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Author Topic: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?  (Read 88681 times)

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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1275 on: December 03, 2023, 03:44:18 AM »
Yes, Aster was still whining at me this morning, but I've just fed her, so maybe she will go lie down now. I thought she wanted to sleep with me, but she slept under the bed last night. I don't think she likes the new sheets.

My plans for today is ponies since I can't finish my cards... which I'm still upset about. Seriously, ANY other time this happens, no big deal. Ugh, I figure I can at least sell it for repair/parts on FB Marketplace, make a little money, and who knows, maybe someone else can fix it and get a really good cheap printer for Christmas.

I need to gather the garbage today too and wash a few dishes.

More boxes need to be broken down.

I want to start recording a second game for my channel, but I can't decide which one.
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1276 on: December 03, 2023, 03:54:08 AM »
It has been a thing since I got my cold to sleep on the couch for a couple of hours before noon, no matter how much I slept during the night. I find it mildly annoying now since I'm loosing time I could do stuff. Today I slept for three hours. It's not like I had anything important to do, but I did not feel like sleeping but then boom! Tired! Crashing! :pout: I'll get groceries delievered sometimes during that time tomorrow. I hope I'm not going to sleept through that :shocked:.

Anyway, I did a load of wash in the morning, so I had to remove the clean underwear from the laundry basket that had been sitting there for a couple of weeks :P. I need to clean the toilett, take out the garbage and recycling and make some lunch and feed the cats. I feel like taking a walk as well. It's so beautiful outside now with all the snow :heart:.

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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1277 on: December 03, 2023, 07:58:22 PM »
HOM my tree situation is similar as in I never put away the tree last year. So all I had to do was switch on the lights (LED ones so they'll last longer)
Griffin oh dear job applications!!! I do NOT miss those!!!
BC hope the pony stuff goes well & somebody gets use of the printer!!!
Beldarna you obviously need the rest or you wouldn't be having it!!! And well done on chores!!!

As for me, as per trivial complaints, my cooker died!!! I can no longer use the hob or the grill. I've had it since 1998 when it came to me second-hand & it's served me well. I managed to make the soup but will need to either borrow a hotplate until I can buy one (next Tuesday), or ask for one for an early Christmas prezzie!!! Because I still need to be able to use big pans & the frying pan!!! It was enough of a hassle making my soup in the microwave, I nearly filled the big bowl!!!
Aside from successfully making soup, I've also: vacuumed the hallway, cleaned out the vacuum cleaner, put out the rubbish, sorted, found, & stashed the winter gear (all in a bag except what I wear), & crocheted another round or two of the big blanket. I've even made a small start on the dishes!!!. Still to do the rest of the dishes, sort out a laundry, & somehow convince myself to bath or shower in this cold. I think bath tbh...
My door is unlocked again as a joiner is coming later... I also hope to bake as I can at least do that
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1278 on: December 04, 2023, 06:16:23 AM »
I got a lot done last night. It was far too humid to try and sleep so I started cleaning off my desk area. Or I should say desks. I cleaned my art desk and cleaned and rearranged the shelves above it. I actually put my books on the shelf and moved my needle felts down and put my ponies on the top. My PC desk has a bunch of stuff on it that need to go elsewhere. Some of it in the craft closet, some in the bedroom. I made a new Aster Treat Center box. If my printer was working I could cover it in cute paper. Moved the boxes of sell stuff and my woodworking/miniatures box out of the way for now.

