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Messages - PinkRosedust
« on: October 11, 2023, 09:42:36 PM »
I'm still bewildered by this stuff too! Core 7 definitely felt like MLP (or at least G3) dying in a way. And what do ya know, it actually was! So sad going from seemingly endless new designs to...the same the same exact pose everytime. The goofy name changing and reusing always annoyed me too. Honestly they did Cherry Blossom dirty, then they did her even more dirty in G4 by making Cheerilee's lovely symbols so cutesy. And original Styling size Cheerilee was a pretty pony. Sure she was just pink and purple, but she was nice shades of those colors that you don't see much. Shame she didn't get a regular size release. Original Toola Roola being replaced was sad too. Why could they not just...come up with another name for these ponies? Of course G1 didn't get away without reusing some names too. So strange that they can have hundreds of different characters then suddenly there's a second pony named Yum Yum. No one in the company could suggest a new name for a pony with candy on her butt? Really? All I can say, is I couldn’t collect G4 because every unicorn toy had “evil” eyes to me. And they didn’t have these eyes in the cartoon show. I did not like those eyes, so Hasbro did not get my dollars
Yeah, I never did like G4 unicorn eyes either (except Sunset Shimmer as mentioned above!) I don't know how they managed to make them look so bad. Same with Fluttershy. Even after they "fixed" her eyes she just looked like she was constantly terrified lol. My own contribution here is G4 Applejack having eyebrows. Did anyone ever find out why she has them? It drives me crazy when I think about it. It's so odd!! Who decided she should have them? Why was everyone else involved with the final design okay with it too? Why was it only her and no other ponies??
« on: April 17, 2023, 06:17:39 PM »
Bumping because I came back after a bit of time thinking I'd see some news. Anyone heard anything?
« on: February 13, 2023, 11:29:24 AM »
I'm worried that their wings will get squished too much and end up damaged. Have you ever had an issue with this or am I just being paranoid?
« on: January 25, 2023, 08:04:05 PM »
I haven't been keeping up with these G2 threads so sorry if this was discussed already, but it just occured to me the other day that last year was the 25th anniversary of G2! And then I was immediately saddened that there was no acknowledgement of it from Hasbro or anywhere else.
« on: October 09, 2022, 12:55:33 PM »
Whoa! Havent been on in a while and I come back to real actual Celestial ponies being produced?! Incredible. They look amazing already! I really hope Target picks the line up again. Or that the other current retailers continue to sell them. I don't want to have to get them from Amazon if I can avoid it.
The plush look a lot better than the 80s ones lol. Love the eyes!
The blind bags also look really good! Kinda wish they weren't blind bags but I guess that's what the people want these days. Loved that kinda thing as a kid so I understand...but as a collector it's annoying lol. Also wish the hair type was consistant - never been a fan of one part being molded if the other is brushable. But I can live with it.
I LOVE that they're using a Rescue at Midnight Castle theme with similar artwork to that episode. That style was so gorgeous and it still kills me that they changed it for the rest of the series.
Not sure another release of the original 6 is necessary haha. I wish they would at least put them in new molds or something to jazz them up.
« on: June 10, 2022, 03:16:43 PM »
Aww how neat! I've never been able to attend a fair so it's cool to see this stuff. Thanks for sharing!
« on: March 13, 2022, 12:00:37 PM »
A nice set! I have them all. I can't resist Cinnamon Breeze's striking colors (her sorta-doppelgänger Princess Peppermint is one of my favorite G3s!) Spring Parade is such a gorgeous pony, in a rare combination of colors, always love that. I've warmed up to the donkey pose over the years but it's still not my fave, though I do love Piccolo's warm pink hair with her blue body. Points for her fun symbol too. Golden Delicious is the least interesting to me but I don't dislike her.
« on: March 06, 2022, 12:01:54 PM »
As I recall Walmart had some single pony packs bundled together and I got Butterscotch and Sparkleworks. I saw them one time and couldn't stop thinking about them and I think I asked my mom get them for me the next time she went heh
« on: March 06, 2022, 11:57:10 AM »
Well I guess the nostalgia wouldn't be there, but I still think they're far more aesthetically pleasing than G5. So I'd like it lol. But both could exist together! The more ponies the better! Bring back G2 and G3 while you're at it :')
« on: July 23, 2021, 08:02:46 AM »
Does she at least look okay from the other side? If the seam isn't too noticeable from the other side then I don't care too much as far as displaying goes, but it sucks that that's what you get for the price. It's weird they can't, like, sculpt a basic pony properly. Like they've done several times before. And also hundreds of times with other intricate characters and objects.  Baffling..
« on: February 27, 2021, 03:19:40 PM »
When I hear the name Hitch, all I can think of is that movie with Will Smith. Hitch as in, matchmaker. I'm sure that is not how they are intending it, but that's my immediate association when I hear it!
Same here, and I've never even seen that movie lol. I just expect him to sound like Will Smith.
« on: February 23, 2021, 07:03:16 PM »
Okay...I don't hate it. It's a lot less annoying to look at than Pony Life lol. I don't like this style of eye, where the bottom is flat and kinda cutesy/chubby cheek looking. The straight on views look really awkward and are just uncomfortable. I agree that the style is a bit reminiscent of G3.5, but it's kind of a mix of that and G2 to me. I love G2 toys but never did care for the artwork (again, it's the eyes) maybe any toys that are coming will look nicer than the artwork heh. I can hope.
« on: February 10, 2021, 03:25:54 PM »
Hey! I decided to sell these Tiny Tins. PHOTOS: have the following, all with their tins and in good condition: Rainbow Dash Sparkleworks Sweet Berry Pinkie Pie Sunny Daze Minty Each one is $8 plus $4 shipping in the lower 48 US states - please ask for a shipping quote to anywhere else; willing to ship international to most countries. If you want several or the whole lot we can work out a deal. I have more recent feedback on ebay, you can check the link in my sig.
« on: February 08, 2021, 07:02:37 PM »
I was just looking at the ones I have the other day and came to the conclusion that I don't really need them lol. The Minty is pretty cute though.
« on: January 28, 2021, 05:53:23 PM »
Interesting! I really like the Lite Brite pony. If only they would just scoot those eyes up the heads a little they would be pretty cute. As they are they still just look like fakies to me.