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Topics - cyberunicorn

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Pony Corral / Male g1 ponies
« on: March 20, 2020, 02:48:49 PM »
Like so many others i fell in love with the g1 male ponies.  Recently i was wondering out of if the main stream ones (not ones like the super rare ones). But us as and uk males who people thought were the rarest and hard to come by.

For example i managed to get five of the mountain boys at a decent price but took age to get slugger , quarter back and 4 speed. So to me they were harder to find.

What is everyone else’s experience on finding the boys? And who would you put as the rarest?

Off Topic / Gold fish fry
« on: October 22, 2019, 10:01:05 AM »
So I got home yesterday and it turns out that I am not the proud grandma of several goldfish babies.

I know they had spawned in the main tank but did not realise that some of the eggs had got stuck on some of the plants so long embarrassing story short I have baby fish.

Help is needed please.

I have managed to get them in to a separate tank currently with no filter at the moment as all the ones I own are to powerful for them. But I am performing regular water changes with water from the main tank which is well established and healthy.

Food wise I have ordered some liquid stuff that should be here soon but I am at a loss as to what I should be feeding. I am hoping to just be able to use regular food but ground up so it is small enough for them to eat when they are ready.

Not sure if this is needed but the parents are a female Shubunkin and the father is either a common goldfish or a comet. They are all aged 7 or so and are just a bit longer than an a5 piece of paper. I am certain these are the parents and not a combination of the three Ryukin in there with them. ( please no comments about mixing single tail and fancy fish together they get on fine and the fancies always get to the food first  :biggrin: ).

So my question has anyone any experience with baby gold fish I think I am gonna need all the advice I can get.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Matchbox carousel
« on: September 16, 2018, 08:00:48 AM »
So I brought my carousel down from the attic for cleaning so took the opportunity to snag some pictures of them.

I also managed to find a fantastic website for identification as sone of my stands had got mixed up.

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somemhow I have a spare stand with no horse and the stands for two of the horses have gone walk about.

I am actively starting to look for the swan carriage and black twilight to add to the carousel its self. But from what I have read they are hard to come by.

Does anyone else collect them I would love to see pictures of others if you do.

Pony Brag Arena / New additions
« on: September 01, 2018, 12:20:14 PM »
It has being a while since I bought new ponies never mind put up a brag thread.

So I have treat my self to two new G4 well fakies but I do  like this pose

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And also two babies who I have being after for s long time. Buttons is from the arena and ribbon is off eBay.

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They are all just so cute

Pony Corral / Sea pony price check
« on: June 18, 2018, 10:01:19 AM »
I have three sea ponies and two shells that I am wanting to sell on as they are currently just in a box being wasted.

Please can I get an up to date price check on them if possible. See pictures below for who I have.

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For Sale - For Auction / Cyberunicorn sales thread - uk seller
« on: June 17, 2018, 07:13:32 AM »
I have a few bits on eBay right now. I only ship to uk only on there. But will have some others later on to sell on here and will ship,to other countries then.

Sold ponies

For Sale - For Auction / UK sales - ebay: sweetheart sisters
« on: February 11, 2018, 09:34:04 AM »
Not sure if anyone is interested I am currently selling bits of my collection, need the funds and to be honest the room.  Was not sure of current prices so all auctions startin at £1.99.

This weeks turn is the sweet heart sisters.




Uk only at the moment I have to post from work and they complain no end it I post abroad. Not like they are a mail room or anything.

Sigs & Site Support / How to add pictures?
« on: July 03, 2017, 10:29:59 PM »
Sorry to be a pain but is there another way to post pictures on the site given everything that is going on with photobucket.

I am not very web savvy when it comes to stuff like this to be honest and affer reading other topics it just confused me further.  :blush:

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Off Topic / Money saving ideas needed.
« on: June 10, 2017, 12:12:12 PM »
So I am trying to save money, (who isn't) but I need some ideas.

They need to be small so that I will not notice them on a day to day basis.

I already sell bits on eBay when I can and am I am going to sort out a proper budget once I get paid this month to see what disposable income I actually have but I was wondering what everyone else does to help save the pennies.

Pony Brag Arena / Cleaning up my collection
« on: April 08, 2017, 12:06:24 PM »
So I have decided that I need to have a good look through and see who in my collection needs to stay and who would be better moving off to a new home. But in the process I have also decided to clean all of the ones up that I am going to keep and finally get them displayed instead of sitting in boxes in the dark. this is something that is going to take me a while to do so I thought I would start a thread so that I can keep track of where I am up to. (and if anyone else is interested they can have a look at the progress of it all) it is going to be a slow job as I need to clear room in the attic at the same time so I can get to the shelves to put them out on. so anyway on to the pictures:

Shelf 1: (I have put a close up under the spoiler)

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Shelf 2: (I have put a close up under the spoiler)

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Shelf three: (I have put a close up under the spoiler) these are all of the girls that  have being found "in the wild" as it would be in some form or another. the pink and purple gradient bodied one I found in a market in Spain in the most disgusting condition she was on a dog charity stall so I gave them a few euros for her (over the odds but I love dogs) and she actually cleaned up a real treat. all these are in quite bad condition but I think it is more the achievement of finding them that makes me keep them

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top shelf: these are not exactly ponies but they are still horses of some type and I think they go just nicely on the top. they are my enchanted kingdom horses only a small collection but they are sweet the girl with the pink crown is mine from child hood. I lost that crown for many years and it turned up just as we were moving I was so pleased to see it again

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and they share a shelf with my matchbox carousel I had a very small collection of the horses but them my boyfriend bought me the actual carousel for Christmas this year to replace the one that my parents sold all them years ago it is not in perfect condition but it was in bits and broken when it came and he fixed it up so making it even more special to me.

