My name is Christine but my friends call me Hoshiko. Hoshiko is one of my pony personas that my friend, Crystal, made for me.My other pony persona is called Storm (made by me). I also have a couple of fursonas. One of them is Hoshiko Palomino (I love the name Hoshiko lol) and the other is Murasaki. They are both wolves. Hoshiko means "star child" in japanese and Murasaki means the colour purple in japanese as well

I am 18 years old, live in the United Kingdom and I love all types of animals. Currently, I own a black and white Norwegian Forest cat called Freddie, a cockatiel called Charlie and a hyper hamster called Gwen who is our newest family member

. My favourite TV shows are Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock and MLP:FIM of course

. I don't have many friends because I am really shy and have slight autism so people tend to think I'm a little weird and stay away from me but...meh. I'm friendly with anyone and everyone and will help anoyone if they need help or advise