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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Emlun on November 15, 2016, 03:30:21 PM

Title: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Emlun on November 15, 2016, 03:30:21 PM
So, I've just returned from the cinema and I kinda have mixed feelings about this. The graphics and tricks and CGI were good, but the plot was really predictable and naive and simple. Maybe it'll be better in the upcoming movies and it'll expand and everything, but this was 5/10 at max in my opinion.
I've won tickets to the official formal premiere which was two days earlier than the casual one for public, so I don't know if anyone else has seen it already. If so, what's your opinion?
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Mkia on November 15, 2016, 04:11:30 PM
So, I've just returned from the cinema and I kinda have mixed feelings about this. The graphics and tricks and CGI were good, but the plot was really predictable and naive and simple. Maybe it'll be better in the upcoming movies and it'll expand and everything, but this was 5/10 at max in my opinion.
I've won tickets to the official formal premiere which was two days earlier than the casual one for public, so I don't know if anyone else has seen it already. If so, what's your opinion?

I will probably go see it on Saturday and I'm excited for it. I love the wizarding world :P
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Emlun on November 15, 2016, 10:38:55 PM
I was also very excited as I'm a huge potterhead, but it seemed like JK Rowling gave away too much money to charities and needed new cash flow  :(
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: icecreamgirl on November 15, 2016, 10:46:11 PM
I'm really excited to see this, but think it will be a while until I can get to see it
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Beldarna on November 16, 2016, 12:51:33 AM
It premiers tonight and I'm working. All the viewings are pretty much sold out so I am hoping to see a lot of costumes. I don't really know what to think of the movie itself. The trailer looks good and I hope I'll be able to watch it next week.
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: melodys_angel on November 16, 2016, 09:27:02 AM
im hoping to see it at home eventually :)
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Rainbowrific Renia on November 16, 2016, 09:36:03 AM
I might be seeing it this weekend. I'm a Potterhead and I love the wizarding universe, but I can't say that I'm particularly excited for this movie. I'm looking forward to it, and I'm sure it'll be good, but I honestly wouldn't be going to see it this weekend if it weren't for some friends of mine who want to see it during opening weekend.
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Kanchii on November 16, 2016, 07:37:29 PM
I think the plot will expand. I can't wait to see young gay Dumbledore and Grindewald (sp?). Rowling wrote these movies, so I think there will be great plot to be had! I'll be seeing it tomorrow with Los Angeles' Dumbledore's Army fan group.
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Aienhime on November 16, 2016, 11:44:47 PM
I saw it yesterday and I loved it! I was pleasantly surprised by the plot and characters. I had kept myself spoilerfree and was pretty surprised by some characters and actors. The visuals were amazing and Eddie Redmayne was brilliant as always. I loved how the movie was a clear part of the Potter Universe, but stood very well on its own as well.

I'd recommend it :D
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: aintnobuffalo on November 17, 2016, 09:05:42 PM
I loved all around! I like the concepts it explored, the themes, the characters, the surprises, and the visuals. I like that the plot was somewhat simple so we could explore all that and not feel rushed. I personally couldn't have asked for more!
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: joce on November 18, 2016, 05:49:06 AM
I didn't realize it was out already! I thought it was coming out around Christmas!! Doesn't matter cuz I work for the next foreseeable future and have papers to write but eventually will see!!
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Kanchii on November 20, 2016, 05:48:10 PM
I thought it was really great! Loved it!
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Mkia on November 20, 2016, 06:31:45 PM
Saw it last night! I thought it was well done! I really like Newts character and thought Eddie Redmayne did a wonderful job. Can't wait to see the next movies!
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Mermaid on November 21, 2016, 05:37:04 AM
I loooooved it!!!!
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Carrehz on November 22, 2016, 08:10:37 AM
I saw it yesterday, I loved it!! I kept away from spoilers too so I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was sooooo good!!!! I can't wait for the next film :frolic:
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: ghouldilocks on November 22, 2016, 09:08:10 AM
I haven't read the book yet, so I didn't have any real frame of reference, but I saw the movie this past weekend and I really enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to the next one, and hope to pick up a copy of the book before then haha
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Kanchii on November 22, 2016, 08:12:04 PM
I haven't read the book yet, so I didn't have any real frame of reference, but I saw the movie this past weekend and I really enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to the next one, and hope to pick up a copy of the book before then haha

