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Topics - ringwraith10

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I'm in the process of listing a bunch of toys -- both vintage and modern -- on my Instagram sales page. I really need money for my trip to Disney, so everything has to go! Please browse and feel free to make offers. You can send me a message on here or on IG if you want to make an offer or buy anything (comments work, too!). I will have Care Bears, Disney Toys, Funko, MLP, and other brands for sale. If it doesn't sell here or on IG, I will soon be listing it all on ebay.

Here are the links:

I have several listings for vintage dolls on ebay right now. I have most of them in lots but if you just want one let me know and I can split up the lot (of course if someone makes a bid on ebay before you do that I'll have to honor that bid)! These have to go soon, so you can make an offer and I'll probably accept it! I'll be adding more stuff soon. You can also check out my Instagram sales page to see other dolls, ponies, and toys I'm selling. Feel free to make an offer on anything!

The Dollhouse / ID/PC: My mom's original Barbie doll!
« on: December 05, 2018, 01:13:56 AM »
I just opened the box from the basement that housed my childhood doll collection, which included my mom's original Barbie. I don't know what year she's from but I suspect '59 or '60. She has her original black/white striped bathing suit and a dress that I think was released separately in 1960? She has no other accessories and she's in kinda bad condition -- her hair is thin and her makeup is a bit chipped. When I look at old Barbies on ebay the prices are all over the place, and I don't know what factors make the dolls more or less valuable. I'm definitely not planning on selling my mom's doll, but I do want to know what her value is. I'm hoping there are some doll experts who can tell me maybe what year she is from and what factors contribute to her value or lack of value.

There's a picture of her at the following link (my Instagram):

Off Topic / Magazine Problem!
« on: March 07, 2018, 04:45:46 PM »
This isn't really dramatic enough to go in the WYP board but I really need advice.  :shocked:

So, someone signed me up for a bajillion magazine subscriptions. I don't know who did it, all I know is that I've been getting bombarded with magazines I don't want. I even MOVED, and I thought that when I moved the magazines would stop coming to me, but the post office gave them my new address so I'm still getting them! I'm getting all of these weekly tabloids and other magazines like Glamour and Allure. I'm honestly not interested in any of it. I've been leaving the magazines out at the mailbox in case any of my neighbors wanted them, but it's getting exhausting. When I checked my mail yesterday, there were about 20 magazines shoved in my mailbox. My actual mail that I need was all crushed and wrinkled up because the mail person had had to shove all of those magazines in there.

So here's my question: what can I do to contact the magazine companies and tell them to stop sending me stuff? I mean, this feels almost like harassment. When you get junk emails, there are instructions on how to unsubscribe to the emails. How do I get rid of these junk magazines? I hope someone here knows what I should do.

The Dollhouse / American Girl Questions
« on: March 03, 2018, 11:01:28 PM »
I've been semi-collecting American Girl since I was a kid, but all I have are four Kirsten dolls. I'm looking into buying a Josephina, but I would rather get an older one online than buy a "Be Forever" one in the store. I really don't know much about what I should be looking for. I do know that I would much prefer a Pleasant Company doll. How much should I expect to pay for a Pleasant Company Josephina with all of her original clothes (not all sets, but just the Meet outfit)? And how can I tell if it's Pleasant Company if the seller doesn't specify this? I saw a Josephina with her clothes and her shawl on ebay go for around $50 (but I was outbid). I don't know if that's low or high. So, any information would be appreciated.

Also... if I get frustrated would it be worth my time to just give up and buy one from the store, or are the new ones significantly poorer quality? I have noticed that the clothes design is different on the newer ones.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Hiveswap Act 1 on Steam!
« on: February 04, 2018, 09:25:41 PM »
I swear I have never bought a game so freaking fast as when I purchased Hiveswap on Steam yesterday. This game came out back in September, but I haven't been looking at the Steam store much lately so I only just discovered it. I have barely read the description for the game -- as soon as I saw the below screenshot I THREW MY MONEY EVERYWHERE.

