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Messages - hlbmlp

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Customs / Re: hair and ovens question
« on: January 23, 2012, 03:56:10 PM »
Yikes!  I have frizzed nylon hair with a flat iron, but I'm not sure about the oven.

  I hope more experienced ponies can help!

i have only had problems with the lighter colored non vintage ponies with this.  though i have the hair thoroughly wet at all times while doing this. sad day for frizzy ponies!

Pony Corral / Re: Storing ponies?
« on: January 23, 2012, 03:48:36 PM »
Oh my! I feel for you! How many did you have? I was absolutely frantic to the point I was staying up almost all night and getting maybe 2 hours sleep before work so -I- could be the one packing my ponies. I didn't have my entire collection there, but it still took me a month. (I mailed everything to my parents place in ON, before moving to ON myself.) My EX had (what would have been) two boxes of my stuff to pack. he lost all my pretty glass and feather christmas decorations I had bought on clearance the month before. and the other box was crammed with a jumble of stuff, of course things were broken.

ughh i hate moving for this reason.  everything gets broken or lost... bleh

I had near 300 at the time but probably at least 50 or 60 of those were g3 mib. those didnt get it as bad.  some came out unscathed thank goodness! I dont know how the ringlets survived but they did!!! 

Pony Corral / Re: How do you display your collection?!
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:34:22 AM »
i havent had time to set them up at our new house, but at least they are out of those wretched boxes!  at the last house i had a combination of many kinds of shelving... my favorite was these decorative shelves that my dad had bought back when i was in elementary school.  They are for dishes or something, but the ponies have the perfect amount of room! just one row!  I also had 6in x 6ft shelves.  I just put a mib g3 behind the g1s. Those still in the box had a little bit of elevation so i could see both. I also had a shelf i made when i was little out of a shoe rack and some ply wood. (ok dad cut the wood!) that was barely tall enough to fit ponies in, but it worked and had enough room for adults in back babies in front.  I would suggest putting it on another shelf or desk because i couldnt see anyone but the babies when it was sitting on the floor. 

sorry for the crappy pics! this is all i have ^__^

edit: gah it cut off the important parts of the pics... sorry just click ok?

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Pony Corral / Re: Storing ponies?
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:43:22 AM »
whatever you do DONT let someone else pack them or try to cram as many a possible in a cardboard box! especially on thier sides.  i was out of the country when my parents decided to move so my whole collection was packed that way! GAH!  a lot are now squashed and the legs messed up, hairdos ruined and paint actually came off of some onto others!  it was a complete mess and im still trying to fix them all up!  definitely have a bin of some sort that can hold weight in case someone decides to stack things (even for small periods of time) and have them standing with a good separator in between. just nothing heavy for that because it can bend and warp horns and ears depending on the pose. ^__^ Dont keep them near the construction either!  the dust and crap WILL creep into sealed plastic bins. I cant figure out how but it does!
good luck on construction.

Customs / hair and ovens question
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:28:32 AM »
i'm working on my first custom involving some sculpted pieces, and i know that nylon hair can go in the oven and not do damage.  I was wondering if the hair was touching a metal pan if it would singe or anything. i just wanna put the head in because im using a g3 with a magnet on her foot.  I reeally dont wanna rehair this girl again. the sculpt was a spontaneous thing i did at the end  that i am glad i did and will definitally do again, but i just want to make sure that i dont mess things up too bad.
thanks in advance!

The Dollhouse / Re: Anyone here like dollhouses?
« on: January 21, 2012, 09:15:36 AM »
i recently recovered my childhood dollhouse after a move.  I cannot wait to fix it up. I want it to have lights and shingles and everything!  i can share pics too if you guys would like!  Although this guys a big one, being 3 stories high and 3 feet long!!!  this shall be a challenge if i want to finish it by next christmas!

Customs / Re: Stuff I did while the forum was down
« on: January 20, 2012, 11:02:28 AM »
omygosh!! these  are absolutely way too adorable!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

Off Topic / Re: Curious: how did you choose your user name?
« on: January 20, 2012, 10:26:02 AM »
o man well... it's my initials and mlp... i came up with it in 4th grade when i got my email and joined some groups.... never stopped using it. ^__^

Introductions / Re: Hi!
« on: January 19, 2012, 10:21:24 PM »
awe thanks!!! I also do ponies, but i dont sell them because of copyright issues, but id probably trade or something!

Customs / Re: Steam Punk Pony Swap Taking Sign Ups Until Feb 14th!
« on: January 19, 2012, 10:18:51 PM »
man i havent done a custom in forever and just started some... redos and other such nonsense!! I must finish and post them somewhere before this closes I reaallly wanna do this!!!

Customs / Re: Save the Ponies! Entry Form Up
« on: January 19, 2012, 09:54:32 PM »
I will use this remco 1989 pony who is yellow and has purple horns and feet... i started and forgot to post here first!!! Hope that's ok!!!

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Customs / Re: Save the Ponies! Custom Contest Coming Soon!
« on: January 18, 2012, 06:58:08 PM »
so in! I need to practice before doing much! Haven't done a custom in forever! only restorations!

Introductions / Hi!
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:51:21 AM »
I am 20 and live near Pittsburgh Pa and in Canton Oh depending on the time of year (school...).  I am an art major and own my own business selling stuffed animals (  I have so many important people in my life it would take tomes to list!

I have been collecting most of my life.  I don't remember not going to yardsales and thrift stores searching for ponies.
I have all generations of ponies, but i prefer the ones from my childhood, the g1 and g2s.  I will pick up a newer one for the right price or if i really like her. I dont know why i started collecting ponies, it has just been something i have always loved.  I never stopped because i loved them so much and they were such a large part of my childhood.

Most of my ponies come to me in pretty bad shape, but i love restoring them.  especially when i dont have to rehair them (i will do it, especially with customs, but it's a pain and i prefer to keep the original if possible.)  My favorite ponies are  Cherry Treats, my 7 baby surprises, Bubblefish, Tabby, and ALL of the ponies i had when i was little!
I will never give up a baby surprise.  She was the only pony i dont have from my childhood.  I had given her to a friend to play with before we moved and i never got her back.  So i bought one, and my dad bought me one, and my grandma found the rest for christmas.  I dont think she realized there were so many of one pony in the lots she bought but i dont care i love all of my surprises!!

Heidi~ <3

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