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Messages - Lady Frostbite

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Off Topic / Re: What made you smile today?
« on: Yesterday at 10:58:20 AM »
I ordered The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road as it's one of my favourite movies and I could NOT say no to that price!! It's a BEAST of a book! Still shrinkwrapped, I haven't had the courage to open it as I need to pack up even more of my books now.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: February 09, 2025, 02:47:52 AM »
Wow, I'm loving her colours!! I miss the fact her blue hair is unique to her with Cleo currently sporting that look, but this looks relaly nice! I might have to actually get her!

Off Topic / Re: What manga are you reading?
« on: February 06, 2025, 11:29:29 PM »
I just placed an order with Japan Rabbit to order doujins from the original manga-ka of one of the first-ever series I collected!! It's coming directly from their shop, I didn't want to buy second-hand what I could buy new from them and support them more directly. If everything goes well, there is a seller that seems to have almost all the missing ones so I'll place an order with them next!

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: February 03, 2025, 10:28:58 AM »
I got the results back for my short course and they weren't very good -_- I feel like a failure at the moment

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: January 31, 2025, 04:33:22 PM »
First pictures of WIP Draculara Bishojo statue!

She is looking good! I would have preferred if she had one hand touching her face like in a lot of her promo G1 images but that's really splitting hairs. I'm liking how this is going, I hope they keep doing this line for all the main ghouls; I would be interested in a Clawdeen and I would KILL for an Abbey!!

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: January 31, 2025, 04:31:13 PM »
WIP sculpt images of Bishojo Princess Cadance out!

I'm a little surprised her dress is so 'plain' compared to Luna and Celestia, but she's still cute and will be a must-buy for me to go with my Princess Luna Kotobukiya! The outline of Chrysalis looks interesting!

Off Topic / Re: Do you like spicy food?
« on: January 25, 2025, 06:22:05 AM »
I know my spice tolerance is pretty dang low. Having said that, I LOVE growing super-hot chillies!! I find the super-hots are more aggressive about germinating and growing, their oil seems into the soil and seems to hinder fungas gnats to a degree (or keeps them down long enough for the roots to be deep enough to allow me to water from the bottom, therefore not a problem anymore), and I just find them really neat to keep. I'm not silly enough to eat the fruits; if they SEEDLINGS cause my hands to burn, the FRUITS are off the scale!

I mostly grow and give the fruits away, I love growing them for the joy of growing them. And horrifying people by explaining how hot the strains I cultivated are!

(I'm not growing any this year as I want to be able to ove and don't want to risk live tall angry superhots being transported)

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: January 25, 2025, 06:18:52 AM »
Howliday Haunt is here!

- The art is nice, LOVE the detail in each ghoul's dress, especially the spikes in Frankie's look and Lala's complex one. I only saw part of Abbey's look, which is disappointing.


- Frankie is notably clumsy but I did like Cleo responding to Frankie's assertion she can't dance with 'what are you talking about, I've seen you on Fearleading cheers' and the actually-logical response that Frankie lost her leg to a dog, her dad accidentally replaced it with a second left foot and doesn't have time to correct it.

- Clawdeen snarking about not needing a date to the dance was making me really hopeful but nope, during the truth serum fog scene she admits because her parents screwed up love, she's scared she'll do the same, and of COURSE Toralei is listening and in the frame. Please. Please. I beg. STOP putting these two together. Toralei in this series is nothing like the canon Toralei and couldn't be a worse match for Clawdeen.

- Frankie making her own date is kinda funny. The 'AI art is legitimate creative expression!' 'Oh no, you're brainless' is so fourth-wall breaking something audibly snapped in my noggin. I keep saying cringe, but that really was cringe.

- It's kinda cute Frankie's dad made her out of the best and brightest, and the line about her kidney being from some dude named Larry who was just alright is hilarious. Again, praise for not shying away from the fact Frankie is literally made up of other people's body parts.

- Johnny's so weirdly invested in the mystery, aren't you supposed to be cool and detatched? Where's Operetta, she'll sort you out.

(Good question, where is she)

- This 'Poe' beau mentioned for Lala again, I HATE that he's from another source of media that isn't tied to the comic, dolls or animation, means I have no idea what his deal is and don't care to find out.

Overall, the Toralei/Clawdeen thing continues to be gag-worthy, but the art is really nice, there's some good jokes and it's not the worst MH thing I've seen!

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: January 23, 2025, 11:59:56 AM »
Very quick read of MH #4

- This tiresome drama of Clawdeen/Cleo/Deuce. Clawdeen insists she's into ghouls, Cleo insists attraction is as fluid and changable as the Nile, Clawdeen concedes that point but still insists she's not into Deuce.

- Still don't like Deuce's snakes having minds of their own and talking to him, it was better when they were simply extensions of his thoughts.

