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Messages - Tribble79
« on: August 10, 2016, 07:37:38 PM »
It's Lady Galadriel with Frodo and Sam at the mirror showing off Nenya. Sadly I forgot who made it.
Ha! I've always wondered what yours was! I never noticed the Hobbits there.
Meatloaf is an old 80s singer. He was in Rocky horror picture show as the rock and roll star. He sings I would do anything for love, but i won't do that; paradise by the dashboard light, I'd lie for you, Hot summer night, For crying out loud. He's very orchastraic with his music, not to everyone's taste but i love him.
Two Out of Three Ain't Bad. I like that one. Annnnnd now I need to watch Rocky Horror.
I love that one also. And Rocky Horror is the BEST!!
« on: August 10, 2016, 07:35:47 PM »
Taproot, I adore that purple sheep!!! So cute, and the eyeball is awesome.
« on: July 21, 2016, 03:30:53 AM »
I collect ATCs, egg stuff, hotdog stuff, popcorn stuff, strawberry stuff, Gudetama, hermit crabs, brain stuff, Jewelry, Tribbles, Patches, Mothra and moths(Don't have any merchandise yet), kawaii, dragons, xenomorph, Halloween stuff, and oddities.
I try to keep my collections on a basis of things I can use/wear. If not able to use items (like toys etc.) I only pick things up at yard sales and thrift stores. I also collect hand made items in all the categories and pictures I take a liking to.
I forgot to put that I also collect crystals/fossils/and rocks. I guess these could be classified in the oddities collection
« on: July 20, 2016, 02:24:51 AM »
I saw a fb meme recently that pretty much sums me up.
I am not an early bird or a night owl I am some kind of permanently exhausted pigeon!
I sleep a lot at night, I hate waking up in the morning AND I also nap during the day 
That is me also!!! I have always been a night owl and am more creative at night. I have worked night shift for 16 years and I am not productive until after 5:30 pm on most days. Even my days off. If I have things to do that has to be done before business hours, I have to set the alarm to actually get up and do it, otherwise by the time I remember it's closed and can't be done. What really sucks is that most places don't run on the 24 hour clock so if I have to go to the doctor or pay bills I have to get up during the day.... YUCK! Little Tribble is the same way. Right now that he is on Summer vacation (he is 6) he gets up around 10 am and goes to bed around midnight. The Doctors had to put him on melatonin before preschool so that we could get his sleep pattern in order (we would fight with bedtime anywhere from 10 pm to 5am) If he can keep himself moving he can keep himself awake. I heard somewhere that the time you are most awake has to do with the time you were born. I was born after midnight, Little Tribble after 11pm. I don't know how true this is but of the 3 people I know we were all born way late and are night owls. What time do you wake up on a typical day? usually by 2pm but after I go to sleep I wake up about every 2-3 hours; 5:30pm (when working) What time do you go to sleep? normal day = 2-4am; 9-10am (when working) What are your feelings about naps? Take them all the time, then usually wish I hadn't. I normally wake up feeling worse than when I laid down. And my naps aren't those little 30min to an hour naps. If I fall asleep, I sleep for 3-4 hours!
« on: July 19, 2016, 07:54:02 PM »
I was pretty sure what she meant when I saw the title of the post. I new that over in England they call erasers rubbers. My son (6) listens to a gamer on youtube that is from England and he talks just like him, accent, words and all. He used to watch peppa pig and he asked if we needed petrol while we were getting gas for the car, He calls push ups - press ups. There are other phrases he uses but can't seem to think of any right now. It is pretty cute though. He says he wants to go visit Dan (the gamer in England).
« on: July 19, 2016, 08:15:35 AM »
Can someone tell me by pm what can rubber mean? I'm french and i don't really understand this.
This. I've obviously lived in France for too long! 
Maybe this picture of erasers can help you
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Lol, love that eraser! !
« on: July 18, 2016, 11:42:51 PM »
Mine is a little play with my little pony and star trek. I adore tribbles, and star trek, and my little pony!
I didn't know who yours was. I like some of Metallicas songs. I usually listen to Sabaton or Meatloaf with a few other bands tossed in there.
Cool picture. Mine is Jason Newsted, he replaced Cliff after he got killed. I haven't heard of Sabaton or Meatloaf, I'll have to look them
Most people havn't heard of sabaton, hubby and i saw them in concert with Nightwish last year. Beat nightwishes performance by a ton! I went to see nightwish, liked sabaton more. Meatloaf is an old 80s singer. He was in Rocky horror picture show as the rock and roll star. He sings I would do anything for love, but i won't do that; paradise by the dashboard light, I'd lie for you, Hot summer night, For crying out loud. He's very orchastraic with his music, not to everyone's taste but i love him.
« on: July 18, 2016, 10:06:46 AM »
I don't have any pictures of me with ponies. I have a birthday picture with a fakie on the table and a stand alone picture where you can see ember.
« on: July 17, 2016, 11:35:37 PM »
This is really a hard choice! I have so many favorites! I have my childhood pound puppy-Pepper, my childhood army bear, my 1980s My Pet Monster, my plastic skeleton dog - Brunhilda (not technically a toy), my childhood Junkyard Dog bulldog, my crochet ponies Sunnyside and Princess Toast, my devil Living Dead doll, My Hellboy doll, and finally settled on my very first childhood troll -Elvis. His hair has been replaced as his other hair was sparse and fell off. Here he is in his original outfit. I adore him. visitors can't see pics , please register or loginELVIS TROLL 2 by goblin_giggles, on Flickr
« on: July 17, 2016, 12:02:44 AM »
Wing it here also
« on: July 16, 2016, 11:54:49 PM »
I don't have 2 kids, but have a 6 year old and a full time job, so I never seem to have the time either. Not only that but with no space to leave works in progress, i don't think I have completed a full custom in like 4 years.
« on: July 16, 2016, 11:35:34 PM »
Mine is a little play with my little pony and star trek. I adore tribbles, and star trek, and my little pony!
I didn't know who yours was. I like some of Metallicas songs. I usually listen to Sabaton or Meatloaf with a few other bands tossed in there.
« on: July 16, 2016, 11:27:35 PM »
She is gorgeous.
« on: July 16, 2016, 10:22:40 PM »
I love goodwill finds!!! Lovely ponies
« on: July 10, 2016, 11:21:20 PM »
I only collect customs, and custom plush. I still pick up ponies if i find them at a yardsales or thrift stores, but other than that I don't buy any regular ponies.