The book, at least the original one, is nothing like the movie. It was literally a field guide to some of the magical creatures. That Newt wrote!
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Beldarna on November 25, 2016, 07:19:17 AM
I have to say I wasn't impressed. With all the hype I expected more. I mean, the cgi was good, the actors were good and the storyline okay but after a while I just sat there thinking it was long and wished for it to end. Thumbs up for a female president in the wizarding community tho. Considering the time it just shows they were well ahead of us.
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Lore-Lei on November 25, 2016, 07:24:30 AM
I didn't know what this movie was before this thread and reading up on it now... anyone else getting reminded of Pokemon here?
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: RandomPony on November 25, 2016, 08:19:55 AM
I saw this about a couple or so ago and thought it was awesome!!!!
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Crystal-Sushi on November 28, 2016, 05:58:46 AM
I saw this film today, and I actually loved it! I cried a lot at the end though....  :blush:
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Galactica on November 28, 2016, 10:42:26 AM
I'm afraid to see the movie.

The book seemed more like a "guide" or side project than a story (I didn't buy it for that very reason).

Making a movie based on a non-story seems like it could be problematic. I've heard that Potter fans LOVE it and also HATE it- and so I'm not sure whether the people who love it are just desperate for something in the Potter world or have low expectations or it really was good ?

Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: NovelNerd on November 28, 2016, 05:24:48 PM
I loved it oh so much! Which I shall explain.

1) It was the first time going into a Potter film I was unsure of what to expect, and it was exciting! I hate to burst the bubble of those that lives the movies, but I never liked them much since they seemed to lack much of what I loved in the books. This was completely new and fun.

2) I loved getting to see some of the American side of the wizard into world. I want to see more of it honestly!

3) I loved his character, mostly because I was able to make that personal connection of very socially awkward person with a deep love for animals. I could completely understand how he was confident with the creatures but had trouble looking people in the eye.

4) I want all those animals. OMG the little night cows?

5) I know some complained it being predicable or slow, but I thought it was a fascinating introduction to a new part of the potter world and I cannot wait to see the rest!
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: ghouldilocks on December 05, 2016, 04:14:04 PM
I'm afraid to see the movie.

The book seemed more like a "guide" or side project than a story (I didn't buy it for that very reason).

Making a movie based on a non-story seems like it could be problematic. I've heard that Potter fans LOVE it and also HATE it- and so I'm not sure whether the people who love it are just desperate for something in the Potter world or have low expectations or it really was good ?

It's not so much low expectations or being desperate, but more excitement for canon expansion of the wizarding world.  And I think Hufflepuffs are excited about having someone other than just Cedric Diggory they can consider a hero.  :P
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: shelvesofwhimsy on December 05, 2016, 04:29:43 PM
I just saw this movie yesterday...I thought it was honestly a waste of my time and money :( I read all the HP books growing up, and saw all the movies! I don't eat, breathe and sleep HP, but I did enjoy it.

I thought the movie had no real plot, and you were kinda just led from special effect to the next. I didn't like most of the characters, and all of the interesting info was kinda obscured? The movie was also veryyyy long and even though I kinda knew where we were going, I still felt like the movie itself was confused about its own plot. I think this was just a big marketing scheme :(

The best part of the movie was the Mole creature, haha.

But if you're a HP fan you'll probably go  :lol:
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: scarletjul on December 06, 2016, 09:42:57 PM
I saw it last weekend.  I thought it was a sweet movie.  :)

I'm a HP fan but not a super HP fan. I read all the books and saw all the movies; I even saw movies 4-7 at the original midnight releases.  That said, I don't own everything HP and I got exactly what I expected here - a wizarding world story.  :)
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: sundaygirl on December 07, 2016, 02:42:55 PM
I liked the movie. It was sweet and felt thorough, with a "Harry Potter"-feeling over it. I'm a sucker for the 20ths fashion too, so it was a bonus for me. :)
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Flickerswift on December 08, 2016, 12:45:47 AM
This movie money grubbing mess was a giant steaming pile of garbage that I'm glad I didn't pay for because if I'd had the ability to walk out of the theater in the middle, I would have... :pout:

If you read nothing else, know this: JKR SEXUALIZED A HOUSE ELF. This is a sin that cannot be forgiven or overlooked! :shocked:

Other problems:

I mean... JKR could have tried a bit harder...  -_-
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: shelvesofwhimsy on December 08, 2016, 11:13:12 AM
This movie money grubbing mess was a giant steaming pile of garbage that I'm glad I didn't pay for because if I'd had the ability to walk out of the theater in the middle, I would have... :pout:

