« on: February 11, 2012, 12:57:31 PM »
Zecora! I think she was the pony I wanted as a toy most. Glow in the dark is a little odd, but hey.
Can we have a normal sized white Celestia, though?
While I collect all gens, I have to put some hearty agreement with Lancer - I was just thinking similar thoughts myself. Like, you know, it took how long before Hasbro had involvement in the Pony Fair? Dunno, sucks, a little, and you can't help bit feel a little snubbed, being a collector. (I do and I haven't been collecting half as long as many people here!)
That doesn't mean I can't be really happy with G4s, but it just makes me a little sad it took the new fanbase to make any changes, is all.