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Do you like spicy food?

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Walmart had the regular size bags of Doritos on sale, so I bought two. I had my stuff delivered and everything looked fine. I opened one bag today and ate a chip. It was a little hot. Reading the bag, it was Spicy Nacho flavor. The other bag was the normal Nacho Cheese flavor. The bags are similarly colored so I don't think it was done on purpose. Someone else must have put the Spicy bag by the regular bags and my shopper happened to grab it. I tried to eat more of the spicy chips but they were too much for me, so through the Walmart chat I got a refund on one bag.

Occasionally, I like a little spice. Mainly jalapeƱo poppers or nacho cheese with jalapeƱos. Very *mild* spice, mind you. I think the hottest thing I've ever had was ghost pepper jelly. It was okay to try but not something I would choose to eat again.

However, I really like wasabi. I always mix soy sauce and wasabi to dip sushi in and I like the wasabi peas in Asian rice cracker mixes. I've had wasabi flavored almonds and like those too. And yes, I mean real wasabi not just green colored horseradish, though I like horseradish too. Some people say wasabi is spicy. I disagree.

Maybe I have a weird mouth, but spice from peppers tends to linger on your tongue. Sometimes, it will even get spicier as it settles in your mouth. If you take a drink of something non-dairy, you can still taste the spice. To me, wasabi doesn't do that. You taste it, it screams, but then it goes away. It also affects a different area of your tongue, more toward the back and sides than all over like pepper spice.

Lemme look up something... okay. So this is what's in peppers:

The chemical that makes peppers spicy is called capsaicin:

How it works
Capsaicin binds to receptors in the mouth and nervous system, causing a burning sensation.

And for wasabi:

The spicy element in wasabi is allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), a volatile chemical compound that's released when the wasabi root is grated:

AITC is also found in the same plant family as horseradish and hot mustard, which is why all three products have a similar kick. However, AITC in wasabi affects your nose and sinuses more than your tongue, unlike the capsaicin in chili peppers and hot sauces, which affects your mouth.

Interesting! I didn't know that before now. And yes yes! I like hot mustard too :lol:

So, it is capsaicin that I don't like, and I was right! I does linger on the tongue. And wasabi does its thing in your sinuses, which I guess is why it lasts only for a little bit.

Well, this turned out to be a learning post for me :biggrin:

But back to the question: Do you like spicy foods? Do you like wasabi or peppers?

yes... although  I have a limit LOL

yes i like spicy food. both wasabi and peppers. i stick with the milder ones though. Habaneros are about the hottest i'll go. no ghost peppers or anything someone would eat on a dare. i don't really ever just eat hot peppers by themselves.


--- Quote from: Beth3346 on January 02, 2025, 06:46:05 AM ---yes i like spicy food. both wasabi and peppers. i stick with the milder ones though. Habaneros are about the hottest i'll go. no ghost peppers or anything someone would eat on a dare. i don't really ever just eat hot peppers by themselves.

--- End quote ---

This for me too. I like (moderately) spicy food and I've built my tolerance for capsaicin but I can't handle anything super spicy. Sometimes strong peppers give me this heartburn-like sensation at the moment I'm eating them, that is really unpleasant. I don't suffer from heartburn often and I typically have no problems digesting spicy food, it's just the moment of eating that the burning might be too much if it's not just in my mouth but down to my stomach, lol. :lol:   

It really depends!!! I remember several years ago I got a whole jalapeno with a kebab. I managed to eat 2/3 of it!!! So I'm not the most dragony person... but I can like some spices


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