The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: NorthernFlower on July 11, 2012, 10:34:08 AM

Title: The concept of your collection?
Post by: NorthernFlower on July 11, 2012, 10:34:08 AM
Sometimes I  don`t agree with my friend. She collect only rare european g1 ponies. And I collect all the generations of ponies,  even fakies.  She  hurts me when  she  say that available ones are  "stuff, nothing special"  :mad:
She says collection should have a theme. Well, all right. I think it is a theme of my collection: a fantastic  colored horse toys. To me, they are all a  symbol of romantic dreams .. For me, the magic pony is unlikely to be ordinary. Especially, it can not be a "monster" :unsure: She says that in that case it possible  to  buy everything ... I just choose them differently. I buy only the most favorite ponies.

And what is your concept ?
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Yurusumaji on July 11, 2012, 10:37:45 AM
Some people feel only the rare are worth collecting, that's their thing. That's fine.

I have pretty much all commons right now, because I started collecting for the love of the ponies, not to gain status for having the rarest ponies. You collect how you want to and your friend can collect how she wants to. Everyone sees collecting differently and that's fine. Just tell your friend she can keep doing it her way and you'll keep doing it your way and you can both be happy.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: kissthethunder on July 11, 2012, 10:39:06 AM
Seems like a status thing to only want the 'rare' ones inho...

But alas, the theme of my collection is childhood memories ;)
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: StarDragon on July 11, 2012, 10:50:05 AM
I think rare/expensive/valuable ponies up the value of the collection, which is impressive, at least to me. But I mostly find worth in the ponies and sets that I happen to love the most. It's a balance between. ^^

I don't know if I have a theme... But I do like to collect according to the sets that I love most, like completing my flutters, TEs and then so-softs, then wingers, etc. Sometimes I'll come across a sought-after pony because she is in that set, but most of the time I will also think she is pretty (like Cool Breeze, Angel, Mimic, etc).
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Souffaloufagous on July 11, 2012, 11:02:12 AM
Aww, sorry that your friend makes your feel like your ponies aren't as special.  That's lame.

As for me?  There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to my collection.  I just find ponies that I think are pretty or interesting, and collect them.  I don't try to finish sets, I don't stick to one generation or anything. 

I will say I have mostly G1s, but a couple of random G3s I liked are floating around (like waterfire and alphabittle).  One of my favorites is a ponyville cheerilee wearing a robe and drinking her morning coffee!  :p

I do notice that I tend to go for atypical color combos though, with wind drifter, tic tac toe, and waterfire as examples.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Enolaalone on July 11, 2012, 11:07:08 AM
I think the concept of my collection is mostly the ponies I had as a child, which are all G1s. I'm not interested in the other gens apart from a select few G4s (mostly blind bags). I also like buying other G1s that need fixing up a bit, mainly because I feel sorry for them!
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: StoryDreamer on July 11, 2012, 11:21:13 AM
I really try to get princess/royalty themed ponies, ones with animals, ones with stars. Other than that, it's just what I like. Which is a lot!  :)
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Desert Rose on July 11, 2012, 11:25:10 AM
The theme of my collection... MY LITTLE PONIES! :D

Seriously though I just love them all. Don't care what pricetag they might have. My goal is to get as many different colourful little ponies as I possibly can in my lifetime ;) I love surounding myself with them cuz' they bring me so much joy :)

I do have a plan though. As soon as I get my collection sorted and my ponyroom up I will start from the beginning (Starting with the very first set ever made and work my way year through year and try to complete all the sets there are :P )
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: kissthethunder on July 11, 2012, 11:30:52 AM
Also, there is no pony that isn't special
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Aienhime on July 11, 2012, 11:31:18 AM
I think my theme is gotta catch 'em all...

