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Messages - WingsOfMasquerade

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Pony Corral / Are ALL Hallmark 2021 Powder G1 Ornaments BROKEN?
« on: July 19, 2021, 01:57:38 AM »
Well an unpleasant discovery.
I was in a mall that had an (unusual now a days) Hallmark store. I decided to bop in because I knew that this year was to have Powder as their G1 ornament and I really wanted her, because I love that pose and that pony. The sculpt in the preview factory photos was also really nice. I then found her on the shelf and bought her right away (They had 2 left after mine) because I don't want to pay like 30 on Ebay or Amazon or whatever like the past years are going for. All told, she was about 17 dollars (15 with tax)

When I got her home and deboxed though...she was broken!
Someone snapped the back leg off and it is re-glued with really really strong glue at a garbage-looking angle. The tail also prevents where the leg would have to go to look normal, even if I could break through the glue without further damaging her. So I got mad and started to tell friends "check in the store first! I'm going to return this!" But then...........I can't find ANY ONE who has one that is NOT broken??? There's also a lot of complaining on Facebook as people find her, start to buy her and then she is broken.

Like, if it was a 5 dollar ornament, I wouldn't care so much.
I'd be disappointed, but it wouldn't be that big of a deal and I'd buy more than one and experiment on it.
But this was 17 dollars! Broken! Doesn't even look good! Big obvious crack!
Can you imagine getting her on Christmas morning or a kid getting her and she's just broken like that?

I want to complain. Hallmark shouldn't get away with knowingly selling broken trashy items for so much money. They're also all broken, so you can't just go into the franchise store and try to return or exchange because they're all like that? Has anyone here seen a photo (a customer's photo) where it isn't broken? Know anybody to prove there is one not? I can't find a person so far.

How should complaining be done?
I thought to gather photos from different people where each one is obviously someone else who has her (diff background, diff hands holding it, etc) and then make a montage-group pic or something out of it and then dump it on Hallmark's facebook? I can't twitter. People ought to be warned before they spend 17 on a broken ornament this year. What's the best way to do it?

This is what it looks like

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Pony Corral / Re: POTD 6/8/2021 2010 Fair "Dandelion" Pony
« on: June 08, 2021, 11:16:51 PM »
Have her, she's great!
I love dandelion flowers anyway and the fuzzies they turn into. I have her MIB, but I think this one is prettier loose because there are lots of tiny and fun details. Her color is so garden fresh too.

Pony Corral / Did Basic Fun Just Confirm TEs for August 2021?
« on: May 27, 2021, 12:40:05 AM »
Maybe someone here is a better Tumblr detective than I am but this is SUPERIOR news if it is actual recent news / communication.
I am obviously reblogging this, but I cannot seem to sniff out the date the original poster posted it to tumblr or got communicated to by BF. The timing super-matters because if they got told at like Nov/Dec's rubbish news because we all know what happened at Target where they took down the shelf prices/got rid of their place to host the BF ponies. It would invalidate it.
BUT if this person got told/communicated AFTER Target did the thing, then that means ponies really are coming back in August because it is new news from the official source of it.

I am cautiously excited...

Pony Corral / Toys R Us Gets Sold Again- Good News?
« on: March 18, 2021, 06:06:56 PM »
It's not 100% Pony related but...
Back with business news that's probably fairly relevant.
Toys R Us has been sold again, now WHP Global has hold of it. The backstory is that TRU got liquidated in 2018 due to the badness of a thing called Bain Capital who had set out to ruin it (yes on purpose, they are mean) so they could have its valuable real estate. (The stores were huge and always built on the 'outskirts of town' long ago when they were building them from scratch---but as 'town' got busier/expanded everywhere the big stores were no longer on the edge and their value went way up, so it made sense to kill it and take the land away to get money.)

