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Topics - Mewtwofan1

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Arts & Crafts Corral / G1/G3 to G5 blender
« on: March 24, 2023, 09:22:47 AM »
Hello all!
A little while ago, a person by the name of JayPastaForce on twitter unveiled the Make Your Pony G5 project on blender. Using it and a bit of blender knowledge, you can use it to make movie-quality models of ponies. Using the model (which is still in development with more updates scheduled) I created G5 versions of Satin 'n Lace and Starcatcher.
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Starcatchers forehead mark didn't want to render, I might fix that in the future.

If you're curious or want to try it out, you can download the model from here

Arts & Crafts Corral / The creation of the Unity crystals- Blender render
« on: January 30, 2023, 04:59:46 PM »
Hello! After a hiatus from blender due to university (it has not been kind to my schedule) I am pleased to present my latest render, made in Blender!
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I’ll be uploading it to DA shortly, with links to all the used resources. I’m quite pleased to say though that the magic aura and glowing parts were made by myself, and I had a lot of fun learning and teaching myself the techniques to make it.

Pony Brag Arena / Schoolhouse grail brag
« on: August 22, 2022, 06:37:41 PM »
Hello all! Long time no post, I’ve been a bit busy offline with my grandparents coming, work and getting ready for uni. I’ve been accepted for a bachelor of education with a focus on elementary students. I’m so excited! And shortly after I got the acceptance letter, an advertisement popped up in a Facebook group I’m in. And it was the schoolhouse, complete in box (minus instructions) and for a good price. I’ve wanted it since I laid eyes on the set, and knew my chances of finding a European set in Canada was very little. So…I bought it!
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My pony stuff is currently put away, so I can’t see how it looks with the ponies. But I’m very pleased with it!

Hello all! I have a minor question regarding the look and layout of the forum when I look from my phone. Prior to a few days ago, the display was more similar to the desktop version. Boxed displaying boards and profile on the left, unread/replied to topics on the right of the screen. Now it stacks everything ontop of each other like this:
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It’s not that big of a problem, and I can probably get used to it. But I am wondering if there’s an error on my end with it displaying like that, or if there was some kind of update. And if possible, is there any way to change it back? I liked the old layout better, it made more sense to me.

Pony Corral / Oddly satisfying pony things?
« on: February 23, 2022, 09:42:19 PM »
We all see them. Those videos online of people deep cleaning or running their hands through cool stuff. Those satisfying videos that are just *nice*.
Today, I was cleaning a pony I got from a dear friends mom. It was dirty and the soap bubbles were grey when I got to scrubbing. But she looks absolutely beautiful now that she has that dirt off her.

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I dunno if it counts as satisfying, but it was very nice to see the difference in her before and after. So that got me thinking…anybody else have things they do with their ponies that are satisfying?

Pony Corral / Pony nail polish?
« on: January 15, 2022, 03:38:52 PM »
Greetings all! I was looking through a lot I got last year, taking stock and creating a list of what I need to restore some ponies. I was looking at one of my two December Holly, and one of them has these little pink splotches.
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I don’t know what exactly they are, a so soft sundance in the lot also has them but only on the edges of her hooves. I’m thinking it might be some of the “posey rosey nail polish” that came with the poof n puff perfume palace, but I cannot be sure since I’ve never seen a bottle myself.
I was hoping someone can confirm it is the nail polish (or if it isn’t, what it might be) and any tips on how to remove it. I was going to try magic eraser or something, but I figured I should ask for tips in case that’s not how to remove pony polish.

(Moving over to the Corral as this is restoration-based and may net you more answers, thanks! ~Tailrustedtealeaf)

Arts & Crafts Corral / MLP Miniatures
« on: December 28, 2021, 11:20:59 PM »
For Christmas, my parents got me the mane 6 in miniature form, manufactured by Wizkids. They came unpainted and with stickers for eyes and cutie marks. But I have gotten into the table top miniature painting scene, and so I said “no stickers!” And did it all myself. And now I share Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy with all of you.

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Since I have the whole set of the mane 6, I will update when they are complete.

Pony Brag Arena / Completed year two unicorn set
« on: November 08, 2021, 01:23:25 PM »
Today was an eventful day. Hot water malfunctioned, vacuum broke among other things. But I did get a parcel of ponies!

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They came from PonyFeathersVintage on Etsy, and I am quite pleased! Also, now my year two unicorn set is completed! I’ve never had a compete set of anything by year or gimmick, so this is exciting! I might need to rework the shelving to get them all on display though…but here they are all shiny and happy!
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And baby lofty with her mother!
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Pony Corral / Opinion on unicorn horns?
« on: October 24, 2021, 12:36:37 AM »
    In media, it seems there are many different takes on a unicorns horn. You can have the spiral shaped horn, a curved horn more akin to a rhinoceros horn, or curved and shaped like a branch even. You can have a horn that is the same colour as the unicorns coat, a different colour, gold, or even multicoloured. They can even be super long or short! The combinations are seemingly endless, and every unicorn who’s born has worn a horn that’s unique.
   So what’s your take on the mythical and magical unicorn horn? Do you have a preference on what shape and colour the horn should be?

Arts & Crafts Corral / Sunset day 2020- I'm so proud of you, Sunset.
« on: September 22, 2020, 07:17:29 AM »
So on a website known as Equestria Daily, it is a whole day dedicated to Sunset Shimmer. I missed the submission deadline (rendering took forever)
but I can post it here! There are links to all the assets below if you’d like to check them out for yourself.

