The veil lace is completely different than the US pony bride, so that should be easy to tell apart. There are 2? lace variations I think. Neither of those you show in your link Saoirse is Argentine unfortunately

I'll ID them in a bit.
The cake and ring are pretty much the same as the Pony Bride release.
Her comb is a sun pick, and I've got pics of her with a blue sun pick and red ribbon, or a pink sun pick with gold ribbon. I'll gather some images for you in a bit
Post Merge: January 31, 2019, 11:55:11 AMThe top veil is correctly identified as Pony Bride's.
But that bottom veil in the facebook photo is from the ponywear Something Old Something New. You can tell easily by the beaded "crown" top, and the lace trimming along the sides. But also the main lace of the veil is unique to that ponywear outfit. So unfortunately, it is not from Argentina

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loginMIB Something Old Something New
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loginBecause the cake and ring don't really have distinctive features that look different from Pony Bride's, and considering the veil is wrong, I wouldn't trust they come from Argentina either.
Here is my MIB Novia
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loginIt's hard to see the lace pattern without taking the pony out of the packaging, so I laid a black cloth underneath.
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loginAnd a couple of other veil lace variations from Argentina.
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loginActually, the Argentine veil is closest to Pony Bride's. Neither one has a special "crown" on top, and neither has special lace trim on the side edges. Instead, they have what looks like the same style of lace bundled at the top, and the sides of the veil are cut in a wavy pattern along the edges. It's just the pattern of the lace that's different between Novia and Pony Bride.
In contrast, Something Old Something New ponywear, Satin n Lace, and UK Confetti all have a special crown-like feature on top (either beaded, or silver thread), and they all have special lace trims that line each side of the veil, trim that usually matches the trim on the dress.