The new owner of it wants to direct it into expanding again by trying to bring back the website so people can buy online at prices that beat other places because they're aware of like...Target & Amazon I guess. Which is good because TRU would generally have the toy you wanted but the price would be above other stores and never go on sale. Also they say 'working with companies that ONLY make toys' is a priority too, because that's Basic Fun. They're not trying to be 'the everything store', with like strollers and bibs and computer monitors and just random mess. Unique & Classic toys also get mentioned...which is probably more good news.

The business article is at

Notice how the article doesn't blame Bain Capital, they just say 'it had crushing debt' , as if TRU just magically ruined itself, but Bain IS the reason it had that.
I really hope it comes back in retail of some sort, I miss being able to go to a literal toy-store, not just a toy-section.

Pony Corral / Re: 35 Anniversary Collectors ponies - Thread 3!
« on: March 18, 2021, 05:37:07 PM »
To Splooto: It was going to be the first half of the Twinkle Eye ponies.
And that was REALLY going to be exciting because can you imagine? TE's with perfect iridescent eye coating? WHITE crisp Gingerbread? Cancer/Centerpoint-free ponies filling the shelves? No more regrind/blotches? Of course, super special to me would be to have Masquerade new in the box. I'd have multiples! knoooowww those would sell well and we'd get the second half of them next with Mimic! 10 dollar Mimic means everybody can finally have her and she becomes affordable and that would be completely amazing. There is so much potential here.

But, like Wardah says the Strawberry went away for a while / stopped and then came back with more of them so it's not 'lose all hope' time, either. I want to hopefully look around and see if I can sniff up any hints or news somewhere.

Pony Corral / Re: 35 Anniversary Collectors ponies - Thread 3!
« on: March 18, 2021, 04:10:36 PM »
Jumping in to confirm in FL (several Targets)...
That the shelf label for the BasicFun / Classic ponies is GONE from the shelves as well. There's no evidence any more that they ever had them.
I am SO hoping this is a short term thing!
I totally want the next set with Posey / Cherries & everybody! They were always in the show and I want them mint in the box sooooo much. I was so excited for that wave too, but nobody knows what's going on?

Pony Corral / Re: Possible G5 artstyle?
« on: February 22, 2021, 11:59:45 PM »
If this is real then...sssssiiiiggghhhhh
I do want to reserve total judgment until something official happens/confirms and also to see the toys or CG of it/how it's really supposed to be rather than just a blanket.
But unless something miraculous happens: gonna pass.
They're better than the g4.5 who all look quite snarky/the same personality for every one and overly cartoony with the mouths drawn over top of the eyes & etc but seems they're forgetting these are ponies in lots of ways. With like human necks and Chihuahua faces with total forward eyes and then the whole entire front of the horse face is reduced to the 'button nose' or pig nose with completely separate mouth under it to make it more human. 

Thank you to Delphian: your edit shows that it's a completely human face with totally human hairline they've got going there. Look how the side lines even go under the bottom of the face there/gosh. The Stewie is there because there is no way ever possible that "Stewie" should be able to share eye/mouth/nose/brow placement with a horse and yet here we go...he does because of how they did the design.

I mean, it saves money to not be collecting pony toys or merch...but I mean I did enjoy the excitement of going to a store to get a toy I wanted from a cool show or something. I will continue with BasicFuns, I guess...

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High 2021 TV show?
« on: November 09, 2020, 10:42:13 PM »
I hope it's true!
And actually good if it is...

but it seems like famous VAs?
And then they are bringing back Ghoulia?

That seems a little fishy because wasn't Ghoulia quietly dropped because "She was offensive"? If they were bringing her back AND she could talk the 'offense' would be off her but that site says otherwise.

