Pony Talk > Pony Corral
A replacement word for Grundles
Maybe the word Grundle sounds inappropriate for a goblin-like creature in the My Little Pony Franchise. I believe they should use the word Knocker instead of Grundle because you should see its definition in google to show you what I mean. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knocker_(folklore)
I don't think Grundle is that inappropriate in the context, but it certainly may be why the characters have not returned since G1. There's characters in MLP at the time with worse names in my opinion, and there's things irl with equally interesting names hah. I think Knocker is... as inappropriate as Grundle in this context :lol: :lol:
I think 'Grundles' don't sound quite as immediately NSFW as 'Knockers' would, LOL! But it's not a bad idea! Maybe they need a completely made up word for them - or maybe something similar? What about Grumbles? It would kind of fit, with the wailing of 'oh, Grundleland!' I would love to see them return someday, I thought they were fun!
I like Grumbles!
oh "knocker" sounds worse in my opinion even if it's a valid name of Fae Folk...
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