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WHat's the shortest time you've ever stayed in a job?

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2 days: I was hired by an attorney to be his secretary. I struggled with learning so much so fast and he fired me at the end of my second day. There were so many red flags that made me glad it didn't work out: I found his job ad on Craigslist. When I went into my interview, he told me that one of the reasons he'd chosen me as a candidate was because as a man he could see me as more of an equal than if he were to hire a woman. Mind you, he was married and his wife handled the financial side of the business. A few years after he fired me he was disbarred and moved to the opposite side of the country.

Artemesia's Garden:

--- Quote from: Pokeyonekenobie on November 01, 2021, 08:15:58 AM ---About a month and a half.  I was hired as Holiday Help at the Disney Store.  I basically worked 4 hours a week but still got the 35% employee discount.   :biggrin:

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Sounds like fun!

Post Merge: November 10, 2021, 06:16:37 AM

--- Quote from: northstar3184 on November 09, 2021, 07:39:02 PM ---2 days: I was hired by an attorney to be his secretary. I struggled with learning so much so fast and he fired me at the end of my second day. There were so many red flags that made me glad it didn't work out: I found his job ad on Craigslist. When I went into my interview, he told me that one of the reasons he'd chosen me as a candidate was because as a man he could see me as more of an equal than if he were to hire a woman. Mind you, he was married and his wife handled the financial side of the business. A few years after he fired me he was disbarred and moved to the opposite side of the country.

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Eep! Not someone you want to be associated with  :)

Artemesia's Garden:
So my new (new) job also turned out to be horrors! They were using a restricted organophosphate pesticide in an unauthorised way, basically turning a weak solution of it into steam and letting it permeate an occupied building on a daily basis. Luckily I managed to persuade them they need to stop doing it. Unluckily the affected product makes up 70% of the company's product portfolio and I have no idea whether my persuadings will damage the business and threaten all of our jobs. But you can't make fast and loose with pesticides. I didn't want to work in the building once I found out so I don't expect anyone else to. They have given me a desk elsewhere and speeded up the retirement of the person making the steam. He will now be going in two weeks and hopefully that will be the end of it. He's been acting crazy and I think he might have poisoned himself with it. If they want to start doing it again it will take time to make it safe and legal with the correct engineering controls. I have had a very stressful couple of weeks. I am only 1 month in!

Passed the interview and then left the next day after 2 hours of on the job training. As soon as I realized it was for door to door internet sales I noped out
I'll sell things if you come into a store I work at but that's implied consent to be hustled when you walk into a boutique.  I draw the line on bothering people in their homes.


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