I would love to see more of MH, so long as they kept the real ghoul spirit of the line in place.
Like, the dolls have to be beautiful and have tons of detail, and it needs to keep the look and not turn into big goggle-eyed goofy Teen Titans ripoffs like everything seems to be doing. (Oh no, Strawberry Shortcake)

Pony Corral / Re: Retro ponies, Heart throb
« on: September 14, 2020, 01:51:13 AM »
Does anyone else suspect that one of the Sparklers is going to end up rare and costly?
Because I kind of do.
Thinking about getting a good pile of the half-manes going (if I can find them in stores) to save around for if she does become rarer down the line.
Like how the unscented rainbows are now in demand once people started finding the occasional scented one with discoloring issues.
But rather than 'going bad' potentially like those, the Sparkler I would think would be more in demand as a variant. (As she will probably always have that mix of colors to try to recreate her original Wisteria purple hair) It'll probably depend on which one they end up making more of, the half mane or the proper stripe.

I own 1 half mane, but then never found her again.
I love Sparkler/have a mini-army of her already anyway, so I want to def. have both.
Are they hair mixing for her purple & Moondancer's wine-red because for whatever reason they didn't get the original color back?
Which is weird, esp for Sparkler because everybody knows Dollyhair and other mlp rehair vendors have loads of the stuff which is an original exact-match. I am personally not a fan of the mixes in the attempt to re-create...I'd rather it just be the correct color and that's it.

I super hope they fix Heartthrob's body color though.
Her real color is so pretty, she's just pink overload which is just fine when it's not everypony doing that same thing. Their more mauve on her just doesn't look right. is usual for me I'll get both anyway if they do fulfill on their fix.

I have one too!

is mine. But, I don't post on it as much as I would like. It's mostly custom ponies, horses and very occasionally something else. I'm not super great at it either, because it is so phone-focused but I really prefer PC stuff & real camera/light setup rather than just my phone. But, I will do more with it as it seems like it could be more fun once you get to know it.

The thing that draws me in most for a photo is the pony or horse itself.
If there's something really different or outstanding about it, I always have to take a second look. I also like stuff with descriptions on them. Like where or what it is/how it was done/the name of the custom or stuff like that. My backgrounds tend to be pretty plain, but there's also not cool stuff really 'around' here to take ponies to for photos.

Pony Corral / Heads Up: USPS Rate Hike Incoming! Mail Your Ponies Early
« on: August 24, 2020, 01:12:47 AM »
Another Heads Up from the business world with an article & warning...and good news?
The bad:
Rate HIKES incoming starting Oct 18 thru Dec 27 (to cramp on Christmas, no doubt)
The good:
They're TEMPORARY. They're going back to normal after Dec 27th.

What this means:
If you're planning Xmas mailings, do it before the Oct. 18th to avoid the hikes. Same thing if you're trying to sell lots on ebay to work up holiday dollars, best to do it before the hikes start scaring buyers away. Also, it's going to affect everybody, even Amazon, UPS and FedEx because they all use the USPS to 'last mile' stuff to rural folks and use it's other functions as well.

You can read more with this article, that lists out the percentages & talks more

Can anything be done about it by normal people?
Yes, if you live in the US.
Use this website

To help you send emails, regular letters, and call political people in your state to influence them to:
#1 Stop DeJoy (man who is removing mail sorting machines)
#2 Stop the 2006 "postal pension prefunding act" (reason why usps in trouble now & doing this)
#3 Give it covid funding help like other big businesses got (because mail went up but workers went down b/c virus)

If anybody contacts any of these government guys, it MUST be recorded what you sent them/what you said, even if you only get a call center or you 'think they threw the letter out' ---they are not allowed. So if anyone does anything it gets recorded & the more people who do it the better it is. Changes are already happening in one state people screamed the house down so they plugged back in the mail sorter machine and pushed DeJoy down....but only because enough people yelled.

If you hate calling you can use this
Senator makes over 3000 dollars per week, so they can receive a pre-written (but alterable) email from you with that form & it must be recorded.

Pony Corral / Hidden Dissectibles: Pinkie Pie's Intestines On Display
« on: August 17, 2020, 12:59:03 AM »
Has viewing Pinkie's Intestines always been something you've wanted to do?
Good news, here's your chance!
Plus, not only that, you can see Dash's 'angry bones', because her skeleton changes shape with her expressions (because cartoon) She belongs right next to Sekllita Monster High & her famous 'skeleboobs' in the pile of 'things that skeletons do not do or have'.