- WHO ISN'T ON THE FREAKING CHEER SQUAD?! Abbey and Lagoona are apparently on the team, I don't recall Goona being a core member, she was on the Swim Team and was the sporty one. I found Abbey's point that Cleo is also bossy but yells less than Toralei funny, but still find it tiresome Toralei is thrown in so much in places she doesn't belong

- Eektok, 'via Hext', these attempts to add new MH words just fall so flat.

- HAI Mouscedes! Never thought I'd see you here!!

- I do like the fact the zombies have something that can override their slowness and make them a 'threat' in games, making them act like one makes great sense, good choice.

- Why does saying Lala looks 'worn out' such a crippling blow? What button did that exactly push?

- Why isn't Spectra on the case of who this gossipmonger is? Isn't that her during the dodgeball game in the same frame as Mouscedes? She ran the Ghostly Gossip, this is exactly her bag to find this kind of thing out. It's almost like the writer wants to do their pet ships and characters and just ignore characters who would be perfect for the situation.

- Headless Headmistress Bloodgood's head relaxing separate from her body in the imagined scene was good, I do like it when the media doesn't shy away from that particular quirk of hers.

- Last time someone tried to get rid of her, Nightmare had to be dealt with as well, and ended up giving Frankie the clue needed to save her. Why not have that mentioned here?

- No idea who Toralei mentioned not turning up again, would need to re-read that part

- Hi Gory Fangtell! I think that's Crescent High in the football game, but again, the Fearleading Squad has every single major ghoul in it for some reason when most of them aren't even used.

My Howliday special has been dispatched so that will be interesting. I'm still not regretting ordering the series, but oh my Ra it's not very good so far, even if the art is still great. Who wrote these monsters and who is letting them do it?

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: January 19, 2025, 11:24:09 AM »
I thought Robecca would be next as she and Venus are essentially part of the same 'wave' but I hesitated as I thought she got a collector's doll a while ago? I might be misremembering but it was maybe SDCC? Maybe she was metallic-painted? (I know Hexicah got a doll which is fantastic so I might be mixed up there)

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: January 19, 2025, 08:58:17 AM »
That ... seems to misunderstand greenwashing entirely! It would be greenwashing if they said she was made of 100% recycled materials or something. The eco-punk aspect is more evident in animated media, it's not too evident in her dolls as she can be taken as a classical plant monster or simply greenery-themed ghoul. A better example of greenwashing is when a car brand (Mazda?) released a car that was 'endorsed' by the Illumination version of The Lorax. The character that is explicitly against the destruction of nature and advocates for it ("I speak for the trees!") as having the 'truffula seal of approval'. That is the most transparent and blatant version of greenwashing. A children's doll special edition that doesn't claim to raise money for the rainforest or be against fossil fuels (where plastics share an origin) is NOT greenwashing.

Without seeing the comments themselves I just blatantly disagree. I wonder how many dolls will be made and who is next in line?

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: January 16, 2025, 12:22:31 AM »
Matte celebrates 80th Anniversary in 2025, and this year brings us collaboration of all times - Monster High x Barbie.
Mattel's 80th Anniversary Celebration Monster High Doll is Frankie, with her signature green fur and metallic accessories, with the look of one of the most iconic dolls: Barbie. Frankie has a high ponytail with her black and white hair, black dress with matching gloves and heels and underneath the iconic black and white striped bodysuit with white sunglasses.
To be updated!

... FUR?! I think you mean SKIN there!

Skullector's Venus pictures have been released. I don't like her outfit at all, it looks like a placeholder or she just threw it on. Really, a denim babygrow when your overall look is deeply green and complicated??

Frankie has a Make-a-Monster playset coming. It should be a really cool idea, but this is almost a summery of why I don't really like G3; it's too cutesy compared to G1, and the doe eyes/pastel colours on the critters really sell that.

Scary Sweet Clawdeen to go with the Sweet 1600 line. Hold still ghoulfriend, I just gotta ... *peels off that damn plastic cage off her*. The cakes are REALLY cute though, these are ABSOLUTELY going to be used for any Coffin Bean set any kid/collector has!

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: January 13, 2025, 04:37:27 PM »
Went straight to bed when I got home from work, slept until 9pm x_x Then conquered the executive dysfunction and went to the store, ate dinner!

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: January 11, 2025, 12:43:38 PM »
I hate when I'm super hungry all day, and when I finally GO get food and eat, I'm suddenly feeling sick  :X I know it will calm down but still, I'm kinda scared to move fro fear of upsetting my suddenly overburdened stomach even more!

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: January 10, 2025, 01:21:30 PM »
Oh the pink edit is really pretty!! It's almost like that would be the EAH version, it really reminds me of her 2D EAH artwork. I still like her current form, again it's very baroque and suits her very well. Plastic is so hit or miss with this line. You know who would be good fits for this line if the plastic is done well? Operetta and Robecca!

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