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Topics - SourdoughStomper

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Off Topic / A night at the movies
« on: September 04, 2018, 03:44:01 PM »
:popcorn: :soda:

I don't watch many movies or even television, I suppose. It's a tie between watching a movie on my television or my tablet though.

Off Topic / Oh, I've been through the desert on a horse with no name.
« on: March 21, 2018, 03:49:34 PM »
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I saw this poll elsewhere online (GameFAQs) and decided to use it here, but added a few more fun options. Maybe the extra poll options were prompted by this very cute plushie thing I found in the grocery store this morning, of all places. Had to buy it, too! (I'll show it off at the bottom of this post as a bit of a brag.)
:bobcat: :tumble:

In my case, a vote for 8 is also a vote for 9, since that would be the same place. And no, you don't have to vote for going to the desert if you don't want to go. That's just there for my amusement. :D So where do you think you'd like to go?


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My phone didn't catch the colors very well. It was desaturated. I tried applying a filter that makes it a bit more accurate, but it's still not quite there. The fact that it was a cactus was enough to catch my attention, but the yellow flowers was what completely sold me on it.

(Okay, Stomper, just submit this post already before you ramble about other things. Geez.)

Off Topic / Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes...
« on: February 28, 2018, 05:03:17 PM »
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The Stompers will be having their 20th wedding anniversary this summer. Yeah, 20. *mind blown*  :blink: And to think that some of you reading this poll weren't even born yet. *mind blown some more*  :shocked:

Anyway, I'm actually pleased that we're making it to twenty. Quite a strong commitment, and continuing to go on strong. :lovey:

I'm American and he's Canadian. I was living in Arizona and he was living in the Yukon. After many years, I made a mate for Sunflower that kind of reflects that.

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While she's represented by warmth and spring, he's represented with snow and stars. Mr. Stomper loves astronomy. Not so much cold and winter, but I wanted an opposite for Sunflower in some capacity. :)

So, how's about you?

Wanted! / Looking to get a G3 plush for my daughter - EDIT: Not anymore
« on: February 01, 2018, 11:19:48 AM »
You remember those small sitting plushes? Like this:

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My girl has had the Rainbow Dash one since she was wee little and the toy shows it age and how much love it got. No longer its original color. Has little hair left. She was wondering if I could score her a "new" one to replace it.

Does anyone have a Rainbow Dash plush they are looking to sell?


Is anyone here into minimalism? The idea of just living a less-cluttered life, I suppose. A focus on the aspects of life that matter most, and intentionally removing anything that doesn’t fall into that category. If you don't use or need it and it doesn't give you any joy or satisfaction, give it away or throw it away.

It looks different for each individual. Some minimalists sell everything and live as nomads, only owning those things that they can carry with them. Some minimalists live in and own regular homes, have 1-2 cars, and cultivate a collection of stamps (or magnets, or funny comic strips). And there are minimalists in between both of those categories. So minimalism is a lifestyle that can be tailored to what works for each person/family.

I haven't adopted this lifestyle yet, but I'm starting to look into it more. I'm tired of just having so much stuff. Much of which is still in the basement and I haven't looked at it or thought of it in a decade! I don't need all this much stuff. If my husband and I passed away with all this junk in our lives, I wouldn't envy our children having to deal with such a burden.

I've read that minimalism is so much more than buying and owning less material possessions. It’s about refocusing life and gaining the freedom of more time, more energy, and more financial resources to focus on what matters most. I think I'm starting to crave this way of living and I'm going to research it more.

Has anyone on the Arena gone into this lifestyle or know someone who has? :)

Off Topic / If I had $1,000,000
« on: January 07, 2018, 03:58:09 PM »
If I had a million dollars we wouldn't have to eat Kraft dinner
(But we would eat Kraft dinner)
(Of course we would, we'd just eat more)
(And buy really expensive ketchups with it)
(That's right, all the fanciest dijon ketchups, hmm)

:money: :money: :money:

I didn't know what Kraft Dinner was until I moved to Canada. In the States, we just call it Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese. I thought it would be fun to pick a Canadian song about money for the title. :P

Anyway, also since I moved to Canada, I mostly pay for things with a debit card. Used to use cash all the time. Sadly, this results in my rarely having pocket change. I haven't written a check (Mr. Stomper spells that as "cheque") for two decades. Also, Mr. Stomper hasn't bought me a real green dress, yet.... I am disappoint.

Okay, enough with the silly intro post. How do you pay for your things? :money:

Sometimes I do resolutions, and sometimes I don't. :) I want to get back into reading more. I didn't do much this year. I see if I can get into volunteering too. :) I need a reason to get out of the house more and donate my time to helping others.

