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Slice of Life - What are you up to today?

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Artemesia's Garden:
I'm working from home today, looking at seed care results for commercial geraniums. It's 25C today so still hot for England but not as hot as yesterday. I went outside in my break and checked my tomato plants.

Lady Frostbite:
Mostly just doing house stuff, I'm on Day 5 of self-isolation and I have a delivery later coming from Tesco (they are warned I have tested positive). I should put in an order for new work trousers, and clean about the house. It's pretty warm today!

I'm going to finish this custom pony I've been working on for a month and a half then finish my first needle felting project, a pumpkin :)

Less fun, I need to clean the cat boxes and vacuum the living room and bedroom.

The weather is hot and humid, with the heat index it's already 96F and it's not even 10AM.

Got three shark wuzzles: melon shark, bee shark, & eaqgle shark, aka Hajgle. Hajgle is my fave of the three. Will make a savoury pie later. Got everything ready for it. Had some caramel bites picked up at yesterday's coffee morning as a snack. Now checking online stuff. Next stop: what made you smile

Leave a Whisper:
Will likely be helping a relative with yard work later this evening. Hafta fold laundry.


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