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Messages - cyberunicorn

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For Sale - For Auction / Selling up my collection starting with G1
« on: August 03, 2024, 09:52:25 AM »
I have decided that it is time to part with my beloved pony collection. They have brought me so much joy over the years when i got back in to collecting them but now they are all packed away and wasted not being  seen.

I am going to be keeping some of them (who will be treated to a nice spar as they come out of thr boxes) but sadly most of them need to goto better new homes hopefully with other collectors.

Its going to take me a while to get through them all as i work full time but i have listed my first four on ebay if anyone is interested in them.

Zig zag zebra:

Spunky camel:

Kingsley lion:


I hope the links work 😅

I do have loads of others so if there is anyone looking for any specific pony then feel free to drop me a dm or reply here and i can see if i have them for you. Uk postage only but i might consider over seas with full tracking. I mostly have g1 and g4 and some of the nee hqg1c ponies which i will be participating with too

Pony Corral / Re: Which pony would you pick?
« on: April 20, 2020, 11:30:39 AM »
1. Night Glider or Munchy - night glider
2. Mimic or Bright Eyes TE - mimic as i do not like the pose of the other one
3. Christmas G3 Minty or G3 Target Snowflake - snowflake
4. G4 Feathermay or Honeybuzz - honey buzz as is nicer pony
5. G2 Water Lily or G2 Copper Glow - water lilly
6. Baby Gusty or Baby Ribbon (play and care, not BBE) - gusty
7. Rapunzel or Sweet Scoops - sweet scoops again prefer the ponyy
8. Fizzy or Wind Whistler (SS) - fizzy
9. Princess Pristina or Blueberry Baskets - blueberry baskets
10. Red Roses or Starglow (any version) - red roses that hair

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Mistakes
« on: April 01, 2020, 10:12:55 AM »
Applying heat to beach balls colour changing strip in her main with out testing to see it it was ok first. Instantly melted.

Thank fully a good curl and you cannot tell when she is on display. Feel so bad cannot sell her on now after what i did.

Off Topic / Re: Working from Home Thread
« on: March 25, 2020, 11:12:21 PM »
Ahhh one minute i am working from home then asked to come in. Now at home again I understand how a boomerang feels haha.

Thiugh it is nice to have been able to speak face to face ( with in safe distance that is) for the last day and a bit

It has bless him my team leader is doing his best but you can see the pressure he is under to make things work. We are classed as key workers and this time of year is busy normally now this is taking the Micky.

Be fine what do they say keep calm and carry on. Today i am going to try take control of the main team so he can get other stuff done

The advice has confused a lot of managers I think.

Sending lots of good wishes

Off Topic / Re: Working from Home Thread
« on: March 25, 2020, 10:59:30 AM »
Ahhh one minute i am working from home then asked to come in. Now at home again I understand how a boomerang feels haha.

Thiugh it is nice to have been able to speak face to face ( with in safe distance that is) for the last day and a bit

Off Topic / Re: Week of Mar 21: COVID-19 info, facts & updates
« on: March 23, 2020, 03:02:39 PM »
And uk now got its lockdown 😭

Though classed as a key worker so have to go in to the office still they are saying two weeks in two weeks out. Think I would just rather stay at home.

Pony Corral / Re: Male g1 ponies
« on: March 20, 2020, 11:26:06 PM »

...Are you counting Sportstime and Baby Schoolbag?

I never even though. Of then been male to be honest but thinking about it yeah i guess they are. So yeah lets count them

I am still hunting clipper for a lower price and ice crystal where i do not have to remortgage my house to be able to afford.

I am not overly interested in the family daddies berrytown etc i tend to prefer the ones with cob feet for some reasons

Pony Corral / Male g1 ponies
« on: March 20, 2020, 02:48:49 PM »
Like so many others i fell in love with the g1 male ponies.  Recently i was wondering out of if the main stream ones (not ones like the super rare ones). But us as and uk males who people thought were the rarest and hard to come by.

For example i managed to get five of the mountain boys at a decent price but took age to get slugger , quarter back and 4 speed. So to me they were harder to find.

What is everyone else’s experience on finding the boys? And who would you put as the rarest?

Pony Corral / Re: Who is your favourite blue pony?
« on: March 18, 2020, 11:35:03 AM »
Easy question Wind whistler and mummy/baby ribbon 🤗

Off Topic / Re: Other Collections
« on: March 16, 2020, 01:41:15 PM »
Apart from ponies (which i do not actually buy many any more) i collect matchbox carousel figures and accessories, pokemon figures/items that might be found in that world, harry pitter items again that would be found in their world, digimon figures.

I also have, pokemon, digimon. Certain yugioh sets and a few magic the gathering cards

Off Topic / Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« on: March 16, 2020, 01:35:06 PM »
Uk is not on lock down at the moment though i think they are recommending to only go out if you need to. But large businesses are putting their business contingency plans in to operation just in case.

Though it gets me two extra hours in bed on a morning so some good has come of this virus 🤗

Off Topic / Re: Working from Home Thread
« on: March 16, 2020, 01:30:07 PM »
This is me as of tomorrow was told on Friday that i was getting set up to work from home with a few others. So have spent the day working with IT to sort out equipment and will try from home in the morning.

Looking forward to it but i have the feeling the novelty will soon were off we are a close team at work and some are taking it hard. Others are getting snappy because they want to do it. Though the first batch of us is a test since it has not one been done in our department before and two on this potential scale before.

Though my alarm to get up is now set at 8.45 for starting at 9 instead of 6.10. ...... bet i am up at the normal time though grumble stupid body clock.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 2/24/2020 Tuneful
« on: February 27, 2020, 09:51:25 AM »
Have her and love the colours in this set always have done

I do not mind armies at all.i have both an applejack and cherries jubilee army, though i do not really understand why people have the same version of each pony on mass. (Not that it bothers me in the slightest i just do not get it)

I only have one of each variation in my armies otherwise to me it just looks repetitive. Some like that which is more than perfectly fine just not for me.

Off Topic / Re: Do you cuss?
« on: February 22, 2020, 11:43:50 PM »
Yes i swear like a trooper. Though it does depend on the company and environment. Though i try not to in front of my friends kids for obvious reasons..... not that it always works.

Though lets be honest at 13 the probably know more than i do anyway

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