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Messages - Calico_Star
« on: July 27, 2015, 10:47:23 PM »
I love car decals! I'm not brave enough to put them on anything except the windows though. I love seeing fun decals on other people's cars....saw someone with a Triforce symbol once (I have one too but it's not on my car yet) and someone with a Totoro decal on their gas cap. Here are the two gracing the back of my little car; both purchased from Etsy: visitors can't see pics , please register or loginvisitors can't see pics , please register or loginBy the way, congrats on your new car! It's adorable! I love the color
« on: April 12, 2015, 09:56:09 AM »
Ok, everyone who found the new ones need to post pics!  I still haven't seen the second half of the newest wave except in the illustrations on the pamphlet. Nothing new in my area. We did get the first half of the new wave but no second wave yet. I'm desperately searching for Cleocat, (just like everyone else) but no luck so far  With her little pharaoh getup, she reminds me so much of my dear little black cat who I lost back in October, who I'd dress up as a pharaoh for Halloween...but because that one has sentimental significance, that means it'll probably be harder to find  I did finally find Pandela the other day though, so I guess that's my consolation prize for now.
« on: April 12, 2015, 09:37:45 AM »
I used Nation Wide Horse Transport to have my mini hauled from Iowa to California, and was happy with their work. I'm not sure if they go to Canada though? When I contacted the same company to bring my second horse from Idaho to California, they couldn't do it because Idaho wasn't on their route. I know sometimes you can have one company bring them across the border and then meet up with a different company to haul them the rest of the way, but that sounds like a headache. I'm sure you've looked into this already, but are there any upcoming shows in the area? If your breeder is attending a show, maybe they could drop off the horse with another attendee who'd be making the journey back to the US? I almost ended up doing that with my second horse (except we were talking state lines, not country!) but ended up finding a private transporter instead. Good luck! I know finding a transporter was by far the most frustrating and time-consuming part of both of my out-of-state horse purchases! Every time I thought I'd found one, they either didn't get back to me, my states weren't along their route, or I'd read some awful reviews that would scare me off! Both of my minis are nice little stinkers though, so I don't regret the added cost and hassle of buying long-distance
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:19:30 PM »
I'm playing it now  I like it because Harvest Moon, but it seems a Like, it's great that they give you all the basic tools right at the beginning, PLUS a barn and a cow....but then they don't give you a pitchfork to clean up after the cow? You can't even get it at the general store, you have to buy blueprints to build it-- but it requires iron, which I can't buy yet. I'm on the last day of spring and I have 3 or 4 iron I've found while swimming, but still no pitchfork for my poor cows. It seems like stone and lumber don't appear as much as in previous games, either, and some things seem way too expensive. And I HATE that there are no shipping bins! I'll get stuck where I can't buy seeds because the Silk Country vendor isn't there and won't be for a few days, so even though I'm collecting products I'm stuck waiting because I can't sell them! And I'm playing on normal mode, I do NOT need a week-long tutorial, haha! I'm sure it'll get better as the game goes on though. I am really excited about the new animals. Especially the angora rabbits, since I've been looking into purchasing angora rabbits in real life lately  And once I unlock more trade partner countries, the shipping won't be as big of an issue. I'm still getting into the swing of things.
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:36:39 AM »
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! You guys had some good ones, and some that led me to thinking of other now I have too many names to think about!  I will name this bunny one day! For now, here is my bunny with my kitty Pookie....who was another victim of the "the nickname stuck" phenomenon  visitors can't see pics , please register or login
« on: March 09, 2015, 10:01:55 PM »
I've had this little puffball for over a week now and he still doesn't have a name! Usually I have no problem coming up with names, but I'm at a loss here! He's a pure white lionhead bunny with blue eyes. He's super soft, and just the cutest little thing! I was thinking maybe something regal and ridiculous since he's a lionhead, or maybe something that ties in with his blue eyes. "His Majesty Prince Sapphire" was one I was kicking around  Thought about naming him Swiftheart after the rabbit from Care Bears, but...he's a little too round and fluffy for a name like that. If he were black or gray I'd call him Nimbus. (Cumulus doesn't have the same ring to it!  ) I need a name ASAP-- I've just been calling him "Mr.Buns," and I don't want that one to stick!  visitors can't see pics , please register or loginvisitors can't see pics , please register or loginvisitors can't see pics , please register or login
« on: March 09, 2015, 11:16:58 AM »
Unsurprisingly, Entertainment Earth cancelled my Pit order the other day. I think it started out as a pre-order in January, then went straight to backorder, and then eventually cancelled. Not the least bit surprised though. I am having a heck of a time finding the toys I'm looking for lately! Not just the Amiibos!
