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What's your weather like?

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Let's small talk about the weather.

It's supposed to be spring, which usually means monsoon season here. We've only had two storms so far. The temp is higher than it should be, so much so we are breaking records. It's frustrating because it's chilly at night (65F) and most of the day is beautiful (72F) but by late afternoon we are in the upper 80s and it's humid. I have my windows closed to escape from the humidity (and allergies) and I'm trying not to run my AC too often. If the afternoon was a normal temp for this time of year, I'd open the windows.

I keep thinking, if we are breaking heat records in April, what is August going to be like? :shocked:

Our weather has been pretty random this spring.  Right now... it's humid, warm and gross.  I hope it rains tonight.

Today it's been bright and sunny and blazing hot. Been out and about a good bit today and on my last outing today my car said it's 90 degrees. I'm heat sensitive so feeling really heat drained even after a cool shower.

We're all going to melt this summer :yikes:

I know I melt every summer.


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