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What made you smile today?

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What made me smile today? The way my dog reacted to the fact that both of us were home this morning and getting our shoes on...she knew she was going too, all jumps and spins and smiles  :)

Finishing a Sunday roast with my family and pondering what to have for dessert... then remembering that there was a brand new tub of dairy icecream that I had stashed a few weeks ago in the freezer + forgotten about!

It wasn't just me that was smiling!  :biggrin:

Broken Irishwoman:
My dad and I have this really sweet dinosaur plush. I got him from an acquaintance when I was about 8 maybe? We loved him instantly, and to this day he sometimes stays at his house, sometimes at my house. Fast forward to this week; I found some really cool dinosaur socks at Primark, and the dinosaurs look just like our dino, so I decided to send my dad a set as a surprise. Yesterday he called, and he loves them! It made his day, so it also made mine. :D

Artemesia's Garden:
I had a very smiley day. I stayed overnight in London and met up with friends who made me smile.

Rainbowrific Renia:
I accidentally bought a Ravenclaw sweater from Hot Topic that would normally be too small on me. I put it on today and it fits! It's a little snug, but comfy. I have a very difficult time seeing my own weight loss, but things like that make me realize these pounds must be going somewhere.  :lol:


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