If you read nothing else, know this: JKR SEXUALIZED A HOUSE ELF. This is a sin that cannot be forgiven or overlooked! :shocked:

Other problems:
  • The characters were one-dimensional with no character development at all.
  • The "plot" was loosely strung together by happenstance with no goal, rhyme, or reason.
  • JKR clearly has no idea how America works.
  • JKR doesn't understand what a congress is or what it does.
  • JKR doesn't understand a president isn't a king.
  • Manhattan is whitewashed except for one black woman.
  • Somehow, despite America's huge population, amount of empty wild land, massive amounts of hunting fanatics, and history of obsessively exterminating indigenous creatures for fun, the government doesn't have a team of specialists to deal with magical creatures.
  • There is no magical transportation.
  • There is no magical customs office.
  • Newt is negligent to the point of being homicidal; locks, gates, barrier spells, and other such safety features clearly don't exist in the world of Harry Potter.
  • Newt has the same backstory as Hagrid, except JKR forgot she wrote that students who are expelled have their wands broken, so he gets to keep his.
  • Spells such as the Disillusionment Charm, Stupefy, Accio, and transfiguration are never used, no matter how useful they would be in capturing magical creatures.
  • Newt loses an Occamy (winged snake) egg, even though the egg must have somehow gotten out of the nest, across multiple rooms, up a set of stairs in the suitcase, and fallen out...????
  • Everyone ignores Tina's warnings about Newt because... plot... reasons... Why would anyone other than an auror have a way to report an incident? Only aurors can see problems.
  • No one notices Newt magically fixing that baker's building in crowded broad daylight.
  • Newt really does not care that someone got mauled by his creatures until much later when it is convenient to deal with it.
  • An ex-auror ignores a possibly poisoned man in favor of dinner and never mentions it again.
  • Deadly magical creatures are loose so of course they ignore it and have dinner then go to bed.
  • The illegal and dark magical practice of legilimency is apparently fine in America, and it's super cool to use on muggles and wizards alike.
  • Excessive mind rape is extremely romantic and the audience should find it cute and a fantastic basis for a relationship.
  • Somehow wizards can exist in MANHATTAN without ever interacting with muggles at all.
  • Remember the Erumpent horn in the books? The one Luna Lovegood's father lied about being a Crumple-Horned Snorkack horn and it destroyed their house in a fiery ball of death? Newt never thinks its important to inform the ex-auror a live one is now loose in a crowded city...
  • The giant Erumpent gets through the entire city and destroys the zoo without anyone seeing or hearing it, or caring about the destruction it leaves in it's wake.
  • No one fixes the zoo and muggles can deal with their own deadly animals because why not.
  • A muggle is clearly a better companion than an ex-auror for catching magical creatures.
  • Newt tricking said muggle into helping him by implying he won't mind wipe him later, when he'd previously planned to, and does it anyway later, is never really addressed questioned by said muggle as a problem.
  • Everyone falls in love with the minimum time and interaction possibly allowed.
  • All muggles who hate magic are evil creeps.
  • All muggles who die clearly "deserved" it, so don't feel bad.
  • They have to find a bug and a teapot instead of transfiguring them, or a cage that they could shrink, because... reasons...
  • There are no guards at magical UN meetings, and you can just walk in.
  • American aurors can apparently single-handedly order multiple executions of people without a trial, even people from other countries, and have it happen in less than a day.
  • America has a death chamber full of creepy smiling executioners who ask no questions.
  • Gellert Grindelwald's there for... reasons that aren't explained...
  • Grindelwald's "plan" is circumstantial to the point of being idiotic to come all the way to another continent for.
  • If these magical parasite things are created by neglect and trying to ignore magic, why didn't the Dursleys end up giving Harry Potter the same problem?
  • Newt knows exactly what to do with the venom he previously mentioned he had no idea what it could possibly be used for...
  • What about all the photos taken before the final battle? What about the people indoors? What about those who sent letters out of state or left on boats or trains? How could everyone's memory of the past few days possibly be erased?
  • The story ends with another teenager being murdered for the grater good, except Credence lacks plot armor, so unlike the other book, he stays dead (I think...).
  • Everyone who dies is evil, unless it's a tragic end point to show someone else is evil.
  • If the baker and the mind rapist were really in love, why didn't they go to Britain where apparently they could be together legally?
  • Manhattan was conveniently either empty or crowded, depending on the needs of the plot.