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MOC: none of them are exactly rare or expensive but the beam is the perfect place for them to hang and not get damaged they were getting battered in the moving boxes they travelled in from the old house. you can see that this side of the attic also doubles as storage for my horses show gear and spare riding pads and rugs they have more belongings that I do I think  :blink:

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Full View: everything so far all them pink boxes are the rest I need to go through  :( not looking forward to it and please excuse the rocking horses head in the bottom corner something else I cannot bring my self to sell I have had her that long.

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I think the boys and princesses need to come out next ............  :think:

Wanted! / Cyberunicorn Wish list (NOT BUYING REFERENCE ONLY)
« on: October 24, 2016, 01:30:36 PM »
SWAPS ONLY as it says in the title not buying at the moment

G1 Ponies

Lavender Woosie
Blueberry Baskets
sports time
Music time
Daisy Sweet
Red Roses
Mint Dreams

G1 Accessories



Big Brother hats
Slugger -base ball cap
steamer - conductor hat
tax  - cowboy hat
chief  - fire hat
quarter back - football helmet
4 speed - hard hat
wigwam -  head dress
barnacle  - pirate hat
salty -  sailor hat

Rock and Beat Brushes

Half note  - green
Sweet notes - Orange
Tunefull - Pink
Pretty Beat  - Yellow

School house ponies bags

Pony Brag Arena / my 1st pony con brag
« on: October 23, 2016, 09:12:18 AM »
So if you didn't know this weekend is uk pony con. if you haven't gone attending one is highly recommended.

I bought possibly a little to much and spent the same but I think it was worth it I got some lovely set completers along the way some of which I have being after a long time.

first up pony con merch (well its gotta be done)

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I do have a mug as well but that is currently in the washing up bowl and not fit to see  :P

fashion style applejack who I picked up from pinch a parcel there was also some MLP musical instruments but I gave them to a little girl at the convention as I have collocational use for them. she is the perfect addition to my applejack army still deciding weather to debox or not. depends which fits in better with my display when I fix it up

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rainbow dash shadow bolt being after her for a while but have not being willing to pay the high prices some ebay sellers think she is worth

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g3 exclusive i love the colours on this girl I do not own many g3's but I like this one sorry for the bad picture the lighting with the box will not work

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hopscotch she is a rehear and I have cut it since the convention I am still deciding weather to have it redone as it is a little dry. but I did not realise till I got her home and turned her over she is from Italy.

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Spanish totsie (spelt wrong sorry) I am in the middle of getting her ready to be sent away for a rehear as hers was well beyond repair (and mostly gone anyway) to be honest i paid £3 for her so not exactly a hardship. I know she is a little scruffy at the moment but she did not want to miss the photo shoot

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taf fifi another little gem of a find (in my eyes) she is in lovely condition a few tiny marks but you cannot see them when she is on display.

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set completer for my happy tails ponies (excluding oddities) I have not being able to find this girl for love nor money so when I saw her I snatched her up. just cannot remember her name off the top of my head (such a bad pony mummy)

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genie custom, she is lovely and will sit along side my other sparkle ponies and baby's once we are all up and running.

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bonnie bonnets, another taf pony i did not set off to buy these haha she has a small bit of tail rust as you can see but that can be fixed very easily at a later date. I intend to go through everyone set by set in the near future.

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twist I think she is possible a new favourite unicorn I love her colours

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another cheap find taf up up and away her hair is still nice and pink when you see her in person

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this was what I classed as my big purchase from con another set completer who I have being after for a long time once again so I do not mind if I paid a little extra for them even then i don't think it was that bad

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full set of pony con badges and barnacles hat

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dbbe gusty and some wings. I also bought a bbe ribbon who has gone for a bit of eye treatment before coming home

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another baby pony that I cannot remember the name of I did need another from this set but could not remember which so I only bought this girl

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last but by no means lease a rehaired cherries jubilee for my army I just love this colour on her

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and everything together

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thank you to all the sellers that I bought from everyone has had a good clean up (not that they were dirty just something I like to do) and a good long dry and are ready to go on display in my collection

[stickied 26/10/16 kiwimlp :) ]
unstickied 28/10/16

For Sale - For Auction / Cyberunicorn sales thread
« on: July 03, 2016, 06:18:15 AM »
so I need to save money for uk pony con meaning that some of the unused collection has to go sadly I do not have much time to sell alot at once so am starting early and just selling a few each week.

for starters I have the g4 blind bags up on ebay uk only I am afraid for ebay sales but I will be going through my ponies soon and listing them on here first.

well if anyone is interested i have attached two links one to the blind bag figures and the other to their cards.



Pony Corral / G4 brushable list
« on: July 02, 2016, 03:26:18 PM »
Does any one know were I can get a complete list of all of the G4 brushables from. I used to use strawberry reef but is is not upto date.

I am trying to update my wish list and make a bit of a file of who I already have but have forgotten the names of many of then as it has being that long since I bought them.

Any help would be much appreciated I am not a main 6 collector as it would be and for some reason their names will not stay in my head (unlike g1s that I have no problems with haha)

Thank you  :biggrin:

Off Topic / Wedding present idea help needed.
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:16:51 AM »
So my freind is getting married next month and I cannot think what to get her. I want it to be something different because the generic gifts are so boring. I am not creative enough to make anything and am on a budget.

Both her and her partner are in to magic the gathering and d&d. But she also likes old historic places.

Any ideas the wider the better help

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