Do you have any resolutions this year?

By the way, Happy New Year!


Off Topic / Christmas music
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:34:33 AM »
While I can get worn out from too much Christmas music, I think I found out why. It was because we only own a handful of Christmas CDs and it gets repetitious listening to the exact same pieces sung by the exact same artists over and over again. But if I listen to it from the radio, I get a wider variety and I don't get as worn out.

I do love me some Christmas music, though, especially the religious ones. :holiday:

Off Topic / ... but the fire is so delightful...
« on: December 13, 2017, 03:18:23 PM »
:fireplace: :fireplace: :fireplace:

The Stomper clan uses their furnace and thermostat to keep warm. At least during the day. At night, a metric ton (well, almost) of blankets on our beds. Mr. Stomper and I even have a mattress warmer when the chill is too much.

That said, I'm hypothyroid, so I'm cold 80% of the year. :snow: :cold: :brr:

I wear sock/slippers and a sweater in addition to my usual layers, pretty much all the time. It's not often that my feet are bare. :socks:

How do you keep warm?  :toasty: :campfire:

Off Topic / I'll be home for Christmas, if only...
« on: December 02, 2017, 03:04:52 PM »
I'm staying home for Christmas. If I could go to mom and dad's, I totally would. :xmas: :xtree: :holiday:

For those of you who are celebrating any upcoming holidays, are you going anywhere to do it? :) :xmas:

Off Topic / Oh, the weather outside is frightful
« on: November 07, 2017, 07:59:59 AM »
:snow: :snowing: :snowball: :sled: :ski: :cold:

It was raining lightly here on Halloween, and overnight it snowed. It's been here ever since. We even got 39 cm (15.35 in) of snow last week.

I have a love/hate relationship with snow. Mostly hate because I am not a big winter fan. It never snowed in my hometown in Arizona. I always wanted to find out what it was like in my childhood. (Oh, the irony).

That said, I can sometimes enjoy the beauty of snow. Especially if there is also hoarfrost on all the branches and things outside. It can be quite breathtaking. Also, it can be very bright outside when there is a clear blue sky and sunbeams reflecting that snow. One of my favorite things about winter is when we get those shaped snowflakes.

To answer my own poll, I have a temptation to say "never" is a good time to snow, but I imagine even I would miss it after awhile. (Miss it a little bit). So perhaps there can be snow for just one month, the month that winter starts. Then it can go away until next year. :P I'll say December 1st.

How do you feel about snow? :) Do you get snow where you live?

Off Topic / I was working in the lab late one night....
« on: October 31, 2017, 03:54:04 PM »
Speaking of pumpkins and cats....

I think it was in the 4th grade that I dressed as a jack a lantern and my bestest best friend dressed as a cat. I have a picture somewhere. Maybe even on Photobucket? I might have to look for it.

My pumpkin was made by my ever-talented dad using paper mache on a wire frame that he welded together. It was fine to stand around in, but sitting down was impossible.  :biggrin:

Such fun memories.

EDIT: I found the picture!

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:blackcat: :ghost: :jack: :witch:


Off Topic / Sugar and spice and all things nice!
« on: September 06, 2017, 11:13:43 AM »
:chili: :chili:  :taco: :taco: :tomato: :tomato:


Being a native of Southwestern Arizona, I had my fair share of spicy Mexican food. Mmmm... boy! I'd probably answer with "medium."

I had to give up nightshades, however, when I started my autoimmune protocol elimination diet. I haven't tried reintroducing nightshades yet, as they generally give people the most problems who've been on the same diet. Even worse than wheat.  :shocked: I broke out into hive for 6 hours one day, when a small drip of my daughter's chili beans got into my food. ... Anyway!

But I loved green chilies. I couldn't handle the jalapenos that well, I admit. I still remember vividly when my younger cousin offered me some spicy peanuts many many years ago.

Here's the item in question.

Made my eyes water like no one's business!  :biggrin: It was quite the amusing joke and I still giggle at it to this day.

Off Topic / Watching old-school TV?
« on: August 21, 2017, 07:26:15 AM »
We had a CRT television for the very longest of times.  :) But we bought our first flat-screen two years ago with our tax refund.

You? :arena:

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Nintendo Switch friend codes.
« on: August 19, 2017, 03:47:54 PM »
My code is SW-5544-3465-7603. I love Splatoon and have also put 195 hours into Breath of the Wild. If enough folks have Splatoon and want to play online, perhaps we can form a league. :)

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