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Messages - RavenPaw
« on: October 30, 2018, 02:20:21 AM »
Really want her! I love orange ponies, I love cats, and I love Halloween! She's the perfect pony! I really want her with her cute ears and bell, if I can find her like that.
« on: October 27, 2018, 11:50:19 PM »
Aww that crochet set is super cute! If I knew how to crochet at all I would get it!
I still need to find Sandbar and Silverstream.
« on: October 27, 2018, 06:01:39 AM »
I like her, she's on my want list. I need more G2s. I really like her colors but I agree it's not very apple pie-like. She should have a different name and symbol and a different colored pony should be named Apple Pie. I also think the gimmick is pretty weird, it makes their tails not look so good at the base. But I still like these ponies and want some. Thanks to The Lavender Lagoon I know no more about G2s that weren't sold in the US and have a bunch on my wish list.
« on: October 25, 2018, 06:43:23 PM »
I want her! I really like her cactus symbol and I like green hair, and green in general on ponies.
« on: October 25, 2018, 06:39:52 PM »
I just ordered the Unicorn and Pegasus set from Kaplan Toys as well. Thanks so much MyLittlePeachy for sharing that with us!  Now I don't have to worry about checking all the Targets around. I wish they came with puffy stickers too like the Rainbow Ponies did, but I'm still thrilled to get them.
« on: October 24, 2018, 09:14:57 PM »
I really like Gusty. I always wanted her as a kid because I had BBE Baby Gusty. Now I have her, the glittery symbol one. Still need other versions. I also have a retro coffee mug with Gusty on it. I really badly want regular Baby Gusty because I hate Beddy Bye Eyes. All the baby ponies that have BBEs and also have regular versions are high on my want list. I also have some custom versions, G3 Cyber Gusty made by assassin_kitty (link) and a cute G4 ornament made by UrocyonFox in the holiday art swap a few years back. It would be fun to get more!
Oh wow that G3 Cyber Gusty custom is really neat! I adore that look and those fuzzy boots! I want one!
« on: October 24, 2018, 08:45:36 PM »
Oh my, I'd feel ambivalent and messed up too!  I wish I knew what to tell you, but I have no clue. Just wanted to give you a virtual hug and tell you it's okay. Wish there was a way to find out if that pony belonged there, or if it was just another toy that got washed down. Maybe it just was left there by a kid. Either way, try not to fret over it too much.
« on: October 24, 2018, 07:45:54 PM »
I'm looking for a light box so I can take really good pictures of ponies and other things. But I don't know where to buy one or what kind to buy. I've looked on Amazon and there are so many and prices are so varied. I don't want to spend a lot of money. A simple one would be best.
I bought a small one on Amazon a while ago, it looked plenty big enough for MLPs online but it's not big enough. It's really nice and simple though, and it folds down. I'd like one like that, just a bit bigger. Does anybody have any recommendations?
« on: October 23, 2018, 08:54:41 PM »
I had to Google this to confirm it's real. I adore the Golden Girls but I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
 I'm with you, let's take the next rocket off this rock. Cereal? Why Cereal? 0.o At first I thought I was reading it wrong. That is just so bizarre.
« on: October 23, 2018, 08:29:00 PM »
I love Halloween and I love scary movies! A really good movie I have always liked and really scared me when I was little is The Haunting. I'm talking about the original, really old one in black and white. It was made in 1963. There are no ghosts or monsters, but it's really spooky! Other favorites of mine include: The Shining (original and remake) The Thing (original) Pet Semetary Saw Poltergeist Halloween Nightmare on Elm Street Night of the Living Dead Dawn of the Dead (I like the remake) Psycho Insidious (and sequels) VHS (Not sure how well known this is, but if you like scary stuff you should really check this out!) And more I can't think of at the moment.  I saw The Nun recently, it was pretty good. Not the best horror movie ever, but it had it's scary moments, it's worth seeing. A series, not a movie, but The Walking Dead is awesome. This time of year is a great time to binge watch it. I've only seen to the beginning of season 7 so far. And for non-scary you can't beat Nightmare Before Christmas! All Tim Burton's stuff is good but that one's my favorite.
