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Messages - Talismarr
« on: October 21, 2018, 10:53:15 AM »
I have a small army of Coco Berry's. I got a handful from an army swap aaaages ago, which included a few customs, including an alternate color rehair and a perfume puff hair version ^^ Also a plush version! I love them!
Unfortunately they've been in storage for a while as I don't have room atm to display them...
« on: September 15, 2018, 11:00:54 AM »
Thank you! ^^ I'm sure i'll be spending some more time poking around, it's been a while since I've been following the pony community ^^'
« on: September 03, 2018, 10:42:33 AM »
Hey everyone, it's been a few years since I was last active here, but recently I was sorting through some stuff in storage and found all my ponies again <3 I thought I'd pop back in and see what's up! It might take a while to get my bearings around here again... also, I might be hoping to sell some of my collection, so I'll have to get current again with pricing and stuff  So, hello!
« on: May 04, 2015, 05:50:12 PM »
Ooooh there are some great ones listed in this thread! I have to agree with really liking the Cranberries, Heart, Pretty Reckless, Paramore, No Doubt, Flyleaf... I'm sure there are more that I'm also forgetting!
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:30:48 PM »
I have tons of scrapbooking stuff... have been into it for probably about 10 years now! I go in spurts, really creative, and then I slack of for a while. I used to scrapbook a lot with a friend, we'd get a lot done during our hangouts! I've sorta branched off into doing Project Life (a pocket system using page protectors with pockets where you can just slip in photos and journaling cards), but I'm almost too much of a perfectionist, so I leave a lot of stuff unfinished because it's not quite perfect... I hesitate to do writing in it because I'm not the biggest fan of my own hand writing! I also love putting in ticket stubs and mementos from different things I've done, coasters, packaging, coffee sleeves etc (at least I have intentions of doing these kinds of projects!) Here is a super lazy pic of my current storage (most of it). It's a raskog cart from Ikea. Read about in on pinterest under project life storage and thought it would improve my life. Now I just have this bulky cart that doesn't fit anywhere!  visitors can't see pics , please register or loginTop shelf is the storage thing that I started out with, lots of pockets for paper, sticker, tools etc, so I've got some pens, stamps, scissors, ribbon, stencils etc, as well as a fair bit of paper and sticker sheets! Second shelf has some trays from Ikea that hold photos, project life cards, embellishments, tools like corner punch, exacto knife, ruler etc. Third shelf has a bin that was storage for another project and now contains alphabet stickers, some cards and other embellishments... I love scrapbooking, it's just frustrating as right now I don't have a space to do it, so it's a lot of work unpacking and repacking everything when I want to work on it...
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:11:00 PM »
I don't think I could do it!
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:22:10 PM »
This thread makes me happy! Nickeline, I remember your pony stockings and iPods, I think i bought one of each for some customs I had worked on, I know I gave the iPod to my sister with a custom I made for her birthday. One of us still has it!
I remember all those old customizers too, I love their work. There are still some whose work I'd love to add to my collection! I made a few customs years ago, and participated in a number of custom swaps that were so much fun. I still have all my old customizing supplies too, and would love to get back into it. It's probably been almost 6 years since I've done anything, did university in that time and just haven't had the time or space lately to work on anything.
I wonder where some of my customs have ended up!
« on: January 17, 2015, 11:32:10 AM »
I'm not that surprised to hear the news, Target never did as well in Canada as in the states as everything was way pricier! You could get most of the stuff from Target for cheaper at Wal-Mart. The thing that sucks most in Winnipeg (aside from people losing their jobs) is that they just finished building a HUGE Target supercenter this summer. I mean, they weren't even done road construction in the area before they had to shut down for winter (and it was the biggest pain in the butt to navigate through that construction ALL summer). Seems like such a waste. I wonder what they will use that enormous, custom-built building for now...
« on: December 19, 2014, 06:42:51 PM »
You are not 18 yet!!  where has time gone, can't believe it! Happy Birthday!!
« on: December 19, 2014, 06:41:17 PM »
Oooo what an interesting challenge! I actually love cooking (or, I love eating!) but haven't had a lot of time or energy for it lately. I also live alone/cook for one, but I take lunches to work, so I'm all about leftovers and freezing portions for later. I freeze stuff in single servings, so I can grab and go for easy lunches! (margarine/sour cream/etc containers work wonderfully for this. And if they get ruined it's no big deal to just toss it!)
I'm going to lurk for a while but may join in on this challenge yet if you keep coming up with ideas!
« on: December 09, 2014, 08:56:06 PM »
What an awesome swap!! Everyone's boxes look great, and I love seeing the pics of everyone's tree! I love Christmas, and just got my tree up yesterday.
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:32:17 PM »
Got into it through my cousin and her friends, I've been watching through the first season with them. I like it so far! It's a bit weird though as Kristin Schaal also does the voice of Louise in Bob's Burgers, so I keep hearing Louise instead of Mabel while watching.
« on: September 08, 2014, 03:16:35 PM »
Thanks for your honesty! That is definitely something to keep in mind. I do have a boyfriend, but we live about an hour away from each other, so I pretty much only see him on my weekends off. I could perhaps try to keep parties to during the week, or the weekends that we're not together so he doesn't have to hear me talk about candles allll the time!
« on: September 07, 2014, 10:03:51 AM »
I am thinking of becoming a Partylite consultant! I have had a couple parties and have gone to a couple parties over the last 6 months with the same consultant and now I am thinking of becoming one myself. I love the product and the flexibility of the job is appealing. I also could really use a little bit extra income per month  All of my consultant's parties that I've gone to have been a lot of fun, so I think I would try to run my parties the same way she does. I am just a bit nervous about the whole 'running your own business' thing... Is anyone here an independent consultant for any company? Partylite, Tupperware, Mary Kay etc ... do you have any advice or concerns to share? I would love to hear about your experiences!
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:21:53 PM »
Usually water, but today I am having a rum cooler!