Hehehe ^^'
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Folly on July 11, 2012, 11:40:01 AM
I've always found it funny how many different ways to collect there are, even in just this one collecting fandom.  Some people collect only rare ponies, some people collect multiples upon multiples of their favorite ponies... some people just buy all the ponies XD

I have a tiny little collection of just 11 ponies, because I only buy my very favorites, and I have a pretty minimal pony-budget.  But rarity doesn't matter to me.  Actually, I like the common ones better because they cost less :P all my ponies are special 'cause I love the way they look.  I guess I don't really have a theme beyond "whatever I really like" xD
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: StarlightGaze on July 11, 2012, 11:46:43 AM
I want to collect as much G4 stuff as I can, but I specifically want to make a Princess Luna army. I got 4 so far, so I guess that counts as an army. XD Maybe I should pick up a second Canterlot Sisters and remove the tinsel.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: InkyMilk on July 11, 2012, 11:47:26 AM
I don't see why a collection has to have a theme.  Along with ponies I also collect very expensive dolls, and for that collection I do prefer there is a theme given the nature of the dolls, as well as the expense. I enjoy them more that way. And that's fine for me, while some people who collect dolls just choose whatever they think is pretty. And that's how I collect my ponies. Sure, I like to group them according the species (earth, Pegasus and unicorn), and I prefer G4's just because they're so darn tiny which really works for me and the set-up I have for them, but that's as far as I go when it comes to "themes". But I basically just see what's out there, pick out which ones are the prettiest and would mesh the best with my group (I try not to get too many of similar color schemes unless I absolutely adore her), and see if I can get my hands on her. That's it. I don't buy doubles if I can help it because I want as much diversity as possible, yet some people like to build armies. Who's to say one way of collecting is better? It's just ridiculous to judge someone's collection that way.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: reanna-mator on July 11, 2012, 11:51:30 AM
Whatever I like! Though I go through phases... right now I'm obsessed by any scented pony. I have a specific wish list, but when I see ponies in thrift/vintage shops, it's whatever I can get my hands on!
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: TimeDance on July 11, 2012, 11:53:12 AM
I have never considered one would think about a theme when collecting anything. I just buy what I like. I don't consider my geeky collections to really have monetary value, even though they do. But I just consider them of value to ME.

If I had to choose a theme for fun my G1 theme would be 'emotional attachment'. G1s just bring me back to a happy childhood place. I love them so much.

My G3 collection is the ones that I think are the prettiest.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on July 11, 2012, 11:59:26 AM
I have no theme or concept. I get ponies from all generations, and get them if I simply don't have them yet. I even get different versions of one pony (like to 1,000 different core 7 variants out there). The only things I don't get are fakies, unless they're really cute. The most rare pony I have is probably Goldilocks, and she's not even worth much.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: knitgirl on July 11, 2012, 12:00:23 PM
There is no theme to my collection, but I have different shelves and areas set up for some of them... such as my sea ponies in a fish tank, 1 shelf for my tropical ponies, and one shelf for my wedding/love themed ponies... Oh and one shelf for the MLP sewing machine, patterns and the buttons ponies since they are crafty :D
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Sandi on July 11, 2012, 12:19:12 PM
I collect all generations and both rare and common ponies. I tend to like rare ones though. I love the euro babies, the mountain boys, Mimic, and the rarer TAFs etc, but not because they're rare. There are some rare ponies that I don't like that much, Rapunzel and Sweet Scoops for instance. I don't dislike them but I would never pay those prices for them.

I don't collect fakies, mainly because i don't like most of them. Not as much as original mlp at least. There are some nice ones though, like totsys, takaras, and princess rns.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Rosette on July 11, 2012, 01:15:54 PM
My theme is 'because I love them'.  I am not a completist, usually, but I like the sense of unearthing and recreating the past that having MOCs brings me.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Taxel on July 11, 2012, 01:45:10 PM
Sounds like your friend is somewhat of a jerk. :/

Anything anyone collects is special to THEM, and that's what matters. You don't need a "theme" to your collection, that's ridiculous. If you want to collect within a theme, go for it, but thinking every has to collect just like you. . .hahaha no.

If I *had* to name the "theme" of all my collections, it would be: what I like. I buy what I like, for all of my collections, and stick to that. If I don't like something I'm not gonna waste my money to buy it. If I had to name my MLP collection's own "theme", I guess it'd be: saving baity G1s from customizers/uninformed people who would throw them away/etc. I love my G1s to be very baity, and prefer them without tails. I usually love haircuts on them too. But there are some ponies I would only want in mint condition or something, like the Art/SDCC/Fair Ponies I want all MIB, so I don't let my love of "baity" ponies restrict me.

