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Off Topic / Re: Rainlove The Pegasus's Job Thread
« Last post by Rainlove The Pegasus on Today at 12:09:55 PM »
Nice finds & all the best with the swimming!!!
Thank you! My mom has to schedule her and I pedicures this week, and I am planning to do gold for gold medals.  :P
Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by Carrehz on Today at 11:50:24 AM »
Taffeta - you absolutely took the words out of my mouth re: Ponycon (get out of my brain! :P). That's one reason I stopped attending. Won't say anything else since I don't want to go too far off-topic or anything, but it's really, really nice to know it's not just me that feels that way about it all.

What else... Right, yeah, I think fandom history being lost/forgotten to time is a definite problem, not just for us but a lot of fandoms... But I think we're definitely losing a lot of it. It was there, the sites existed, Wayback Machine has a decent amount of stuff archived. But to be fair, as much as I hate the Brony attitude of "We were the first people to do this!", I can kind of understand it, in a way, because by the time they came around... how many of those old sites were still around AND easily accessible? Geocities was long gone by then, Tripod and Angelfire have eaten some sites, more and more G1-3 sites have gone in the years since G4 happened... whenever I saw non-pony fans talking about MLP, before G4, it was with this air of "Yes, this actually does have a fandom! :O!" you know? (Which is part of why it annoys me so much that Bronies became a thing... half of those guys would've mocked the hell out of us before it became "cool" to like ponies! :P)

Uhh I think I went on a tangent there, oops ^^;; But it is true that we've lost a lot of our history, and I hate that... I dunno if any of you know about the Fanlore wiki? They're trying to preserve as much fandom history as possible (for any/all fandoms) and I LOVE it, it's really fascinating reading through it all and seeing how fandoms used to work, not just in the early days of the 'net but even pre-internet, the transition between the two periods, etc.

Maybe sometime some of us could get together (IDK how much I could contribute since I wasn't here in the earliest days, and spent most of the G3/G3.5 days just lurking on the sidelines and not participating in any of the communities) and try and write up as much pony history as we can remember, and put it on there? Or somewhere else, idk... I just think it'd be a shame to lose all of that for good. I just had a quick look through and they've got decent coverage on FiM's fandom history, and an okay-ish page for Tales (there's some inaccurate stuff on it, like claiming it was the first series to have boy ponies? o.O But it's a decent enough overview, and at least it doesn't say Tales is G2! :P), but I can't find anything for the rest of the franchise. It'd be lovely to have a write-up of the history for the REST of pony fandom, I think.

There was absolutely the idea of ridiculing/denying the previous iterations of MLP too, from bronies. Like I said, a lot of them (not all!!! I know there were definitely some fans who casually enjoyed the earlier gens, and then got REALLY into G4, there were people who were just neutral to the earlier gens... etc etc... but I do think this was quite a Thing) were the kind of person that would've mocked us/the idea of there being a Pony Fandom before G4 made it "cool" to do so! So I do think there was a lot of weird insecurity and trying to make it clear "Oh, I like the COOL ponies, not those stupid lame OLD ones"... if that makes sense. And to be fair, I suspect a lot of it was... what's the word I want, crowd mentality? people just going along with it cause it's the "in thing" to mock G1-G3, just repeating what others say. Which I've noticed happening in a lot of fandoms/communities (I think there's a thin line between "[thing, i.e. a character/episode/concept/etc] is genuinely unpopular/no one can take it seriously/etc" and "the thing isn't *that* bad and a lot of people don't actually feel *that* strongly about it, but it's become cool and popular to rag on it"... if that makes sense) but um.. yeah... I dunno where I'm going with this. ^^; I'll stop rambling now, lol.
Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« Last post by Beth3346 on Today at 10:59:19 AM »
OMG squirmy i got really annoyed with my husband for something similar. he's the one who runs and empties the dishwasher. the ONLY one in the house who does it. the other day he went to start the dishwasher and told me we were out of the dishwasher pods. i asked him why he didn't tell me we were low so i could buy more. he said he assumed i would check myself and said he thought i might have extra somewhere. he's the one who uses them. even if you think there might be extra somewhere please ask :huh: we had to make a special trip to get more when i had just been to the store.
started paying attention to my daily steps tracker again...  6000 a day...  I only did 4511 yesterday... hardest part - I have to remember to take my phone everywhere as I am walking around the house LOL  a few steps to the toilet totally count! 
Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« Last post by lovesbabysquirmy on Today at 09:59:46 AM »
ARGH nobody tells me when we are out of food items.  this morning I went to bake cornbread, only to realize that there is no butter in the fridge and none in the deep freezer.  *sigh*  We even have an inventory board on the deep freezer, why can't people circle the item when they take the last one out?! 
Pony Brag Arena / Re: I'm a Cool Kid Now!
« Last post by Ponybookworm on Today at 04:41:31 AM »
You got a great Mimic there!!! Congrats!!!
Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Last post by Ponybookworm on Today at 04:39:42 AM »
Beth, sounds like a lot of work. I hope the hard drives are accessible xxx

More knitting, mostly the scarf, but a little glove now & then. Coffee & Kirky was on today, with a band performing music as it's a folk festival round here.
My starter is over a week old so I'm doing attempt 1 of sourdough bread. There's an air fryer recipe online I've faved & I'm following that. However, with the size things are looking I'm giving the stuff a load of time. I started last night, then today did the next stage, but I won't bake until tomorrow to let it have time. And that's the first half. The second half is waiting patiently for its turn in the one pan I can use to bake it. Here's hoping...
Off Topic / Re: Rainlove The Pegasus's Job Thread
« Last post by Ponybookworm on Today at 04:19:01 AM »
Nice finds & all the best with the swimming!!!
Off Topic / Re: The Plant Thread
« Last post by Stormness_1 on Today at 04:01:22 AM »
One of my Bonsai kits is a jacaranda tree, i grabbed it because we had some in my yard as a child and I love them. they're pretty east to grow apparently, they pop up wild all the time. Hopefully it works out.
Off Topic / Re: Rainlove The Pegasus's Job Thread
« Last post by Rainlove The Pegasus on Yesterday at 09:04:03 PM »
Here is today:

Did the usual, phone answering and stuff. I got there early to ask my supervisor about training opportunities for possibly more hours this summer. I looked around after I asked my supervisor and found a bag with a few ponies in it and found more books. At 4pm, I was able to get what I saw earlier in the day. The cat was around after 4:30 pm and I said hello to her a few times and went back to my shift. I made sure I was ok to leave and left to go home.


Next week there will be no posting as I will be with my mom in Federal Way for state special olympics swimming! I will be posting in 2 weeks.
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