« on: February 28, 2015, 07:22:36 PM »
@kaoskat: look out for : Marth, Villager, Wii Ft Trainer, Shulk, Lucario, Rosalina, MetaKnight, Pit, Captain Falcon, and Little Mac. Those are what I can think of at this second.
I think that its a safe bet we can add Ike and King Dedede to that list, since when they released people were reporting stores getting 0-2 of each, and I have yet to see any in the wild.
It would probably be shorter to make a list of ones to NOT bother picking up
« on: February 27, 2015, 10:15:50 PM »
Ditto on the Copic markers. Nothing else I've tried comes close. They're pretty crazy expensive though.
« on: February 11, 2015, 10:43:46 PM »
I really want Pit, but I haven't seen him anywhere yet.
I think we missed him! He was my #1 most needed Amiibo, but I think he came out around December and is long gone from stores. For a while he was listed on Entertainment Earth for pre-order, to be released January...but I pre-ordered and my pre-order magically turned into a backorder without notice. I'm just hoping for a re-release at this point. I cosplay Pit, I can't NOT have the Pit figure! I did get Shiek and Toon Link today, though. But I'd had them pre-ordered at Gamestop.
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:29:56 PM »
Good luck! I already redeemed all my codes. So sad to see Club Nintendo shutting down  It hasn't been nearly as much fun this last year as it has been, but I've always filled out the surveys for all my games, and I've gotten some pretty cool stuff over the years. I hope you're able to get what you wanted!
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:13:07 PM »
I showed up at my closest Target (45 minutes away) at 8:50 yesterday and no luck, they'd sold out already. The guy there said they only got 16 in. He called the next-nearest Target (an additional 30 minutes drive) and they had some in stock but wouldn't hold them. So we made the drive even though we were on a major time crunch, and I almost had a heart attack when I saw two people at the electronics counter each checking out with a Rosalina, and none on the shelves. But they had the Rosalinas in a box behind the counter, so I was able to get one! Yay! That store got 24 in total, I was told.
I also heard about the memo stating that they wouldn't restock, but I don't know if it's legit or not. This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. You shouldn't have to line up outside a store before opening on release day to have a chance at buying a figurine.
« on: February 02, 2015, 08:22:04 AM »
Wardah, are you referring to the weird shade of her body? I found that my Bubblee discolored very quickly. It's especially noticeable on the little bubbles on her head. I just chalked it up to the type of plastic they used. I went out Zelf hunting yesterday and finally had success! Found a bunch of the new Zelfs (sadly no Cleocat though...) There were a few Cupies and Chis also. I know some members were still looking for them. It looks like those two and Petal and Billy are part of this "new" wave. It looks like the butterfly, the phoenix, the squirrel, and the sea dragon will be part of wave 2 for this set-- I think they were the only ones on the brochure aside from Cleocat that I didn't find. I still haven't had any luck finding Manny, Pandela, or even Owlmanda yet though!  Photobucket doesn't want to upload my photo right now, but I came home with Baabara, High Tail, and Marsha large size Zelfs, plus Laylani, Rainglow, and Cheeky Tiki, who all smell much better than the first wave of scented Zelfs. It seems like their scents fade even more quickly. For the standard medium Zelfs, I got Smoothie, Billy, the skelleton, Polly Roger, Cindy-Moo, Galexia and Roberta. They're all really great. Tiki is probably my favorite, but the skelleton looks really really neat also with her little beady eyes shining in her black eye sockets. Rainglow is nicely detailed, with different colors on the front and backs of his wings and tail and gradients on his arms. I'm glad that Moose is so far keeping up where Hasbro crashed and burned!
« on: February 01, 2015, 06:40:56 PM »
I had some birthday money to spend, so I bought Fantasy Life and Kirby Triple Deluxe and have been alternating between the two. Spending more time with Fantasy Life so far, but I absolutely adore Kirby also. I bought Super Smash Bros for the WiiU too, but I've been too tired in the evenings to play. (Laaaaame!)
« on: January 25, 2015, 08:38:42 PM »
Well, I'm a little disappointed with my Luna. She was great at first, but after two weeks, one of her wings is snapped almost completely off! She's just been sitting on my desk. The cat may have knocked her over onto her side once, but she's never fallen off the desk or anything. The Funko figures feel so sturdy, I'm really surprised and disappointed to be having a problem like that with a figure that's just been on display!