There was a thread years ago that asked who your fave content creators are to follow. I hate mindless scrolling and would love some new things to check out
We found Todd in the Shadows this way via arena and he's a def fave now. -he covers hit pop songs
look mum no computers - old tech & music
techmoan -tech
vlogbrothers - idk what to classify them as anymore I've been semi watching since the beginning I'm old

twosetviolin- music comedy
glenandfriends -cooking
romasandmo - lithuanian cooking I watch a few channels in subtitles
De mi rancho a tu cocina - cooking
LGR - computer history
the history guy - history
antique nomad- antique dealer who specializes in glass which is something I'm clueless about
townsends - history/cooking
cereal at midnight - movie discussion, upcoming releases
horse plus humane society - horses

billispeaks - talking cat
mended light & cinema therapy - free therapy presented in digestible way and fun way for cinema
basically anyone im already following on yt who jumped platforms
stage_door_johnny - word play
funkyfrogbait - comedy
Apparently I just like learning things the most but open to anything