Customs / Re: Blueberry muffin DH
« on: June 24, 2012, 05:54:09 AM »
I'd opt for dyeing too - it is SUCH a unique colour (one of my favourites!) that no other blues in the DH range really come close, even with blending :/ xx
Here is my Sindy in Blueberry Muffin - if you click through you will find my (long since ended) link to her from when she was on Ebay - there are lots of pics on the auction description if you wanted to see the colour in all different lights!!
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FA Sindy by Robin playing with dollies, on Flickr
Here is my Sindy in Blueberry Muffin - if you click through you will find my (long since ended) link to her from when she was on Ebay - there are lots of pics on the auction description if you wanted to see the colour in all different lights!!
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FA Sindy by Robin playing with dollies, on Flickr