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I just listened to an interview about the Fukushima meltdown health effects...

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I agree with Roccoriel. Very interesting but needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

This "doctor" also doesn't have a conventional medical degree and his research is done in his own alternative medicine foundation. Not that there is anything wrong with alternative medicine but care is needed to ensure that the particular practitioner is making legitimate, scientifically backed claims.

thats why i have 2 geiger counters:)

Wow, that is a lot of info to take in.

Whellu, IIRC taking regular iodine only protects from radioactive iodine. That doesn't take care of other things though like cesium, plutonium... so as far as overall rad-protection effectiveness I'd assume it just depends what's around. I have extended family and friends in Japan too and it IS a bit worrisome but are all super healthy as far as I know so that is wonderful!! =)
Thanks for the stats and info, Roccoriel!! Big difference!! Nuclear energy is pretty amazing when compared in those stats. I hope in our lifetime we'll get to see what comes next!
Yeah... I didn't look at that man's website until after I posted. Bad move on my end a bit lol!!! I heard the baking soda theory before.. I think they say it has something to do with balancing the body's PH because "cancer thrives" in the poor non balanced conditions. That always confused me because I know the blood's PH level is VERY finiky and cannot change much... but there are still blood cancers.  :blink:
mlpfan, that is awesome. I'd have SO much fun running around with a geiger counter hehe.


--- Quote from: Ginger on January 19, 2012, 05:48:33 PM ---Whellu, IIRC taking regular iodine only protects from radioactive iodine. That doesn't take care of other things though like cesium, plutonium... so as far as overall rad-protection effectiveness I'd assume it just depends what's around. I have extended family and friends in Japan too and it IS a bit worrisome but are all super healthy as far as I know so that is wonderful!! =)
Thanks for the stats and info, Roccoriel!! Big difference!! Nuclear energy is pretty amazing when compared in those stats. I hope in our lifetime we'll get to see what comes next!
Yeah... I didn't look at that man's website until after I posted. Bad move on my end a bit lol!!! I heard the baking soda theory before.. I think they say it has something to do with balancing the body's PH because "cancer thrives" in the poor non balanced conditions. That always confused me because I know the blood's PH level is VERY finiky and cannot change much... but there are still blood cancers.  :blink:
mlpfan, that is awesome. I'd have SO much fun running around with a geiger counter hehe.

--- End quote ---

they are alot of fun:) there is stuff you would never think is radioactive that is, i am glad i bought mine before the disaster because prices shot up over night!


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