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Made in: Blender 2.81
Twilight model by CreatorOfPony
Sunset model by Mythicspeed
Canterlot hallway by TriflingMemory

Customs / Help cleaning dirt out of hooves
« on: September 18, 2020, 04:04:38 PM »
Greetings! I figured this would be the best place to put this, as people here are taking apart ponies all the time.
I recently acquired a lot of someone’s childhood ponies. Some of them were in really a state, so I’ve tried to restore them. It’s going great! Except for baby glory.
Baby glory was grey from all the dirt inside of her body. I have managed to clean most of it out, but am having difficulty cleaning out her (super tiny!!!) hooves. Does anybody have any tips or tricks for cleaning out the tiny parts?

Pony Brag Arena / Huge lot of ponies-and some ID/restoration help please
« on: September 08, 2020, 10:51:10 PM »

I got very lucky off Facebook marketplace, made my first purchase on the platform. It was a very nice lady’s childhood collection. I fought for it, and am pleased to add these wonderful ponies to my collection. I promised I would take good care of them all, and there are a few gems in here I would love to share as well. I have put the majority of the images under the spoiler in hopes of making your computers go faster, or if you just want to skip to where I need help.
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A few notable additions were zigzag, chief (with his hat!), so soft satin n’ lace, bow tie and a chatterbox pony. Her talking mechanism still works! In addition, I also got my first non McDonald’s g2! She has both her eye gems and I love having her, since I have no other g2 ponies aside from the tiny McDonald’s ones. I now have a few doubles of ponies in my herd now. Not sure what to do with the doubles, but I’ll figure a way for them to enjoy a collectors retirement.

And here are the accessories and some of the non-MLP items in the lot
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As you can probably tell, I am very very happy with the ponies that I got. However, I would like some help with accessory identification. I managed to sort through everything, but have not figured out what these items are or where they come from. Any pointers would be appreciated!
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There are a few ponies here that were not pictured above, as I sorted everything into what needed a hairstyling at best, and what had more work to be done.
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Several of the BBEs in this lot have rusted eyes, baby hearthrobbs so bad she cannot close her eyes. Several of the adult ponies have only what I can assume to be sand or completely rusted and destroyed tail washers, and a similar situation with the seaponies. I was looking on the MLP Preservation Project website (thank you Fardreamer!) but have not been able to locate anything on how to fix BBE eyes. I am terrible at finding things, so it could be an error on my part. I would like to remove the rust and restore them if possible. As much as they creep me out, I would much rather restore than give it non BBE eyes. Does anybody have any tips or resources?
Thank you for reading, I am still giddy from picking these up a week or two ago, and hope I can get some restoration pointers.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Did some experimenting in Blender...
« on: September 03, 2020, 07:55:11 PM »
So as some of you may know, I am an artist who works in Blender. Blender is a free and open source software that handles the full 3D pipeline. Modelling to animation and everything in between.
I have been busy this summer practicing my skills, learning new ones and polishing the old. I have learnt how to make and apply materials, and port items from source film maker (another popular software) to blender. My work is not entirely perfect,  but I think I should share what the fruits of my labour are. So, I attempted to recreate the promo DVD image for Equestria Girls in Blender.

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And here was the result
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I ported the mirror from the ponySFM website, and used the twilight rigs by creatorofpony on DeviantArt. I applied a glass shader in the mirror portion to make it transparent, but I also made a actual mirror texture as well, as Suzanne here is demonstrating:
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Hi! This isn’t exactly pony related, so feel free to move if it doesn’t belong.
    I’m working on my next doll, and this character has a sword. I could make her without the sword, but she is a knight. So the sword is somewhat important. Thing is, I tried to make a sword out of clay and it fell to bits when I tried painting it. Yeah, not sure quite what happened. But now I turn to you. How does one make a miniature sword that looks like this? I can paint, just need help making the structure itself.
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Hello, and how are you this afternoon my lovely subjects? On this episode of cribs, we are taking a look at my new dream castle.

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So this is my entrance. It is very nice, even though it has none of my wall decor. What I like most is the drawbridge!
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Which I can drop when my friends come around for tea.
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sips facts not tea not sure where my teacups went.

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It has many rooms, but let me show you the back garden, where twilight is jumping through hoops!
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She’s been doing that for hours. Spike just likes to watch.
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A few of the stones have broken off, but my super glue insurance should cover them, in addition to the only wall decor I have.
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And finally, one of the stranger items in the castle: my magic mirror. I’m not entirely sure on how it works, but I can use it to watch over my subjects, and strangely spoots out baby ponies when some adult ponies look at themselves in it. I’m not sure how it works, but I suppose it has something to do with Hasbro-pg cannon constants. Either that, or the dream valleys unusual magic matrix. Moondancer is looking into it. Sundance has been the latest test subject, and here she is explaining the mystery of life to her new goal.
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you see that mirror? You came out of it one day, along with all the other baby ponies then how come baby sweet celebrations has a dad if he came from here too?

And that is the tour of my castle! It’s still a work in progress as some furnishings need to be found. But I am quite happy with it. Farewell ponies!
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So yeah, I managed to get my hands on a dream castle. Shipping took a while, almost two months total. It’s a bit busted up, but all the big things are there. I’m looking for some of the parts that I’m missing, and trying to find a replacement for all the stickers. I thought the preservation project had a link to a sticker sheet, but I can find it.

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