Creativity > Customs

Is it viable to dye G4 pony hair?

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If you use rit dyemore not normal rit it will work, but use a paint brush to get near the root line without dying the pony, another suggestion would be use a cheap thriftstore doll with black hair and just harvest it to use

Just an update in case people are wondering how it came out or people in the future searching this thread with a similar question:
Black rit dye on the pony's original hair. The body was slightly darkened because I submerged the whole pony but I intend to paint over the body so that's alright. Hair was originally pink and purple and the hair became a dark blue which isn't as black as I would have liked but it's dark enough

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That's very pretty! It reminds me of Twilight's actual hair color in the show!

It turned out a really pretty color. In the future you might want to take vampyrefay's suggestion and use rit dyemore. Its made for dying synthetics. I've got a wig that I've dyed with red/brown mixed with a tiny bit of black(like 3 cap fulls) and I learned a little of the black goes a long way as it turned out quite dark.

Leave a Whisper:
That turned out very nice.


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