I mean... JKR could have tried a bit harder...  -_-

Thank you! I think you basically covered all the points that made me angry as well, and in a much more articulate way!
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: piinkypiie on December 08, 2016, 07:41:35 PM
This movie money grubbing mess was a giant steaming pile of garbage that I'm glad I didn't pay for because if I'd had the ability to walk out of the theater in the middle, I would have... :pout:

If you read nothing else, know this: JKR SEXUALIZED A HOUSE ELF. This is a sin that cannot be forgiven or overlooked! :shocked:

Other problems:
  • The characters were one-dimensional with no character development at all.
  • The "plot" was loosely strung together by happenstance with no goal, rhyme, or reason.
  • JKR clearly has no idea how America works.
  • JKR doesn't understand what a congress is or what it does.
  • JKR doesn't understand a president isn't a king.
  • Manhattan is whitewashed except for one black woman.
  • Somehow, despite America's huge population, amount of empty wild land, massive amounts of hunting fanatics, and history of obsessively exterminating indigenous creatures for fun, the government doesn't have a team of specialists to deal with magical creatures.
  • There is no magical transportation.
  • There is no magical customs office.
  • Newt is negligent to the point of being homicidal; locks, gates, barrier spells, and other such safety features clearly don't exist in the world of Harry Potter.
  • Newt has the same backstory as Hagrid, except JKR forgot she wrote that students who are expelled have their wands broken, so he gets to keep his.
  • Spells such as the Disillusionment Charm, Stupefy, Accio, and transfiguration are never used, no matter how useful they would be in capturing magical creatures.
  • Newt loses an Occamy (winged snake) egg, even though the egg must have somehow gotten out of the nest, across multiple rooms, up a set of stairs in the suitcase, and fallen out...????
  • Everyone ignores Tina's warnings about Newt because... plot... reasons... Why would anyone other than an auror have a way to report an incident? Only aurors can see problems.
  • No one notices Newt magically fixing that baker's building in crowded broad daylight.
  • Newt really does not care that someone got mauled by his creatures until much later when it is convenient to deal with it.
  • An ex-auror ignores a possibly poisoned man in favor of dinner and never mentions it again.
  • Deadly magical creatures are loose so of course they ignore it and have dinner then go to bed.
  • The illegal and dark magical practice of legilimency is apparently fine in America, and it's super cool to use on muggles and wizards alike.
  • Excessive mind rape is extremely romantic and the audience should find it cute and a fantastic basis for a relationship.
  • Somehow wizards can exist in MANHATTAN without ever interacting with muggles at all.
  • Remember the Erumpent horn in the books? The one Luna Lovegood's father lied about being a Crumple-Horned Snorkack horn and it destroyed their house in a fiery ball of death? Newt never thinks its important to inform the ex-auror a live one is now loose in a crowded city...
  • The giant Erumpent gets through the entire city and destroys the zoo without anyone seeing or hearing it, or caring about the destruction it leaves in it's wake.
  • No one fixes the zoo and muggles can deal with their own deadly animals because why not.
  • A muggle is clearly a better companion than an ex-auror for catching magical creatures.
  • Newt tricking said muggle into helping him by implying he won't mind wipe him later, when he'd previously planned to, and does it anyway later, is never really addressed questioned by said muggle as a problem.
  • Everyone falls in love with the minimum time and interaction possibly allowed.
  • All muggles who hate magic are evil creeps.
  • All muggles who die clearly "deserved" it, so don't feel bad.
  • They have to find a bug and a teapot instead of transfiguring them, or a cage that they could shrink, because... reasons...
  • There are no guards at magical UN meetings, and you can just walk in.
  • American aurors can apparently single-handedly order multiple executions of people without a trial, even people from other countries, and have it happen in less than a day.
  • America has a death chamber full of creepy smiling executioners who ask no questions.
  • Gellert Grindelwald's there for... reasons that aren't explained...
  • Grindelwald's "plan" is circumstantial to the point of being idiotic to come all the way to another continent for.
  • If these magical parasite things are created by neglect and trying to ignore magic, why didn't the Dursleys end up giving Harry Potter the same problem?
  • Newt knows exactly what to do with the venom he previously mentioned he had no idea what it could possibly be used for...
  • What about all the photos taken before the final battle? What about the people indoors? What about those who sent letters out of state or left on boats or trains? How could everyone's memory of the past few days possibly be erased?
  • The story ends with another teenager being murdered for the grater good, except Credence lacks plot armor, so unlike the other book, he stays dead (I think...).
  • Everyone who dies is evil, unless it's a tragic end point to show someone else is evil.
  • If the baker and the mind rapist were really in love, why didn't they go to Britain where apparently they could be together legally?
  • Manhattan was conveniently either empty or crowded, depending on the needs of the plot.