Like others I go through collecting phases, and right now my pony collection is chilling out on hold, so to speak. I'm selling off some of my collection and focusing on buying dolls because I'm having and easier time storing, displaying, and cleaning dust (HUGE problem in my room) off of them. It makes me sad to see my ponies covered in dust and to not be able to keep up with keeping them perfectly clean. I actually need to take a chunk of my ponies off display due to it. ):
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: ponylady on July 11, 2012, 01:50:40 PM
What concept???  :P

No really though I started out collecting only babies and that ended quickly.  >_<

Now I buy whatever appeals to me at the moment.  It could be a G3, G1 a G4 or even a G2???  It just depends on my mood.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: CrimsonEtClover on July 11, 2012, 01:51:10 PM
The theme of my collection: Prettyness!
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: GazeboMouse on July 11, 2012, 01:55:51 PM
Childhood memories, still have my 3 childhood ponies, but have collected ponies that featured in my Panini sticker album, and ones my childhood friend had that I envied. I have also collected Earth babies. I am trying to complete my childhood album and collect anything early G1 earth pony that I remember and liked from the 80s.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: NovelNerd on July 11, 2012, 02:05:43 PM
I only buy the ones I like...completely simple. :lol:

Wait..wait sometimes I buy the ones my wife likes.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Goldilocks on July 11, 2012, 02:08:17 PM
I have miscellaneous ponies that I like/belong to my childhood collection, but...

My favorites are themes :heart: ; the only ponies I have on display:

The exception are my two Glow 'n Shows and two Perfume Puffs which will always have a place in my display cabinet :heart:

I just think they look more special and uniform that way and there's more challenge to find everything flower pony/love pony etc. :)
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Stroggos on July 11, 2012, 02:09:56 PM
Personal Essay Incoming..

Rare fashion styles/ show accurate brushables (G4).

When I first started collecting I started out with regular brushables, but found myself looking for more specific things after getting Applejack with bangs from eBay and RD/cheerilee with bangs from Arena members (thank you!). After that I got FS white celest and celest/rarity, and Bubble Horse boxed about a month before comic con. I have an Earth pony dash coming to me aswell, and I think after I'll see if I can track down a bangs FS applejack (any traders reading this, make note lol).

I did Industrial Design at university and part of the appeal to me of the rarer ones is that they are prototypes from before they are mass manufactured. A lot of the work I did was taking things from concept stage to production prototypes or model work, so I like that the rarer ones I have are from before they were finalised and made what is considered by the industry to be "generic". Industrial designers tend to consider things that are in production as being in infinite supply, but things that are production prototypes special one-offs.

On a less professional note, I will confess the G4 show has been very nurturing for me, and my ponies incredibly reassuring and inspirational in times of personal crisis. Whenever I've been deeply upset I've always taken care to have them near me, to remind me to keep to my better qualities. My applejack and rarity have got me through a lot, and I'd be heartbroken to part with them.

I appreciate this is a wall of text, but I hope somepony gets something out of it. Life's not all smiles, so it's important to cherish the good things.  :satisfied:
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Sonata on July 11, 2012, 02:28:35 PM
Well, I collect ponies because I wish to have more of the toys I mostly liked when I was a child - that is also why I wish to give priority to G1s, although I end up buying a bit of everything here and there. I don't have an impressive collection yet, I only have about 50 or so, and I don't care if they are rare/HTF or whatever. I just like the ones I like and that's it. I also don't have a theme. I just collect because ponies are inspiring to me and are pretty to look at and that's enough for me.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Tribble79 on July 11, 2012, 02:34:40 PM
I get ponies whose symbols I love! I also collect custom ponies. I have about the same amount of custom ponies that I do of just regular ponies. I don't have an army yet, but I want an army of a pony friend - Spunky the camel. I love all pony generations and fakies, so I have some of them all in my little collection.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: mlp4me on July 11, 2012, 02:37:34 PM
Whatever g1 I can get my grubby lil hands on, the more the merrier, not picky...