« on: October 23, 2018, 03:58:05 PM »
For me it's no contest. The opening theme from Rescue at Midnight Castle and Call Upon The Sea Ponies! I love those two song so much, and they're so nostalgic for me. Although I like all the songs from Rescue at Midnight Castle and the My Little Pony Movie. My boyfriend even said he liked Call Upon The Sea Ponies when I made him listen to those two songs once. Shoo be do, shoo shoo be do!
« on: October 23, 2018, 02:18:00 PM »
Those are Buddy L fakies. I had a pink Earth pony with a yellow bridle and I think a Heart on forehead. I still remember playing with her and my childhood ponies. She ran to the top of the Lullabye Nursery to signal the other ponies.
That is really adorable! Thanks, it's good to know the brand now! I don't think mine work anymore, I wonder if I could fix them?
« on: October 21, 2018, 03:53:40 PM »
My Rainbow Ponies and Pretty Parlor have arrived, I'm so excited! I don't know what possessed the makers to make the Rainbows scented, but I'm pleasantly surprised that I like the smell of the ones I've unboxed so far, Parasol, Skydancer, and Windy. I really like Windy's smell but I can't identify what it's supposed to be. I know I've read what all their scents are but I forget.  The funny thing is that half of them came in bilingual boxes and half in English only boxes. I ordered them from Amazon. I really enjoyed opening the Pretty Parlor. It's special to me because it was the very first MLP thing I ever got, given to me by my aunt and uncle when I was four years old. Peachy was an early childhood favorite and will always be special to me. ^_^ Is it just me, or does it seem that the Rainbows and Peachy have even softer manes and tails than the collector ponies? It feels so silky and perfect! The collector ponies hair is good but it seems a little different to me somehow. Not sure what it is, but it feels different.
« on: October 21, 2018, 12:13:47 AM »
I was just thinking of starting a topic like this! I love pony armies.
I have just recently started working on a Peachy and Snuzzle army. Yep, a two pony army. My reason is this, Peachy was my first pony ever, so despite the fact that she is very common and may be seen as not that exciting, she's very special to me. And Snuzzle has always seemed connected to her to me. In my head canon I decided they are twins, since they have the exact same symbol and similar colors. Only adult twins instead of newborn twins, twins that have grown up.
So far I have... Peachy: My original from childhood, an upgrade (both CF), FF Peachy, Mexican Peachy, Italian Peachy, 35th Anniversary Repo Peachy, and the peach My Pretty Pony that looks just like Peachy, I count her as part of my army. Snuzzle: My original from childhood (CF), 35th Repo Snuzzle, Loyal Subjects Snuzzle, and a custom blind bag Snuzzle. I also have a embroidered patch of Peachy. Mexican and Italian Peachy are my first two Nirvana Ponies I've ever had! They aren't in great shape, but I'm happy to have them anyway.
I have a lot more to get, my army has just started. I hope to have a very large army eventually. I eventually hope to have customs of Peachy and Snuzzle as newborn twins, and G2, G3, and G4 customs, as well as a blind bag custom of Peachy to go with the Snuzzle. And I'm always on the lookout for any merch that features either of them.
My holy grail is Dolly Mix Snuzzle! Oh I wish I could find that!
I'm also kinda working on an all generations army of Applejack, since she was a childhood favorite, and there are so many versions of her. I have G1 straight hair Applejack, Baby Applejack, G4 regular Applejack, Cutie Mark Magic Applejack (the one with their symbol going down their legs and over one eye), Friendship Festival: Party Friends Applejack (with tinsel and glitter on legs), Non-brushable Applejack. Ty Beanie Baby Applejack, blind bag Applejack, and Loyal Subjects Applejack.
I don't want to get every single tiny variation of G4 Applejack, that would be way too many for me. But I really want to get Pearlized, Water Cuties, and Seapony Applejack. I also really want a Build a Bear Applejack. And of course I need G3 Applejack, curly hair Applejack, Collector Pose Applejack, and any Nirvanas I might come across.
« on: October 19, 2018, 11:22:57 PM »
 How did you manage to keep it together in the store? I would have a hard time not jumping up and down and making people think I'm nuts.  Congrats you are so lucky! She looks like she will clean up very nice, I can't wait to see pics of her after spa day. Can I stand near you so some of your luck might rub off on me? Hehehe!