I mean... JKR could have tried a bit harder...  -_-

my thoughts exactly. i mean this movie could have been sooo much better !
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Dragonflitter on December 09, 2016, 10:36:38 AM
Oh thank god I'm not the only person who thinks this movie was complete trash! I ranted to a friend on the phone for 45 minutes about every reason this was horrible written, but then everyone I talk to (and all the online reviews) say it's so amazing. I'm like "Did we even see the same movie?"

Glad to see there's some others here who are of the same opinion. Makes me feel like I'm not alone in the world and/or completely crazy. ;)
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: shelvesofwhimsy on December 09, 2016, 12:31:16 PM
Oh thank god I'm not the only person who thinks this movie was complete trash! I ranted to a friend on the phone for 45 minutes about every reason this was horrible written, but then everyone I talk to (and all the online reviews) say it's so amazing. I'm like "Did we even see the same movie?"

Glad to see there's some others here who are of the same opinion. Makes me feel like I'm not alone in the world and/or completely crazy. ;)

You are certainly not crazy! Although I had the same thoughts XD
I was ranting to my sister and at the end of the rant she said "I liked it though, and lots of people online liked it too, so it might just be you" or something along those lines. I was laughing because I knew I wasn't alone  :lol:
I did think it was a "pretty" movie though  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Flickerswift on December 09, 2016, 02:31:54 PM
I wasn't going to mention this issue, as I thought it wasn't in the movie, but apparently it is... I just found out that the griffin-thing was supposed to be a thunderbird, even though it is clearly a griffin...???? I thought she was only being an insensitive culture appropriating jerk on Pottormore with "America's Whitewashed and Clearly Not Researched Magical History". Nope, I was wrong...

I'll I gotta say is: JKR, take your white, entitled, post British-colonialism butt and throw it back in the dumpster you came from before you wrote Harry Potter, you disgusting piece of trash.

Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Beldarna on December 11, 2016, 03:38:47 AM
This movie money grubbing mess was a giant steaming pile of garbage that I'm glad I didn't pay for because if I'd had the ability to walk out of the theater in the middle, I would have... :pout:

If you read nothing else, know this: JKR SEXUALIZED A HOUSE ELF. This is a sin that cannot be forgiven or overlooked! :shocked:

Other problems:
  • The characters were one-dimensional with no character development at all.
  • The "plot" was loosely strung together by happenstance with no goal, rhyme, or reason.
  • JKR clearly has no idea how America works.
  • JKR doesn't understand what a congress is or what it does.
  • JKR doesn't understand a president isn't a king.
  • Manhattan is whitewashed except for one black woman.
  • Somehow, despite America's huge population, amount of empty wild land, massive amounts of hunting fanatics, and history of obsessively exterminating indigenous creatures for fun, the government doesn't have a team of specialists to deal with magical creatures.
  • There is no magical transportation.
  • There is no magical customs office.
  • Newt is negligent to the point of being homicidal; locks, gates, barrier spells, and other such safety features clearly don't exist in the world of Harry Potter.
  • Newt has the same backstory as Hagrid, except JKR forgot she wrote that students who are expelled have their wands broken, so he gets to keep his.
  • Spells such as the Disillusionment Charm, Stupefy, Accio, and transfiguration are never used, no matter how useful they would be in capturing magical creatures.
  • Newt loses an Occamy (winged snake) egg, even though the egg must have somehow gotten out of the nest, across multiple rooms, up a set of stairs in the suitcase, and fallen out...????
  • Everyone ignores Tina's warnings about Newt because... plot... reasons... Why would anyone other than an auror have a way to report an incident? Only aurors can see problems.
  • No one notices Newt magically fixing that baker's building in crowded broad daylight.
  • Newt really does not care that someone got mauled by his creatures until much later when it is convenient to deal with it.
  • An ex-auror ignores a possibly poisoned man in favor of dinner and never mentions it again.
  • Deadly magical creatures are loose so of course they ignore it and have dinner then go to bed.
  • The illegal and dark magical practice of legilimency is apparently fine in America, and it's super cool to use on muggles and wizards alike.
  • Excessive mind rape is extremely romantic and the audience should find it cute and a fantastic basis for a relationship.
  • Somehow wizards can exist in MANHATTAN without ever interacting with muggles at all.
  • Remember the Erumpent horn in the books? The one Luna Lovegood's father lied about being a Crumple-Horned Snorkack horn and it destroyed their house in a fiery ball of death? Newt never thinks its important to inform the ex-auror a live one is now loose in a crowded city...
  • The giant Erumpent gets through the entire city and destroys the zoo without anyone seeing or hearing it, or caring about the destruction it leaves in it's wake.
  • No one fixes the zoo and muggles can deal with their own deadly animals because why not.
  • A muggle is clearly a better companion than an ex-auror for catching magical creatures.
  • Newt tricking said muggle into helping him by implying he won't mind wipe him later, when he'd previously planned to, and does it anyway later, is never really addressed questioned by said muggle as a problem.
  • Everyone falls in love with the minimum time and interaction possibly allowed.
  • All muggles who hate magic are evil creeps.
  • All muggles who die clearly "deserved" it, so don't feel bad.
  • They have to find a bug and a teapot instead of transfiguring them, or a cage that they could shrink, because... reasons...
  • There are no guards at magical UN meetings, and you can just walk in.
  • American aurors can apparently single-handedly order multiple executions of people without a trial, even people from other countries, and have it happen in less than a day.
  • America has a death chamber full of creepy smiling executioners who ask no questions.
  • Gellert Grindelwald's there for... reasons that aren't explained...
  • Grindelwald's "plan" is circumstantial to the point of being idiotic to come all the way to another continent for.
  • If these magical parasite things are created by neglect and trying to ignore magic, why didn't the Dursleys end up giving Harry Potter the same problem?
  • Newt knows exactly what to do with the venom he previously mentioned he had no idea what it could possibly be used for...
  • What about all the photos taken before the final battle? What about the people indoors? What about those who sent letters out of state or left on boats or trains? How could everyone's memory of the past few days possibly be erased?
  • The story ends with another teenager being murdered for the grater good, except Credence lacks plot armor, so unlike the other book, he stays dead (I think...).
  • Everyone who dies is evil, unless it's a tragic end point to show someone else is evil.
  • If the baker and the mind rapist were really in love, why didn't they go to Britain where apparently they could be together legally?
  • Manhattan was conveniently either empty or crowded, depending on the needs of the plot.

I mean... JKR could have tried a bit harder...  -_-

Although I agree that the story line was thin, you have to remember the story takes place in the 1920's. There were different rules, customs and regulations back then. We can't expect them to have the same laws then that applied in the Potterbooks. Who knows, maybe some of them were formed because of Newts visit there. Same with spells. Muggle UN for instance were formed 1945 so for the wizarding world to have one (I don't even remember the meeting being a UN one but ok) 20 years prior is big, as is having a female president. I think most people would have laughed if that was even mentioned back then.

I agree with some points you made, but I am also saying that trying to place laws and rules of 2016 on 1920 is a no go as the world was so different back then, both muggle wise and wizard wise.
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: rearing_palomino164 on December 13, 2016, 12:45:36 PM
I saw it and I loved it. I haven't read all of the Harry Potter's or seen all of the movie. I would see Fantastic Beasts again.
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Flickerswift on December 13, 2016, 03:04:18 PM
This movie money grubbing mess was a giant steaming pile of garbage that I'm glad I didn't pay for because if I'd had the ability to walk out of the theater in the middle, I would have... :pout:

If you read nothing else, know this: JKR SEXUALIZED A HOUSE ELF. This is a sin that cannot be forgiven or overlooked! :shocked:

Other problems:
  • The characters were one-dimensional with no character development at all.
  • The "plot" was loosely strung together by happenstance with no goal, rhyme, or reason.
  • JKR clearly has no idea how America works.
  • JKR doesn't understand what a congress is or what it does.
  • JKR doesn't understand a president isn't a king.
  • Manhattan is whitewashed except for one black woman.
  • Somehow, despite America's huge population, amount of empty wild land, massive amounts of hunting fanatics, and history of obsessively exterminating indigenous creatures for fun, the government doesn't have a team of specialists to deal with magical creatures.
  • There is no magical transportation.
  • There is no magical customs office.
  • Newt is negligent to the point of being homicidal; locks, gates, barrier spells, and other such safety features clearly don't exist in the world of Harry Potter.
  • Newt has the same backstory as Hagrid, except JKR forgot she wrote that students who are expelled have their wands broken, so he gets to keep his.
  • Spells such as the Disillusionment Charm, Stupefy, Accio, and transfiguration are never used, no matter how useful they would be in capturing magical creatures.
  • Newt loses an Occamy (winged snake) egg, even though the egg must have somehow gotten out of the nest, across multiple rooms, up a set of stairs in the suitcase, and fallen out...????
  • Everyone ignores Tina's warnings about Newt because... plot... reasons... Why would anyone other than an auror have a way to report an incident? Only aurors can see problems.
  • No one notices Newt magically fixing that baker's building in crowded broad daylight.
  • Newt really does not care that someone got mauled by his creatures until much later when it is convenient to deal with it.
  • An ex-auror ignores a possibly poisoned man in favor of dinner and never mentions it again.
  • Deadly magical creatures are loose so of course they ignore it and have dinner then go to bed.
  • The illegal and dark magical practice of legilimency is apparently fine in America, and it's super cool to use on muggles and wizards alike.
  • Excessive mind rape is extremely romantic and the audience should find it cute and a fantastic basis for a relationship.
  • Somehow wizards can exist in MANHATTAN without ever interacting with muggles at all.
  • Remember the Erumpent horn in the books? The one Luna Lovegood's father lied about being a Crumple-Horned Snorkack horn and it destroyed their house in a fiery ball of death? Newt never thinks its important to inform the ex-auror a live one is now loose in a crowded city...
  • The giant Erumpent gets through the entire city and destroys the zoo without anyone seeing or hearing it, or caring about the destruction it leaves in it's wake.
  • No one fixes the zoo and muggles can deal with their own deadly animals because why not.
  • A muggle is clearly a better companion than an ex-auror for catching magical creatures.
  • Newt tricking said muggle into helping him by implying he won't mind wipe him later, when he'd previously planned to, and does it anyway later, is never really addressed questioned by said muggle as a problem.
  • Everyone falls in love with the minimum time and interaction possibly allowed.
  • All muggles who hate magic are evil creeps.
  • All muggles who die clearly "deserved" it, so don't feel bad.
  • They have to find a bug and a teapot instead of transfiguring them, or a cage that they could shrink, because... reasons...
  • There are no guards at magical UN meetings, and you can just walk in.
  • American aurors can apparently single-handedly order multiple executions of people without a trial, even people from other countries, and have it happen in less than a day.
  • America has a death chamber full of creepy smiling executioners who ask no questions.
  • Gellert Grindelwald's there for... reasons that aren't explained...
  • Grindelwald's "plan" is circumstantial to the point of being idiotic to come all the way to another continent for.
  • If these magical parasite things are created by neglect and trying to ignore magic, why didn't the Dursleys end up giving Harry Potter the same problem?
  • Newt knows exactly what to do with the venom he previously mentioned he had no idea what it could possibly be used for...
  • What about all the photos taken before the final battle? What about the people indoors? What about those who sent letters out of state or left on boats or trains? How could everyone's memory of the past few days possibly be erased?
  • The story ends with another teenager being murdered for the grater good, except Credence lacks plot armor, so unlike the other book, he stays dead (I think...).
  • Everyone who dies is evil, unless it's a tragic end point to show someone else is evil.
  • If the baker and the mind rapist were really in love, why didn't they go to Britain where apparently they could be together legally?
  • Manhattan was conveniently either empty or crowded, depending on the needs of the plot.

I mean... JKR could have tried a bit harder...  -_-

Although I agree that the story line was thin, you have to remember the story takes place in the 1920's. There were different rules, customs and regulations back then. We can't expect them to have the same laws then that applied in the Potterbooks. Who knows, maybe some of them were formed because of Newts visit there. Same with spells. Muggle UN for instance were formed 1945 so for the wizarding world to have one (I don't even remember the meeting being a UN one but ok) 20 years prior is big, as is having a female president. I think most people would have laughed if that was even mentioned back then.

I agree with some points you made, but I am also saying that trying to place laws and rules of 2016 on 1920 is a no go as the world was so different back then, both muggle wise and wizard wise.