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So, what do we see in this picture? Wuzzles, check. Ponies, check. Popples, check. Rainbow Brite, Puppy Surprise, and some other stuff I recognize but don't know much about? Check.

Okay, so I haven't played the game yet so it might be terrible, But the cameos in that screenshot alone tell me that this may have been the best $8 I've ever spent. Now I just need some time when I'm not doing homework...

Edit: I just zoomed in and noticed the Clarissa Explains it All poster. Plus, Easy Bake Oven, and those animal posters on the wall look like those folders and notebooks we all had in elementary school.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / PC/ID Yum Yums
« on: June 18, 2017, 05:33:49 PM »
I found a couple of Yum Yums recently, and I don't know much about these guys. I looked them up at Ghost of the Doll and found the lion, but I can't find the bear? So my question is: what years are these guys from, and about how much are they worth? Oh, and do they have names? Right now I'm probably going to keep them, but I'm curious about their value.

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Off Topic / My Blog + A Survey
« on: May 25, 2017, 10:19:16 AM »
Hello all,

I have been away from my blog for several months due to focusing all of my efforts on finishing my Master's thesis. I'm trying to get back into the blogging game better than ever, though, and I have made a survey to see what people think about my blog and what people want me to write in the future. I know some of you guys like taking surveys, so could you pop over there and fill out some quick questions?

Here's a link to my latest blog post:

And here's a link directly to the survey:

Thank you for taking a look! :hug:

MLP Nirvana / Macau Jenny in an Ebay Lot?!
« on: March 04, 2017, 01:00:10 PM »
So I was browsing Ebay, as you do, and I came across a pretty normal-seeming lot of ponies with a bunch of commons... and a brown Snuzzle?! My initial thought was that she was a Macau Jenny (though how she managed to get into this lot of common ponies is beyond me), but she has pink hair? Here's a picture:

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So does anyone know what/who this pony is? Unfortunately I can't afford to bid on her since I've reached my pony budget for this month already, but I'm just really curious. If anyone wants to see the lot with the rest of the pictures, search Ebay for "Huge Lot of My Little Pony + Accessories Rare Vintage Pre 1990".

I hope this post is allowed -- I know we can't post links to auctions but I think we can post pictures and descriptions?

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Playmobil!
« on: November 15, 2016, 02:46:04 PM »
Is anyone else as obsessed with Playmobil as I am? When I was a kid I collected Playmobil figures and playsets, and I've noticed a huge resurgence in Playmobil stuff lately, so I've been buying playsets and stuff here and there. But recently I found out that there are BLIND BAG PLAYMOBIL FIGURES! OMG, gotta have 'em all! There are also some super collectible rare figures that I want, like the ever so popular Martin Luther figure (weird, right?).

Talk to me about Playmobil!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Anyone else playing Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X?
« on: September 05, 2016, 04:59:29 PM »
I pre-ordered Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X, so I've been playing for a few days now (since I got it in the mail). So far I like most of the songs, but the gameplay hasn't been so great for me so far. I feel like I just need to get used to the new way the game is played (it's way different from the previous games), but it just hasn't grown on me yet. I'm okay with the "story" that they've introduced, but I don't love the way you get modules, the fact that there are so few songs with singers other than Miku (yet you're supposed to play with everyone anyway, even though it's Miku's voice on all of the songs!), and the interchangeable stages -- I liked how, in the previous games, each song had its own really awesome video.

Also, I've encountered some really annoying bugs in the game.  >_< When I flick the sticks for the star notes, sometimes it doesn't register that I got the note and it counts as a miss! Also, a few times the game has frozen for a few seconds and caused me to miss notes. Urgh! BTW, I'm playing on PS4 -- don't know if these bugs exist on the vita version.

So, thoughts? Has anyone else played it yet?