Today I need to vacuum the area, there are leaves all over from my plants. Clean off my PC desk and get that cleaned. Break down these boxes. Wash my blankets. Wash the dishes in the sink. And work on ponies.
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1279 on: December 04, 2023, 09:45:04 AM »
back to work. i'm feeling stressed already.

i also still need to finish up the Christmas decorations outside.
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1280 on: December 05, 2023, 12:56:32 AM »
I just bought a a big drip tray/saucer online for our Christmas tree. It's rooted and growing in a pot. Currently it's sitting in a bucket and looks like a bucket inside a bucket, which I decided didn't look very good.This morning I put up another couple of sets of lights and I'm going swimming with the baby.
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1281 on: December 05, 2023, 03:23:09 AM »
I had a very early work shift today after a layover, so I took a two hour nap. Now I'm waiting for hubby to finnish his energy drink so we can go shopping. We're planning to eat some christmas food today. We also didn't get everything in the online order yesterday we so need to get those items. We have yet to decide if we're just gonna go to the neighbourhood store or going to the supermarket. It's -14 C outside right now so I don't feel like going too long, but on the other hand it's very beaituful outside when the air is so crisp and we're gonna bike.

I was thinking of doing some home made meatballs as well, but we'll see. I got the schedule for christmas eve today, which is the day we celebrate. I knew I would work and got lucky. I have an early shift and quit after 2 pm, so I get to be home in time for Donald Duck. Hubby's gonna work so he'll be a sleep and I will have to celebrate on my own, but at least we'll get to see each other for a few hours before he go. I have yet to wait another week for the christmas day and that week. I have new years off, which I don't really care about.

Offline BlackCurtains

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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1282 on: December 05, 2023, 04:48:16 AM »
I didn't feel that great yesterday and didn't get a whole lot done. It was still very hot and humid. The cold front has now moved in and it's nice today. It's only 60 right now.

I'd like to visit my mom today. I bought her a table top Christmas tree that lights up and has mini decorations. I've got other stuff for her too, but I really want to put up the tree for her, I know it will make her very happy.

Need to do laundry and get my blankets and some fabric washed when I get home. I'm going to put the rest of my card designs together today so when I get my printer tomorrow, I can print them right away.
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1283 on: December 06, 2023, 11:20:32 AM »
BC if you don't feel well or energetic you can't do much but heal anyway xxx
Beth I saw your WYP rant & that does NOT sound like fun xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Beldarna I hope you wrap up & get your needed items & some treats xxx
Artie sweet!!! I only have an artificial tree but I prefer that to getting a whole new one every year, but we're all different in what we like

I STILL need to do a laundry but that's mainly because I want a shower first. Most of my other stuff is done though.
I went to the movie day & saw the film everybody chose & it was brilliant. One of mine is the choice for next week & I'm so pleased. Also talked of my woes & a hotplate was ordered from Argos, then after the film the fellow went to the nearest Argos to pick it up!!!
Went to coffee yesterday & the same fellow was there with hotplate ready!!! SAVED!!! Going to test it tonight making fried rice wi some veggies...
Also at Coffee was another pal selling slate art. I liked a slate coaster but can't afford it. A third pal bought it for me like a sweetheart!!!
After that I got milk, cheese, & a pack of crisps from the Coop with the cash I had as I couldn't buy a sandwich. First time I've had to restrict treats but there we are.
Got back home & there was the joiner!!! Turns out he was needed as all the woodwork he pulled out to replace was rotten & yeuchy!!! No wonder it shed bugs!!!
Today my support worker was round & she's sorting things for me too, including extra cash for the electricity meter, finding a second-hand place for future cooker reference, & booking me into the Boxing Day Meal. The Boxing Day Meal is held in a nearby town for folks like me who live alone & don't have much loot on us. It's brilliant & great fun & a highlight of the Festive season, & vegetarians are catered for, & transport provided.
The big blanket is on hold as next week when I get loot I want to go to get more cheap food & also post a parcel, so I'm making a very important thing to go in that parcel!!! This is day 2 of said work.
I need the painter again to paint over the stuff the joiner worked on, but after that it's just the fan outlet & I'll have a complete bathroom!!! I can't wait!!!
My Mascots (so far): Twisty Tail, G2 Trixiebelle, Starcatcher, Twilight Sparkle. All variants & pictures of these are appreciated. Piccies courtesy of Griffin, Blumiere, Littlebabyribbon, & Starscout
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1284 on: December 06, 2023, 11:27:05 AM »

Artie sweet!!! I only have an artificial tree but I prefer that to getting a whole new one every year, but we're all different in what we like

