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Messages - Mlp Sunsparkle
« on: April 18, 2023, 02:09:35 AM »
I think it’s animal hospital by Vivid imaginations! It’s a newer one (after the bbc ones), from the 00s I think! Super adorable!
« on: December 02, 2022, 01:59:23 PM »
I *technically* have her, she’s wrapped up for my xmas gift! I won her last month in an auction, MIB but from the auction pics it looked a bit mouldy, so I’ll likely take her out and give her a clean x if her hair falls off I’ll partially reroot her. Thankfully I got her quite cheap, so I don’t mind either way, plus she was in the U.K. so no shipping/extra fees! Can’t wait to see, I’ve always wanted her!
« on: August 12, 2021, 01:50:07 AM »
If it’s the one with A Charming Birthday, As far as I know they’re identical, there’s just a vhs taped on to the back of the glitter celebration box. I had sweetberry with the video and she is the same as my other sweetberrys  so grab whichever one you prefer  All the best, Sunsparkle x
« on: April 03, 2021, 08:23:18 AM »
Sorry it’s been so long, Hope it’s okay to add some more!
KeyTweens - Bandai - 2009 Small moulded doll figures. The bodies, trousers/skirts and heads can be swapped. Many different ones were made. Some were sold with an extra outfit, others were sold with a fold out playset.
T Neez - Bandai - 2005? A large line of small dolls with many playsets. Dolls are moulded plastic, some with moulded hair and others with real hair. The dolls look to have magnetic features, like magnets in their feet.
Sweet Secrets - Vivid Imaginations/play along - 2008? Small, 2 inch dolls with hair that each come in a container shaped as a lipstick. A purse shaped playset was also produced.
Twilight ponies - vivid imaginations - 2009 Hard plastic, small ponies with hair and glow in the dark hooves. Came with an animal friend and necklaces with a charm on them. One playset - magical midnight star palace was produced. It had a light inside to charge their hooves so they would glow brighter. Names are Wish, Surf, Blossom, Storm, Valentine, Sunbeam, Flying Twilight and Snowflake Treasure. Were either produced for a long time or shelf sitters, as they were still being offered in the 2010s. At least 8 different ponies produced.
Hot Trotz & Friendz - ? - 2000s Ponies with removable shoes and accessories. They look odd when the shoes are removed as they have feathered hooves. At least Three were produced - purple with pink hair, pink with pink and chartreuse hair, and hot pink with chartreuse and Pink mane, with an orange tail. One purple one is shown with a pink paw print brush. The “& Friendz” points towards other animals or dolls being involved in the line, but sadly there is no information or pictures of anything but the loose ponies. They are stamped with the logo and made in China on their tummy, manufacturer unknown.
Just Grrls - Chicco - 2002 Dolls that came with many accessories and a locker with their name on. There were many produced and are still available quite cheaply secondhand (even mib) now.
Hairmonies - ? (Exclusive to ToysRUs) - 2012/2013? Singing dolls which make noise when their hair is being brushed. Thermoooks to have been 3 produced; blonde, brunette and dark brown hair. They came with long hair, a “magic” brush that activated the singing, and some styling accessories. Their clothes are moulded on, with the exception of one fabric piece each (jacket, jumper and skirt respectively). Their feet are large and moulded together as one piece. It looks like their arms can move and may activate sounds or phrases.
Tini Puppini - Spin master - 2008 Large Plush dogs with clothes and accessories. They look to be possible to an extent (possibly wires inside) and they also had brushable hair. 3 were produced; Toffee (tan) Tisha (black/white) and Tutu (Brown/white). They had at least one playset, the sparklin salon. A carry bag and fashion packs were also made. I have seen toffee with either red or purple streaks in her hair so it’s possible there was a second wave too.
Little Cousins - Playmates - 2002 Dolls with very similar faces to galoob’s baby face dolls. There are many different dolls in the line (there seem to be 16), with each being around 8 inches in height. The faces may look alarming to some, as they have very piercing large eyes. Each doll had themed clothes and accessories some matching their name. They are: Parker pop star, Cassidy Cowgirl, Sophie Star, Sydney soccer, Amanda artist, Rachel campfire, Becca blossom, Brandey blades, Vanessa veterinarian, Paige Pom-Pom, Savannah belle, Sara schoolgirl, Scarlett skier, Bailey Beach, Bella ballerina, and Jenna jammies.
