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Messages - Ponybookworm

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 315
Their physical shape would resemble real ponies or horses, but with longer hair, because BRUSHABLE, & their colours would be rainbow colours, mixed with white. Not TOO much pink, there'd be males with slight but noticeable differences from the females (we could even have beards on adult males). And since we're in this day & age, some Ponies who are neither male nor female, again with a slight difference.
There would be younger Ponies of several age groups, including babies, toddlers, tweens, & teens. There would be Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, Sea Ponies, & some kind of fairy Pony (I love the Breezies & the butterfly wings on the Wingers). There would be pets, playsets, friends of other kinds of animal, & some kind of gnomes or elves & fairies who could all interact with the Ponies.
Variety & collectability would be the focus, & any QR codes would be linked to videos or downloadable images, artworks, colouring pages, & background scenes. 3D printing options would be included for accessories, with the Pony website giving options to "print for you" for a small materials & postage fee, plus enough to pay the supervising workers. I totally agree with clothing patterns being made available too.
Their world would be magical, & feature adventures & challenges as the Ponies explore the world. No silly "tea parties all the time". Each Pony would have their own character, magic, & colour scheme. The symbol would be there, but not in the "Friendship Is Magic" way of restricting a Pony's career choice. There would be groups of Ponies with particular themes & gimmicks, but not outright gimmick for gimmick's sake (yep glow in the dark, nope pocket on one hip). Articulation maybe, but not at the expense of looking pleasant or feeling uncomfortable in the hand.
Minis, yep, with their own mini playsets, but not at the expense of the normal-sized Ponies (3 inches is too small, so I'd go for at least 4). Plushies, yep, some.
Bring it back to building the world for your Ponies to live in. That's one of my fave parts of collecting

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: Yesterday at 01:14:49 PM »
BC, Beth, hope you both get better sleep xxx
Cowboy I hope you get MORE sleep xxx
Squirmy hope your head improves & stops aching xxx
Artie those shoes are so CUTE!!!

Finished scarf & also finished the next hat & started on its gloves. Working through last scarf too bit by bit
Went to noisy coffee in the morning, made macaroni cheese in the evening. Two portions again & I froze the second
Weather is warm, but normal

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: May 28, 2024, 09:04:11 AM »
BC yaiy for clean kitchens!!!
Beth yep it is rude to call you about work when you're not getting paid xxx
Squirmy I'd love to see some examples of your SO's art xxx

Slept late Monday, but just about finished the scarf!!!
Today, coffee, got the loot, messages, out to Everything Shop town, got some stuff I wanted & some I needed, saw some pals pretty much everywhere, including: on the bus in, in the café, & on the bus back. Had cake & a frappe at the café. Got the food I needed too.
Off to order some things online & I'll be sorted!!!
Then it will be MY turn to sort the kitchen out, basically so I can get a new cooker. I miss my grill!!!

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: May 28, 2024, 08:51:54 AM »
Yesterday we had a thunderstorm so fierce it caused my power to glitch for a second. I had to restart my PC due to this!!!
Today it's sunshine & crystal clear skies, & so warm

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Scorpan has arrived!
« on: May 28, 2024, 08:44:42 AM »
 :lovey: :lovey: :lovey: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw:
This sculpture is AMAZING!!! It must have taken you ages to get it right!!!

Off Topic / Re: Rainlove The Pegasus's Job Thread
« on: May 26, 2024, 05:48:45 AM »
Such a fluffle of a moggie xxx  :lovey: :kitty:

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: May 26, 2024, 05:46:59 AM »
It rained hard on Wednesday & has started raining again today. Otherwise it's hot.

Boo DeSantis!!! Global warming is a global problem, not a political one

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: May 26, 2024, 05:44:23 AM »
I'm making some more friends at my regular haunts & it's great, cheers xxx
Was out today & got to see peeps too. When home I'm seriously hacking away at scarf 2. I put up the last fish stickers in the bathroom & have my eye on a mat set on eBay. I'll likely get it Tuesday

Beth it's good that being productive helps you like that xxx
Artie I hope things work out for you too xxx

Off Topic / Re: What made you smile today?
« on: May 24, 2024, 03:46:05 AM »
Had several reasons to smile this week, mostly to do with bounties of free food to tide me over this broke week, & help with paying for the food I had to buy (milk in particular).
Also to do with getting closer to people, including some I didn't expect

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: May 24, 2024, 03:38:55 AM »
Oh boy it seems I missed typing here for a bit!!!
Anyway, been pretty broke, which should mean scraping by, but actually means being blessed again. £5 worth of member points helped out with milk & stuff on Tuesday, bad weather (rain) on Wednesday plus other stuff meant only four of us showed for the fun night, so it got really personal & I got a HUGE doggy bag of treats!!! Meant it was good & I got to know some folks I don't see much a lot better as a result.
This morning I went to the noisy coffee & my pal from that was in hospital as her son had a virus but he's all better now. I got to introduce them to the person I had coffee with on Tuesday too.
Meanwhile I knocked a scarf off the knit list, two to go before I hit the next stuff. I think I'll finish scarf number 2 then start on a new set as I hack the third in wee bits.
Also to note: I'm making a sourdough starter. I have no rye flour but I'm using bread flour instead.

Griffin glad everything went so well wi moggie xxx
BC good on you for getting things done how you can. I hope you're using a wheeled chair xxx
Artie yep life without TV is bliss!!!
Beth I'm so glad things went well. In between your chores take your time to feel stuff xxx

Day Lily, Knick Knack, Lady Slipper, & Rose Garden are harder to find than the other Breezies. Day Lily, Knick Knack, & Lady Slipper remain on my Want List, while Rose Garden was a very lucky find!!!
Snippety Snap eludes me to this day!!!

Off Topic / Re: Rainlove The Pegasus's Job Thread
« on: May 20, 2024, 02:34:10 AM »
Awww snuggles with the cat xxx And nice finds on the books xxx

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: May 18, 2024, 06:19:06 AM »
slept late :( at least it's the weekend. my sleep has been wonky too. i woke up at 2:30am and took about an hour to fall back asleep.

today i need to get everything ready for us to drive to Houston for my MIL's funeral. I also need to go over to my parent's. i haven't felt up to seeing anyone really but i should go over there and visit.

other than that i need to clean the house some and finish trimming the plants in the front yard. i usually water every other day if it doesn't rain so i think if i water before we leave and when we get home they'll be ok.

i get a lot of anxiety when i travel. it's why i don't really go on vacation. it's hard for me to leave the dogs. we're taking one with us and 2 of them will stay with my parents.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: May 18, 2024, 05:49:54 AM »
Bakana is bathed, I'm showered, & the last of my laundry is in. Some had to wait because of Thursday night & Friday morning. MISSED Thursday night due to wonky sleep, but made Friday morning & got that day's laundry in.
Knitting & crochet-wise I finished the hat to go wi the gloves which were irritating to make, so now on the scarf, which means I have 3 scarves on the go now.
Forgot to mention being a bit early for coffee on Tuesday so I also took glass out that day.
Every package I've ordered has arrived.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 16, 2024, 03:14:42 PM »
And my wonky sleep made me miss craft night!!!

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