I still have the same one, it's like a bonsai. I'm a nerd.
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1285 on: December 07, 2023, 03:23:28 AM »
It's my day off. I walked to the supermarket to buy some stamps and some things I need for baking. I'm gonna do some knäck today. It's a traditional christmas caramel treat with almond and I needed syrup. Hubby also wanted (me) to make some more of the dumle cookies I wrote about earlier. I think (hope) he'll be doing them himself with me just watching. He's not the best in the kitchen and I love being there, but this time, since he wants to get some for his mom he talked about doing them. We'll see. I got the ingredients for them and some yeast for the saffron buns I'm gonna do.

I also walked to the pet store and got some food for Majsan and to a flower shop and on a whim got this gorgeous christmas flower set up. So many of the christmas flowers are poisonus for cats (I once had a cat who ate an entire poinsettia and survived :blink:) but I found one with pines I think will be fine :). I'm also washing our towels today and finnished all the christmas cards so need to send those out.

PBW so many sweet people! That's the christmas spirit! :heart:

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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1286 on: December 08, 2023, 06:08:40 AM »
Artie that tree sounds cute & I'm glad it lasts xxx
Beldarna IKR!!! And all the best wi your moggies xxx Baking sounds great, I'd do it now if it wasn't for one thing...

The electricity voucher came last night as promised. Went to the noisy coffee, caught up wi folks there, & then went to put the voucher on my electric key. YAIY for extra electricity!!!
Continuing on my prezzie project. I want to make it festive which involves some rather tricky yarn. it can be annoying to deal with so I'm taking frequent breaks between bits of it. As I type I'm working on the second quarter of this fiddle. Everything else is done though so yaiy there!!!
It doesn't leave me much time to do other things though...
My Mascots (so far): Twisty Tail, G2 Trixiebelle, Starcatcher, Twilight Sparkle. All variants & pictures of these are appreciated. Piccies courtesy of Griffin, Blumiere, Littlebabyribbon, & Starscout
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1287 on: December 08, 2023, 07:26:33 AM »
I was able to visit my mom yesterday  :accomplished:

I brought her the table top Christmas tree and set it up. She was thrilled :hearts:

Today I'm recovering from the walk, my back really hurts and it's incredibly itchy where it hurts, so I know my nerves are all out of whack.

My kitchen is a mess so I'd like to do a little tidying there, and I want to get all my cards done for the card swap.
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Belltock Raincurl
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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1288 on: December 08, 2023, 11:15:30 PM »
Hello all, I'm going to wash up and then go over to my Mum's house with the baby. We are going to look through Muma nd Dad's Chrsitmas decorations and share some things.

Beldarna, your kitchen sounds amazing! I can imagine a gorgeous scent.

@PBW I also had a festive fiddle putting the hand-tied bows on my Christmas tree so I did one at a time in between other things.
:heart: ISO G1 Daffodil, upgrade for June Rose; G1 Waterfall blue towel, G1 Waterfall bubbles bottle with white writing; Perfume Puff Palace green hat, pink bracelet and mesh scarves, glitter combs for SHS, lace scarves for SHS, G3 Flower Wishes and Candy Cane, Baby Northern Lights...Accessories from FiM Collection Canterlot Castle: Tirek's staff, Phoenix and stand, open book :heart: Pony Page :heart: Wish List :heart:

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Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Reply #1289 on: December 09, 2023, 11:14:11 AM »
Artie enjoy spending time with your mother xxx
BC YAIY for visiting your mother & giving her the tree!!!

Part three of the fiddle-craft today. In between I'm going to look through the bathroom bag of tricks & see if I can add décor to my cabinets. May also bring out a shower gel bottle so I can have a proper shower!!!
My Mascots (so far): Twisty Tail, G2 Trixiebelle, Starcatcher, Twilight Sparkle. All variants & pictures of these are appreciated. Piccies courtesy of Griffin, Blumiere, Littlebabyribbon, & Starscout
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