Sounds like you may need to have a little chit chat with your friend to let them know how you feel about their comment. You're allowed to collect whatever ponies you want even if there's no rhyme or reason!
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: keylimepony on July 11, 2012, 02:49:32 PM
I tend to be drawn to the ponies with food symbols. I also really like yellow and that green/ turquoise color in ponies. There really isn't any other theme as I buy what I like. It was only after I looked at my herd did I notice the few unintentional themes.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Roseprincess1 on July 11, 2012, 02:50:26 PM
I wouldnt say theres really a theme to my collection.. I see a pony that i fall for.. i buy it.
i have some g4's ..lots of g1's and a bunch of g2 earth ponies that got all in one go.
the truth is.
i started collecting them again because i love them. they are like my dolls and my transformers.
something that appeals to me for various reasons.. i love them for thier beauty.. i love them because its a reminder of a time when i was a lot more innocent than i am today.
I love them because, and i KNOW how dorky this sounds, because on some level i know that they love me to. yes I AM anthromorphasizing my toys.. projecting my emotions onto them.
but i think that everything thats created over time has energy... and if it spends enough time around you it picks up yours and becomes what you see it as.
so.. if i had to pick a theme.. itd be lil multicolored plastic horsies that i love!
thats what i collect.
cheers folks
see you after dinner!
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Tulips on July 11, 2012, 03:24:51 PM
My collection doesn't really have a theme except maybe to represent My Little Pony through the ages/generations. I have at least one pony from every generation and within that I buy to expand the types of ponies I have (except G2, only managed to get a single G2 and I don't want more because she's the only I seem to like)... after that it's just anything cute that catches my eye that I can get at a fair price! lol

I don't complete sets. The only sets I've got complete are are few G3 because they're easier to hunt down.
I've also got a pretty large lot of fakies which includes over 50 Lanards because my childhood pony was a Lanard and I just love the designs. I never had a real My Little Pony as a kid and hated the idea of them until G4 got me into it, then I just had to love them all! But I will never collect them all, waaaaay too many :P
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 11, 2012, 03:45:36 PM
*giggles*  A collection IS a theme!  :-p 

I collect the more "fantasy" types of ponies - wingers, merry go round, unicorns, pegasi.  And then I also have a soft spot for the Newborn Twins.  :)
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: RavenWolf on July 11, 2012, 05:39:25 PM
I don't really have a theme, (maybe quantity over quality? lol) I just collect whatever pony or MLP related item I happen to find. :) I very, very rarely seek out a specific pony to buy. The only two I can think of that I actively tracked down was Baby Applejack and the g1 10th anniversary pony. So yeah maybe eclectic would be a good theme for my collection. ;)
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: hyenacub on July 11, 2012, 07:05:23 PM

lol That's my theme.  XD  Though I do get my favorites first.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: APPLBL00M on July 11, 2012, 07:06:55 PM
The theme of my collection is G4. That's it. As long as it's G4, I collect it. Brushables, McDonald's toys, blind bags (Ponyvilles), plushies, pillows, towels, calendars, everything, even custom merch. Lately I've been going for rare or valuable stuff like the con exclusive Ditzy Doo.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: michelle53 on July 11, 2012, 07:16:59 PM
Also, there is no pony that isn't special
Well said my dear!  For me, my collection is 99% wingers.  I still love and appreciate all the other ponies, but I'll let the other collectors give them homes. 
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: SkyCakes on July 11, 2012, 07:18:09 PM
I really dont get a "theme" I just collect what I love and that is G1s. I also just go for whatever pony interests me at the moment. I also tend to just love ponies for being ponies. I do have a few in my herd that have cancer ect. I know G1s are getting harder to find. I have been fortunate in finding them. I also just collect whatever gen I am interested in.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Elisto on July 11, 2012, 07:21:25 PM
I suppose you could say by definition collections have a theme, but I see no reason it should be any more specific than "My Little Pony", or even more broadly, "toy horses" or "vintage toys". My "theme" I guess you could say is "ponies and accessories that I can afford," which kind of excludes any rare or "valuable" ones (unless I get really lucky one day, and if I did, I'd probably just sell it and buy more cheaper ponies with the money anyway).

No offense to your friend, but that's a little rude. People collect what they like, whether it's rare and expensive or not. I mean, I also collect insects, but there's certainly very little monetary value to that. But that's not the point of collecting to me personally.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: RAMChYLD on July 11, 2012, 07:22:49 PM
Well, I wouldn't really say there's a theme to my collection either. However, there are two rules:
1. All MLP items must be official Hasbro or official Hasbro licensed. Homemade/fanmade stuff, customs and fakies/knockoffs/unlicensed ripoffs not admit-able, sorry.
2. No villains! (Except perhaps Nightmare Moon, because she's atoned and changed back to Luna).
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: SourdoughStomper on July 11, 2012, 07:32:17 PM
It's simple. Your collection consists of items you want to collect. It has meaning for you and that's what matters. Granted, some of my ponies lean toward either being warm colored or having sun in its name or symbol. But not all of them do. :)
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: angela22 on July 11, 2012, 09:16:19 PM
Yeah, I second, third and fourth the idea that each person's treasures are treasures to them! That's the whole point of collecting - it's a personal expression!  :mad:  :biggrin:

So, my "theme" is to buy everything I like!! I am a total completist (as I heard that word float around) - I have to have everything, and love to check off pretty organized little checklists and MS Excel documents (yes, I am a total dork). But, that's because that's my personality in everything! I'm the organizer pony who loves to categorize and then re-categorize! (Which pony was like that?)