Yeah, laws were different in the 20's, but that doesn't exclude common things like the fact that every leader in the history of ever has had guards, and bureaucracy is always excessively layered. What specifically are you disagreeing with me about?

Yes, apparently American wizarding society had women and black people in power, but only because wizards are busy being racist about blood purity instead of skin color and biological parts. However, women have tended to be more associated with magic power than men historically IRL, so that actually made a lot of sense.

I didn't mean it was the actual Magical UN, I was just calling it that tongue in cheek, because that's what it looked like and appeared to function as. Why does that matter?

I'm sorry, I refuse to believe believe camouflage (useful for fighting and espionage since forever), summoning (Newt used Accio once, just not when it was helpful), stunning (the evil auror did use Petrificus Totalus), or basic transfiguration (the subject Dumbledore is teaching in the 20s, and you have to take at N.E.W. T. level to be an auror) didn't exist until after the 1920's. The heroes just seem to be functionally terrible at magic.
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Dragonflitter on December 14, 2016, 07:13:32 AM
  • American aurors can apparently single-handedly order multiple executions of people without a trial, even people from other countries, and have it happen in less than a day.
  • America has a death chamber full of creepy smiling executioners who ask no questions.

This is the part that broke me. I literally burst into laughter in the middle of the theater, at this supposedly exciting and serious scene where our heroes are facing death! I'm not a huge fan, but I read the books and I've seen the other movies. So I know in general how the wizard world works.

Okay so my suspension of disbelief was already teetering when the scary bad guy interrogates Newt and Tina, and then just declares them to be put to death with no trial, and none of the other wizards even question this but just carry out his orders. And then they take their prisoners to a DEATH ROOM. Waaah? How does this room even work!? One of the wizards touches her wand to Tina's temple and then points it at a pool of liquid in the room and Tina's memories start appearing... so... what, the room is like a giant pensieve? Isn't the pensieve spell, like, a voluntary thing? Can you just take the memories out of someone without their permission? If this is so, then why interrogate people at all?? Why did Snape make a truth telling potion in the HP books? If it's so easy to get the truth out of people, you would think using the pensieve thing would be standard for all investigative work in the wizarding world. This was obviously just a REALLY lazy way to try to tie this movie into something established in the previous books, and because the audience needed to see Tina's connection to the witch-haters from her past.

But really, the biggest issue with the death room is what is the point of it!? In order to kill someone in this government you have to use a giant room that is a pensieve and then put their memories into the pensieve and then the person is entranced by their own memories and then they sit in a chair in the middle of the room and the chair slowly lowers them into the pensieve liquid which then disintegrates them and the chair!? What!? There's no easier way to execute people in this society? This is some James Bond villain level of ridiculousness, complete with the whole 'elaborate death device where the main villain announces how evil they are and then leaves so the hero can do a miraculous escape after beating up the flunkies.'

(And maybe I would have liked the movie more if the actor playing Newt didn't MUMBLE ALL HIS LINES. >_< Omg I could barely understand half of what he said, and he's the main character! I know they were going for some sort of awkward characterization but geez.)

Post Merge: December 14, 2016, 07:22:44 AM

I wasn't going to mention this issue, as I thought it wasn't in the movie, but apparently it is... I just found out that the griffin-thing was supposed to be a thunderbird, even though it is clearly a griffin...???? I thought she was only being an insensitive culture appropriating jerk on Pottormore with "America's Whitewashed and Clearly Not Researched Magical History". Nope, I was wrong...

Well that creature wasn't a normal depiction of a thunder bird from Native American mythology, but it wasn't a griffin either. It only had one set of legs. It had multiple wings (which isn't part of the normal description for a griffin OR a thunderbird). ...I think they just made up a creature of their own design and gave it a name from Native American mythology.
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: ghouldilocks on December 15, 2016, 12:34:16 PM
I really think a lot of people are taking this movie WAY too seriously :drunk:

But we all have non-pony hobbies, so I won't begrudge someone who enjoys picking apart movies lol
Title: Re: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Post by: Dragonflitter on December 15, 2016, 12:38:12 PM
Picking apart movies is totally my thing. :P In fact I might start an online video series of reviews starting with this atrocity....

But really, I would give this movie a pass if it was aimed at only very young children who just want to see a movie with funny animals in it, but the HP world is clearly one that both adults and children enjoy! There's no reason to make it such a mish-mash of terrible plot devices and poor writing. They could have done so much better.
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