Pony Talk > Pony Corral

Getting rid of dark spots on G1s?

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What are the best products to use on G1 ponies with dark spots? I'm guessing these are from fungi?
I have plenty of Magic Erasers lying around, but I'm hesitant to try them in case they damage the plastic. Is sun-fading the best solution or is there a quicker method?
Any advice would be much appreciated! :)

The age spots (the perfectly round ones with the darker center) are cause by bacterial or mold colonies if I recall correctly.  The dark center is where the colony started, and then it grows outwards until it runs out of steam.

Unfortunately they are not removable, the best you can do is paint over them. The original pigment has been destroyed in those spots, so you can't get it back.

Ah, thanks for the info! It's such a shame; I'm getting a lot more anxious about preserving my small herd of G1s. :yikes:

for the record, while magic erasers don't help with these spots, they're safe to use on ponies :) Just be careful with eyes, symbols and blush! :lovey:

Thank you, that's good to know! :)


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