But, there are certain ponies that I just have not even put on my checklists - BBE ponies for example. Or Flutters. Or Sweetheart Sister pose ponies. I just like all the chunky little adults and the cute babies with normal eyes! :D And I want... ALL...of them!  ;)

Collect whatever you like - be your own person - and I must say, that anyone who criticizes another "pony's" personality is not imitating the spirit of MLP characters that well! No pony on any of the shows would have done that to another pony. I mean, isn't their acceptance and love for each other the whole reason why we love the whole world of MLP in the first place - an alternate reality where people are sweet and simple and non-judgmental?

Whew. OK, rant over.  :cool:
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: FainneRoisin on July 11, 2012, 10:03:00 PM
My collection started out being just the ones that I liked, and it's mostly that now, but I'm focusing on trying to finish a few sets.  I don't feel like I have to have any particular pony just because it's rare or expensive.  *shrug*  I like what I like. 
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Shenanigans on July 11, 2012, 10:38:44 PM
I just collect what I love :) You don't really have to have a theme ^.^ Sometimes I'll try to collect sets, but that turns out to be expensive usually. Especially if there's a lot of ponies in the set! Just collect the ones you love, it doesn't matter if they're not rare :) If I was to somehow obtain a Nirvana at a yard sale (what are the odds of that happening? :P ) I would probably trade her for 50 commons since I'm not into Nirvanas. I would much rather have a bunch of what I love than one really rare one that I don't care for :) It's just hard on me when the ones I love are harder to find/sought after and expensive! :drunk:
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Lorelei Redfern on July 11, 2012, 10:45:52 PM
i've been compared to a racoon at times.. i  like shiny things and thigns  that sparkle XD  aka pretty ponys and tinsel.

for me thre isnt really a theme.. i sut collect what i think is pretty. ususaly when i  complete a set or  almost compelete a set its usualy  on accident
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Sarah-Bee on July 12, 2012, 07:56:04 AM
G1: gotta catch em all - literally ;)
G2: the very few that I like I will get when they are available to me easily
G3: all fair ponies, art ponies, exclusives etc plus a couple of ones that I think are pretty
G4: one of each pony that I like (ie I don't like Shine Brights so won't get them, but one of each other pony is a must have)
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: gabumon on July 12, 2012, 11:09:28 AM
I consider my Pony Collection to be a Pony Way-point, a transient place for ponies to visit and some day move on.  All except a handful, namely Chief and SS Magic Star, who will be with me forever. :D    The Ponies who visit I savor so deeply! I take photos! We have fun and enjoy! and then I sell them so they can explore somewhere else and brighten someone else's collection.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Stroggos on July 12, 2012, 11:14:50 AM
I consider my Pony Collection to be a Pony Way-point, a transient place for ponies to visit and some day move on.

I really like the way you've expressed this.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: aerie_star on July 12, 2012, 11:24:28 AM
I've chosen to deliberately collect G1 baby ponies and all accessories/playsets related to them. Baby ponies were my absolute favorite as a child (probably why I have so many of them and their accessories left). I'm also interested in recollecting ponies/accessories/playsets I had as a child (to a limited extent). I'm also collecting G4s (only brushables and FS tho, I have no interest in the talking ones). If I had a certain theme, it would be "Baby Ponies" I guess, not counting all the ways I sneal other stuff into that "theme". I'm also very interested in puzzles, books, posters.. that kind of thing  :biggrin: I'm willing give almost any pony a home though which is how I ended up with McDonalds toys and a bunch of G3s.

My younger sister is collecting Rainbow Dash... All the Rainbow Dashes, even if they're the same, but with a different accessory.  ^.^ I don't get it myself, but it makes her happy, which is the point of collecting to me.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: HollowZero on July 12, 2012, 11:27:19 AM
I don't have a theme, I just collect the ponies I like the look of. :) If there's a pony I just don't like, I don't bother trying to get them.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: SweetScoops on July 12, 2012, 11:30:07 AM
If I had to choose a theme for fun my G1 theme would be 'emotional attachment'. G1s just bring me back to a happy childhood place. I love them so much.

