upped but even if not it looks like that blue is darker.

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Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Loa on April 09, 2015, 07:03:19 PM
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Taffeta on April 10, 2015, 08:12:08 AM
Hrm. I compared the ribbon in Kiss n Make Up's hair to the one in Starlight's and it is more or less the same colour. But I know Starlight is wearing her own ribbon, because it matches exactly to the one I have MOC (which is the only Seven Character I have on card to check).

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I have ignored Melody, even though she ISN'T wearing her ribbon for some reason - goodness only knows where it is, but I have this memory of it being yellow? I haven't dug up Sweetheart pictures, yet. I had Bright Eyes about 5 years before the others, and I think her ribbon was really dark pink anyhow, though it's long since been lost.

I don't have Patch or Clover, my sister does, but both are still currently in storage and generally Naynie's pony accessories and mine do not cross-contaminate.

It MIGHT be BonBon's ribbon, but if you think that one is darker, then I dunno.

Pink one...still pass. The only one I could come close to it with was Mummy Sunbright, who I DID have from new, but in pics it looks darker/more magenta than the one Kiss n Tell is wearing.

Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Chrissytree on April 10, 2015, 03:09:33 PM
I've seen a few MOC pics and never spotted a ribbon. I've got the info recorded in my accessory file (link in siggy)
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Taffeta on April 10, 2015, 03:14:09 PM
I guess I'm just mad and hallucinating ribbons then. I have no idea who the ribbons belong to, though, or why they should coincidentally end up on BOTH of my Sweet Kisses Ponies. Oh well. Another one of those weird things I guess..:)

Thanks all for your contributions. I'll leave ribbons OFF the Sweet Kisses pages, just to be safe.

Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: hathorcat on April 12, 2015, 01:08:59 PM
They do look adorable with their ribbons! It kind of makes sense after all we did get a lot of ponies with ribbons that the US never got with ribbons.

There were 2 different releases of them - with slight variation in their accompanying lipsticks. I only ever had the more commonly coloured lipstick versions on card and they certainly did not have ribbons with them. However its certainly possible the later releases which had variation in the bottle colour perhaps had ribbons with them...I have never seen one in person to say for certain unfortunately.
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: Taffeta on April 16, 2015, 12:07:34 PM
Ah. Hrm. That makes it interesting. The thing is that, because ours came from that store in London after MLP had ended, I have no clue whether they came from the original release of the pony or might've been a different batch. You have a lot more knowledge of this number of issue thing than I have in this case, because my impression of the end of the line was that Hasbro just kept selling everything for as long as they had stock to sell...I didn't actually believe there was a sticker release of the 7 Characters until I saw a German one MOC about 5 years ago!

So it might be possible that an issue had ribbons - or it might just be my bad memory. Unfortunately the pony MOC at this stage is hard enough to find without dividing into variations and stuff, so I might really never know for sure. It's been a really interesting discussion, though...and with Hasbro being weird at the end, it's maybe not totally impossible.

I actually can't find the lipstick for  two of the ponies at the moment, so I can't tell you what colours they came with. One of them had yellow base and red top, I think that's Kiss n Make Up? Forget now. I have that one but the other two are somewhere in my cupboard.

I also use the long handled combs for hair on all my ponies, so they aren't bagged and tagged, helpfully. I did read about a comb variation on the pony my sister had but she's not the most organised accessory person ever. It took me seven years to locate Tracks' hat, after she managed to lose it, so I don't hold out great hopes...

I think it was about 96 when we got that set in any case. 95 or 96. So *shrug*. The card looks the same as the one shown in the photos here...but then I guess that didn't change? Hasbro helpfully didn't write on the cards at this point what was included. All I know is Hasbro sold all their excess stock from their warehouse to a number of stores, of which Jennings was one, and they had stuff from 1984 through to 1994.
Title: Re: Does anyone have a MOC Euro/UK Sweet Kisses Pony to hand?
Post by: hathorcat on April 19, 2015, 03:28:32 PM
No you are right the cards stayed the same (much as with the 7 Characters comb v sticker versions) - its just the shades of the lipstick bases and tops changed.

I will need to dig out the pictures and old references but I don't believe the sticker version of the 7 Characters came with a ribbon; it was only the comb version which had one. Please note I could be wrong on that one, I ll need to check or perhaps someone can confirm one way or the other.
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