OOglies - Playmates - 1999 Interactive electronic pets with tails and extremely large, clear plastic eyes. They are likely based on furbies, speaking their own language “Ooglish”. They have a variety of different functions and sound effects, from laughing to answering questions. Each has a different theme and tail. Mini OOglies were also produced, these have keychains attached to them. Names are: hamhock, Mara-thon, cowlick, gridiron, gorlon, chicken tickle (what!?), splash, Hanchu, bump-along, kanian, Quinn, swandrea. I have also seen a pirate, baseball and fireman.
Blinkies - Playmates - 2000s Odd, almost pear shaped plastic figures/pets? with moulded ponytails on top and a gem on their face. They have large eyes which are screens, looking a little spooky when turned off. As with most virtual pets, you need to keep them happy and entertained or they will become upset and/or sick. At least 6 produced: Blaze (Orange), Skye (blue), Perri (purple, commonly turns brown), Twink (yellow), Maxie (green), Zoe (pink). I have seen a couple others, purple with bright pink hair and purple with yellow hair, so it’s possible they came in different colours at some point.
B.F.F. (Best Friends Forever) - Playmates - 1999 Virtual friends (tamagotchi style). The one photo I could find shows a square case with a keychain on top, and what looks like a flip out screen. The back appears to be a container of sorts. Not much known - one post online states that two are Sheila and Ashley, with Michelle and Whitney being the other two. They come with accessories inside their cases that line up with their interests and personalities (lip gloss, comb, clips and mirror in fashionista Ashley’s, and paper and pencil in poet Sheila’s).
Lacies - Spin Master (also appear on F.E.V.A’s website?) - 2003 A series of dolls with brushable hair, moulded bodies and thread for their arms and legs. It looks like each has a design on their clothes that matched their name. Came with many beads, including letters to spell their name. The idea was to remove the hands and shoes, then add beads to decorate the arms and legs. The shoes and hands then worked to keep the beads on. At least 6 were made: (main hair colours in parentheses) Hip Hop heather (pink), Butterfly Brenna (teal), Star Staci (Orange), Flower Fiona (green), Rainbow Roxy (yellow), Glamour Gloria (blue).
Jaggets - famosa - 2000s Large (around 16 inches tall) toddler dolls, each featuring a unique style. Some of their clothes are reversible to give each doll different styles instantly. Many different dolls and a few play/large accessory sets were released for them.
The G.U.R.L.Z - Irwin - 2002? Interactive Robot/alien dolls that came with a pet. They look like they can be posed and will recognise when this has happened. According to the box, they seem to understand if they are upside down etc. and can tell you what poses they want to do. The dolls all have a small amount of brushable hair (pets have brushable tails) and come with a brush and hair clips. The pet could be plugged into them using their leash accessory and they would communicate with one another. At least 4 produced. They are (doll’s name, pet’s name respectively) Shishi and Kwak-up, Daloola and Mizoo, Zazi and Yazoo, Franika and Tiko.
The Beatrix Girls - popstar club inc. - 2013-15? A band of 4 girls named Lark (red hair), Ainsley (blonde), Chantal (brunette), and Brayden (purple hair). They had a web series and even some songs on iTunes. Several sets of dolls produced, who all featured large heads and slightly angry looking eyebrows. Some of the original dolls came with their debut album on cd, along with a poster and stickers. Oddly, they were released without their instruments at first!
« on: April 01, 2021, 04:35:19 AM »
I have this set, one from childhood which my friend gave to me, she lived 2 doors down so I would see her most sundays on my bike, she was clearing the garage for a carboot and I saw the ponies! I ran home to get my pocket money savings but her mum said I could take them! (It’s a bit knackered after playing with it so much! The Ferris wheel falls apart easily and the rollercoaster car doesn’t go all the way down anymore) and another set in its box that I got from the car boot a few years ago -pony. It’s much shinier and brighter and works perfectly! I also have 36 Round N Rounds  she is my other army pony, along with pink sunsparkle. Unlike the sunnies, I have named and kept track of each since I got them, so each has a coloured band so I can tell between them!
« on: March 10, 2021, 11:02:22 AM »
Yes they’re all rubbery I think! I was shocked when I got mine too! I’m also guessing it’s to make squeezing them easier
« on: February 04, 2021, 05:02:50 PM »
I collect them all, but only pick up g4 if I really want it, as they made so many and they’re everywhere! I don’t have a huge collection, I have about 10? My favourite is the 1000 piece g4 puzzle that my parents got me for my 18th, we all love doing puzzles together in the evenings so puzzles and ponies are a win! I also have G4 giant wall puzzle (I left the paper on as I don’t want to stick it!) G4 puzzle book A few smaller g4 puzzles Metallic g4 puzzle 2 g3.5 puzzles G3 puzzle blocks (if they count!) I’d love to add a g1 and g2 puzzle, plus lots more g3 in future!
