Pony Talk > Pony Corral

my little pony pioneer book about Bonnie Zacherle

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sorry if this is old news to some but just found it for sale online  :shocked: I never knew about this. looks awesome.

I hope the links ok to post.

very cool, sadly $70 where I am though  :lookround:

going by the cover, I didn't know that she had much to do with G4, there's only 2 G1 and the rest are G4 no G2, G3 or G5, I wonder why  :wonder: I will have to read the book  :lol:

Hmm, I'm sceptical about how valuable a source of info this is.

Chapter 1, A Childhood Dream... features the G4 logo!  :mad: In a book about the G1 designer!   :nope:

Seems like a kids biography book and less of a MLP book but that's cool for Bonnie :)

Not interested in a book that tries to link G1's creation with G4, or for which 'bronies' is a common search tag. Sorry if that's harsh, but I am over the bronyvision view of pre-G4 MLP.

yeah its a bit of isn't it.
 ops I should edit the title and have about not by.  :blink:


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