They're 13 dollars for a 4 inch figure with base...
AND they're blind boxed (because of course) AND there are uncommons (yet again ugh)

But like...why are the flesh side of them so good?
Why could we not have this during like, the height of G4 where everyone was going wild? I mean, they seem better than the funko smalls? AND they're in a variety of poses too? The Twilight is so nice seeming, and sitting Rarity is lots of fun. Why did it take anatomy skeleton whatever this is gimmick to get actual decent looking figures of the characters in a variety of poses. Of course I'm going to dump on the BB aspect of it, because I always dump on BB/think it's a bogus gimmick that's more frustrating than fun but that is an opinion.

See it at

Will you get these?
What do you think?

I won't get it because it's too expensive for a blind box. I do add it to my list of things you wouldn't think you'd see though.
Also of note that it's not 'movie heads' style, nor is it the wacko/potions style even though "G4 is supposed to be over" all-together.

Oh and going to throw this in here in case your day wasn't weird enough
(No srsly if you've had enough weird stay off this following link cause...)

If you click it you'll see a brushing Pinkie where she is literally a head with legs somehow. Look at how that back leg comes spiderly from back to front to cross over the neck arm.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 8/7/2020 Magic Hat
« on: August 07, 2020, 08:09:37 PM »
Cute pose, cute symbol (I love how it's different on different sides for all of them--that's such attention to quality you don't get now) and cute colors.
I also like the idea of a pony magician, because the world of mlp was so magical to begin with, the idea of a character cultivating that for stage magic to do shows and things is really fun. But, she's in a 'shy'-er pose, so maybe she is just beginning and HoppingPocket the sweet pockets pony would be her mentor or something at magic, helping her think of new tricks and getting on stage.
I also like that she doesn't 'go bad' with age spots or other weird problems/she's easy to get and cute. She was one of my first Magic Messages & that bright red strip in her hair remains cool to me.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 7/31/2020 Twinkle Bloom
« on: July 31, 2020, 10:16:51 PM »
SO pretty!
I love her bold colors and that she is a G3 Pegasus. The dark pink on the wings is so fun, and the hair is a good contrast. I even like her cartoony flowers. There's just something very 'fittingly g3' about her, that all her elements are combining into peak-g3 to me.

Pony Corral / How Many Orders Does It Take To Sell-Out Target Online?
« on: July 26, 2020, 10:39:13 PM »
As I was shopping...
I didn't find the new wave (Gusty etc) in stores yet but then went to Tumblr and saw news that they were supposed to be on Target's website at regular price. So, of course I go there to grab these, annnnnnnnnd they're sold out online. Can't buy 'em. So that set me wondering:

How many orders DOES it take to make Target write 'sold out' on something in the website?
Did they have 1,000 of each pony in their warehouse and now they're gone?
Only 500 of each character?
Is there any way to know or to speculate how many they started with was only figured out like idk Saturday or something maybe that they were posted online so that is a turbo-speed sell-out if it took 'em 1 single day to blow thru all their Basic Funs.

Do you think they had a ridiculously low amount of them for some reason?
Or, is this a FANTASTIC SIGN that BF is on a run of big popularity by choosing these beautiful characters that people loved from the show?
(not just fans but nostalgic folks that aren't in the community)

I have no idea how many of each BF makes at one time, either.
What kind of numbers would they think is good / fuel another character group etc.  Like how many times does Target online have to sell out of this batch so the BF gets enough money that they make the Twinkle Eyes or something. Because the Posey/Cherries Jubilee gang is the last set before everyone had a gimmick, isn't it? With SS, TEs, Big Bros or Seaponies or something (I forget) coming next.

In all--I'm actually not disappointed that I couldn't buy them online.
I'm actually happy to see every single one sold out (Sunday the 26th July) and will gladly continue patrolling my local stores to grab the set. (For myself and others)

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