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Author Topic: Anyone want to trade Enterplay cards/merch?  (Read 423 times)

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Offline lordalexander74

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Anyone want to trade Enterplay cards/merch?
« on: January 06, 2025, 04:52:32 PM »
I've been collecting Enterplay cards for the past few months and am looking to trade away my spare cards. I have far too many cards to take photos of them all, so let's see if these pics of my checklists work out for people here. I'll provide pictures of the actual cards when we get to trading.

Enterplay's trading cards (Not their tabletop/Collectible Card Game)
I'm receiving a sizeable amount of trading cards from someone in Germany, hopefully I'll have my hands on them in a few weeks. I'll post an updated wishlist when those cards arrive.
Meanwhile, I can trade for some of Enterplays Series 1 & 2 gold cards, some of which I know won't be in that lot from Germany.

What I have to trade:
Series 1 G1 Celestia and G4 Twilight

What I need (Linking to some MLPMerch pages):
Series 1 gold cards:
G5 "Chrysalis"
G6 Discord
G8 Chrysalis

Series 2 gold cards:
G2 Luna
G4 Twilight
G5 Sombra
G6 Discord
G7 Trixie
G8 Timberwolf

I also this rare Rarity sticker from Series 1, based of the promo foil card F40 which was given out at Bronycon years ago. There's a set of six stickers based off of the Mane 6 convention promo cards, I'm only missing the Applejack and Pinkie Pie stickers (S1 and S2). The sticker number should be with the "licensed to Enterplay" text at the bottom of the sticker. If someone has the stickers I need, let me know and we'll work something out.

I'm also collecting Enterplay's CCG cards as well. I got it set up so you can clearly see my wishlists. When I tried in-lining the image directly (As opposed to this thumbnail option), the resulting image was too blurry.

What I need from the Premiere release:

And what I need from Canterlot Nights:

If you let me know what you have we can work something out. I need mostly rare cards and foils from the Premiere and Canterlot Nights releases, and I do have a handful of spare rare cards (And a significant number of common cards) to trade with.

Premiere rares:

Canterlot Night rares:

Again, I'll go for a 1:1 rare to rare card trade. Any questions, please let me know.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2025, 04:40:45 PM by lordalexander74 »
Thanks to Lunacat for the lovely art

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