THIS! I also collect ponies this way <3

Exept for this i only collect ponies I find at second-hand or fleamarkets, I've stopped buying them online now. makes the hunt more challenging ;)
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: hathorcat on July 12, 2012, 03:35:40 PM
It's simple. Your collection consists of items you want to collect. It has meaning for you and that's what matters. Granted, some of my ponies lean toward either being warm colored or having sun in its name or symbol. But not all of them do. :)

The perfect sentiment!

My theme is "G1 MLP" I guess :)...but more specifically I am a "loose & complete" kind of gal...which means a pony with all her original accessories!
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: paradise-estate on July 12, 2012, 04:27:08 PM
I think my theme is gotta catch 'em all...

Hehehe ^^'
Haha I totally agree that! I have no theme. I agree with all those folk who say their theme is my little pony! Besides I can't afford many rare nirvana ones!
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Henpatch on July 12, 2012, 05:30:07 PM
I consider my Pony Collection to be a Pony Way-point, a transient place for ponies to visit and some day move on.

I like this! My "Theme" has been collecting ALL G1s ALL countries - over the years I have acquired many and now have a wonderful  collection.
I can see though....many will have to "move on" as I move on in MY life!
Not sure how or when they will go.....certainly only some that I find someone really wants (e.g. sold some Frenchies to the lovely Bibinettepony.....*sigh*) but at least I know they have a good home and will be loved!
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Moss on July 12, 2012, 05:40:54 PM
It might sound harsh, but I consider people who collect for the money to be 'investors' as opposed to collectors. I collect for the joy of the hunt and the fun of finding the ponies I love, not for the chance that I might make a profit someday.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: ZennaBug on July 12, 2012, 08:47:01 PM
Theme?  My theme is "if I like it, I want it."  :silly:  I don't collect sets or specific countries, I just buy ponies as I fall in love with them and when I have money.  My only exceptions to that are my Summer Wing set (it's my only complete set, but I love wingers and wanted them all) and my yellow/pink collection.  I have an army of Little Flitters and lots of other yellow ponies with pink hair.  I mostly seek out G1s, but I have one G2 baby and a couple G4s.

You don't need a theme.  If your collection makes you happy, that's all that matters.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: scarletjul on July 12, 2012, 09:29:56 PM
i've been compared to a racoon at times.. i  like shiny things and thigns  that sparkle XD  aka pretty ponys and tinsel.

for me thre isnt really a theme.. i sut collect what i think is pretty. ususaly when i  complete a set or  almost compelete a set its usualy  on accident

I'm a bit of a magpie, myself - love anything shiny!

My theme is pretty much anything MLP that strikes my fancy.  I do seem to like some of the HTF ponies (Crumpet, Nightglider, Ice Crystal) but my absolute favorite is still Wind Whistler and I have a soft spot for all of the newborn twins.  I collect all gens (I have 1 g2 and 2 g3.5s) and g1 merchandise as well and my collection makes me very happy.  :)

I agree with wha others have said - it is your collection and it's pencil because it has value to *you.*. Don't worry about your friend; it doesn't matter what she says.  You should never collect something just for the investment, IMHO.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: dxgirly on July 12, 2012, 09:44:02 PM
One of every G4 pony/set ever released, international or otherwise, MIB... then de-boxed pony singles when I can afford them.

Random G3's that I think are cute, plus con and art ponies MIB

Just started collecting G1's from childhood.... the hard part is remembering them all.

annnd no G2's for me... yet.
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Juri on July 12, 2012, 11:22:49 PM
Good on you! Everyone collects for different reasons I say, you dont need only to have 'rare' ponies.

The theme of my collection is "Juri likes ponies!"

Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: Tribble79 on July 13, 2012, 12:27:58 AM
I got to thinking some more about concepts and I am drawn to the Spacey ponies... i.e. Starhopper (my favorite), and Baby North Star (one of the 2 ponies I still have from childhood. I want Lovebeam and many many others!
Title: Re: The concept of your collection?
Post by: gemini_pony on July 13, 2012, 12:30:27 AM
I collect the ponies that make me smile. Which is why i branched into G1's and G3's (someday G2's)...I just love the colors and designs they make me happy :3
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