Introductions / Introduction
« on: October 13, 2019, 11:57:51 AM »
I'm 16 years old, and I'm from MA, USA. I am a high school student.
My current ponies are:
G1- Moonstone, Parasol, Firefly, Glory, Bow-tie, Noodles, Doodles, Curly Locks, Merry Treat, Scoops, Goldilocks.
G3- Wysteria, Sparkleworks, Daffidazey, Hidden Treasure, Strawberry Swirl, Cherry Blossom, Aloha Pearl, Bellaluna, Rarity.
And the 'mane six' from G4- applejack, rarity, pinkie pie, twilight sparkle, rainbow dash, and fluttershy.
I have been collecting for over a year now, and I primarily collect G1 and G3. I started to collect ponies to get back the ones I used to have and love when I grew up. I used to be obsessed with MLP when I was young and just never got over it!
I am so excited to be on this website and can't wait to get started!

I'm 16 years old, and I'm from MA, USA. I am a high school student.
My current ponies are:
G1- Moonstone, Parasol, Firefly, Glory, Bow-tie, Noodles, Doodles, Curly Locks, Merry Treat, Scoops, Goldilocks.
G3- Wysteria, Sparkleworks, Daffidazey, Hidden Treasure, Strawberry Swirl, Cherry Blossom, Aloha Pearl, Bellaluna, Rarity.
And the 'mane six' from G4- applejack, rarity, pinkie pie, twilight sparkle, rainbow dash, and fluttershy.
I have been collecting for over a year now, and I primarily collect G1 and G3. I started to collect ponies to get back the ones I used to have and love when I grew up. I used to be obsessed with MLP when I was young and just never got over it!
I am so excited to be on this website and can't wait to get started!