« on: December 25, 2020, 04:12:41 AM »
Sorry for the lack of pics, I posted it at 1 am while it was in my head  here are some pics of her birthday, back card, and the pony. I love finding their birthdays! It’s so useful for telling between all the mane 6 and blind bag releases too! the # codes on the g4s are so good too, I’m working on getting a list of those done. Her code is 01021, so 12th April 2010  Easter was the 4th April that year, so she could only have been made for 2011 Easter, and that seems like a bit of an advance! The copyright is 2010, the seller said she was from 2011, and the chocolate expired in December 2011. I’m not keen on kinnerton, so I can only imagine how it tastes 9 years later ah well, if I get desperate it’s an option 2010/11 is when I started buying ponies on the shelves, we would scour all the shops for ones I didn’t have (I really liked g3s but they were pretty much gone by then) so I feel like I would have run into her, but I can’t recall seeing her at all, even in all the discount and pound shops! Pics: Code visitors can't see pics , please register or loginPony and brush visitors can't see pics , please register or loginBackcard visitors can't see pics , please register or loginFlickr link so you can read the text properly!
« on: December 23, 2020, 05:34:34 PM »
As it says on the tin! I got this set from eBay and was wondering if anyone has any information on it as it isn’t mentioned anywhere that I could find! I’m especially curious as kinnerton usually just make Easter goods when they come with a toy (and bonbon buddies did the g3 Easter girls and egg), and there’s not much pointing to Easter on this set! But I also see that she comes with a yellow brush like the Easter version, without the ears however! A pic is below, I can take more if you’d like  visitors can't see pics , please register or loginMany thanks, Sunsparkle x
« on: December 22, 2020, 01:24:42 AM »
My childhood car came with a dvd, and I can assure you that the finished one is on it! The other one is really strange, definitely not right! It’s possible it was on hasbros website at some point, or maybe on their press site to show an idea of what was in store for the next year? It doesn’t seem fake, and I can’t image why or how someone would want to do that! Removing all the mouth movements and sound effects for a few views seems odd, so I’m going with pre production/test shot. It’s cool but really off to see as I watched it a lot as a kid! I’ll add a pic of the cover and disc later xx Super cool topic! I hope we find out!
« on: December 02, 2020, 06:21:57 PM »
No problem! Yes there are variants! I’ll try and get g1 pics tomorrow  G3s can be painted or just plastic, and here is a thread I made that has pictures of them! Can’t believe that was over 2 years back! the top of my head, some g1 variants are: Mainsail - blended yellow/white hair, just yellow or just white. Tail can match or be different, I haven’t seen a white tail, but she probably exists  Minty - white or yellow tail Shady - light yellow or golden yellow mane (possible tail, can’t confirm) Snuzzle - I have 3 different shades of pink hair, two have mismatched tails and one has all matching Medley - can have blue or purple eyes Princess sparkle - light or dark symbol outline Glory - unicorn or earth I also find it odd that Amethyst had her name changed, it happened with some more recent merch too! Lilac is such a pretty name too! I don’t think they were sold outside the uk, as the company seems fairly small and at the time was based in a small village about 20mins from me. (Upon checking they are now registered in my town!) If they were sold overseas, I don’t think it was in the same quantities as here, they were all over our shops! I’ll take some pics tomorrow, all the best, Sunsparkle xx
« on: December 02, 2020, 03:52:09 AM »
I am missing some so I won’t add those but here’s mine - Pinkie Pie- pink heart Scootaloo- golden yellow heart (a little lighter in person maybe?) Toola-Roola- should be orange heart - both of mine have hot pink Rainbow Dash- should be blue heart -don’t have, sorry! Sweetie Belle- hot pink heart Cheerilee- pale pink star StarSong- yellow star Firefly- it's definitely yellow -missing her, sorry! Medley- aqua heart (purple eyes) or yellow dot (blue eyes) Heart Throb- yellow star Snuzzle- pink heart Cotton Candy- pink heart Main Sail- salmon/pale pink heart Blossom- yellow heart - missing, sorry! Blue Belle- yellow heart Cherries Jubilee- yellow heart Minty (I kinda like the pink eyes)- mint green heart (missing too) Lemon Drop- yellow heart (also missing) Shady- pale blue heart Sundance- hot pink heart Tic Tac Toe- red heart Applejack- orange??? (Missing her) Lickety-Split- pale pink star Glory (unicorn)- pink heart (missing) Glory (earth, I've seen a few)- the same? (missing too) Princess Sparkle- pink heart - I have one with a dark symbol outline and what looks like pink stars, and a light symbol with pink hearts. Gusty- pink heart Powder- pink heart I think the reason they didn’t do loads of they aren’t super accurate is because they were just cheap pocket money toys. My parents (and probably many others) wouldn’t pay a lot for blind bags (how times have changed!), so they likely had to have less quality to be profitable. I think the g3s were £3 or £4, so when to think about it, a full sized pony (that you can choose) was only a pound or 2 more! think some were in toy sections but they were just hanging on strips in our food aisles and the g1s only cost £2. There are tons of variations too, so I wouldn’t be surprised if even more exist! It would have been cool to have more but I think we got a good selection. I’m sure hasbro will have the idea to make or licence something similar and charge 10x the price if they keep doing well with their “retro” merch, you know what they’re like
« on: November 11, 2020, 01:16:15 AM »
I had a bit of fun playing with the wig ponies, and found that they can’t share wigs. The 3.5 ones are huge and really odd looking on the g3s, and they are loose. The peg and hole in the head on the g3s is much shallower and smaller, whilst g3.5s have quite a deep indent and a larger chunk of plastic on the wig. The g3 wigs are super tight on 3.5s and don’t go on all the way, they’ll stay on but they kind of float which looks a bit funny  Sunsparkle xx
« on: November 09, 2020, 12:11:07 PM »
She is my favourite pony! I adore her sweet face, symbol and colours! Along with round n round, I have an army of her, I believe there are 46(?) in total! 44 regular babies (I think!), 1 fakie, and 1 giant plush made by pinkittywinks! After my first in 2012, I said she was special and I wouldn’t get another unless I found one carbooting etc. And if I did, I’d start an army! I was given one along with my butterfly island in 2016, so I started it up! This will sound crackers, my apologies! I’ve had a bit of a strange ride with my original one enough, and I’ll sound completely insane(if it hadn’t experienced it I would be sceptical too, but I can assure you that it happened, and I was so freaked by it that I didn’t want to be around her alone for a good few years. I wouldn’t even sit in the pony room if it wasn’t daylight. *I sound a bonkers so I’ll put it in a spoiler* Spoiler The browny discoloured one in the middle was my first. She came off eBay for 99p to my friend. Eventually she decided to sell some of the ponies and I bought her for £1. I’m going to sound like a crackpot here, but she always felt a little off. From the moment the envelope was opened by my friend, and despite knowing her name, “Kylie” came straight to me. After bringing her home I was a bit scared of her and she often ended up buried in the bottom of the pony bag. After a year I started to play with her more, and a lot of strange things went on around her. Things went missing, showed up in odd places, odd sounds, tv turning on/off, objects appearing out of nowhere.
My most recent (probable) coincidence was with a book. I collected the rainbow magic series as a kid and had all that they had released at the time. I kept a few of my favourites, and a lot of the bigger special ones. These big ones have always lived on the bookshelf outside my bedroom. Well, one morning I opened the pony room wardrobe and guess what fell to my feet. “Kylie the carnival fairy”. These books were never ever stored in my wardrobe, I genuinely have no clue how it got in there. A bit weird how it shared a name with her!
The strangest experiences that I vividly remember were: I used to keep some of the ponies on my bedside, led down on a blanket and I’d tuck them in. Kylie was one of them. I remember waking up at some time in the early morning (3 ish? I never checked) and immediately being drawn to the bedside. She was stood up. She moved forward, then fell down off the edge. As soon as I put her back I fell straight asleep.
After this experience, I had another odd night. I woke up crying my eyes out. After what happened before, I decided to grab Kylie off the bedside. Before you could say stop there were no tears, nothing, like it hadn’t happened. I was pretty freaked out, and ever since I’ve kept her by my side. I don’t know what’s up, if anything, but I can’t say out of more than 1000 used ponies I’ve ever encountered anything like it.
Pretty army (all but 2 pictured) visitors can't see pics , please register or loginGiant Sunny visitors can't see pics , please register or loginVideo link for cute closeup! Sunsparkle x