Off Topic / Yuki Yuna is a Hero (Spoilers!)
« on: June 16, 2016, 05:40:23 PM »
Who's watched this anime? I just finished it and I have a bunch of discussion questions! I'll preface this with some of my opinions: I did enjoy the show, I really did. But. When the show started, I thought it was sort of just a generic Magical Girl cookie-cutter story. By the end, I thought it was a copy-cat of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, but with a strangely happy ending.

So, because I was wondering about the show's origins, I looked up Yuki Yuna and then I looked up Madoka. According to the Wikipedia page on Madoka, "During the pre-writing planning phase, Iwakami simply requested that Urobuchi make the storyline "heavy".[3] Furthermore, Shinbo specified that it should contain copious amounts of blood and violence, elements that were unusual to the magical girl genre." While Yuki Yuna isn't as violent as Madoka, it definitely looks like it's trying to make the "Dark Magical Girl" genre a bigger thing than just one show.

So, thoughts on this? Even though I knew that there wasn't anything particularly new about the storyline, I still found myself crying along with the characters and loving Yuna's adorableness. And even though it was part of the plotline, I always love seeing disabled representation among heroes in media! I just wish the series had been longer so they could do more character and plot development.

How did you like the show?

Off Topic / Internetting is haaard! (Help me with my website, please?)
« on: March 03, 2016, 01:45:35 PM »
Okay, this is a problem, but I don't think it's bad enough to go in WYP... I seriously don't understand domains, servers, and other things important to maintaining a website and I need help! I have a website (or did) which is basically just a blog with a domain that I purchased a year ago. It's hosted by Blogger, and I bought the domain from Google (Blogger's parent company). Back when I purchased the domain it cost only $12 for the year. Now the year is up and Google is saying that I have to pay $112 to re-instate my domain (I accidentally let it lapse because I didn't see the email from Google saying it was time to pay). Google is not explaining anywhere what the extra $100 is for, so I feel like I am maybe being bamboozled in some way... Can anyone provide some advice on this matter? I don't want to pay a whole $100 without knowing why I'm paying it. Does anyone else have their own domain? How do you host it and how much does it cost you?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Off Topic / Ornament Swap 2015 BRAG THREAD!
« on: November 23, 2015, 04:26:50 PM »
This is the brag thread for the 2015 Ornament Swap -- so let the bragging commence!  :lol:

I can't believe I was the first person to get my swap box! My partner, mkia9, spoiled me BIG time -- so here come a lot of pictures!

When I saw the box I was like "I wasn't expecting anything... ... ... OH!" Here's a picture of the box just after opening:

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I opened the card, and I probably would have been happy if that Gaston pin were the only thing I got! I was so excited!

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Here's a picture of everything out of the box!

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Look! Ornaments with all of my pets on them! I don't even know where Mkia9 found these pictures! IG, I guess?

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Some hand-made poodles, and another poodle!

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And Simba! Wow! He's fuzzy!

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And finally, the Cotton Candy ornament that I didn't get last year AND a Christmas pickle! These were so exciting! I don't even remember mentioning that I wanted a pickle! (Sorry if this picture is sideways -- it won't turn around for me!)

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And there was more awesomeness in the extras, but I don't want to photo spam too much! If you can't tell I am ridiculously excited! My dog, Merry, is (as her name suggests) very happy, as well. :D I showed her everything as I opened it and she jumped around and wagged her tail like crazy.  :cool:

Hi everyone! I don't know if anyone remembers, but about a year ago I posted a question about this doll. I was just throwing out the question of how much it was worth, but I didn't really get a definitive answer.  :| I was advised to visit Babyland General (which is not far from my mom's house), but I don't think I'm going to make it there, and the poor doll has been sitting in my closet this whole time. So I have decided to put the doll up for sale on Ebay and let the Ebay gods and bidders decide on a price.

Here's a picture of the poor naked doll. :/ It's 24" tall, by the way -- much larger than most CPK dolls I've seen!

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And here's the link to my Ebay auction (I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to post this...):

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