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Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by BlackCurtains on Yesterday at 04:49:31 PM »
I just ran into the same thing in a video I was watching, non pony related, but the same as in, the video maker thought it was some genius new thing on the internet when I remember the same thing existing back in the 90s.

I think too, that newer generations don't understand how it used to be before the internet was so easy to access and everything you could ever want to find was on it. Nerdy stuff has always been around (and mainly seen as a bad thing). They were having conventions with cosplay in the 60s. And it certainly wasn't something that was widely accepted like it is today. Like, take gaming culture. I don't like the term 'gamer' because it denotes a certain type of person, but I've been gaming my entire life. Back then it was seen as a nerdy thing (nerd stuff was bad) and something you did by yourself in a dark room because you were a loser with no friends :lol: I mean, I'm glad it has become so mainstream and people are are enjoying it together, but growing up it was definitely seen as something an outcast kid did, not the norm.
Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« Last post by BlackCurtains on Yesterday at 04:40:02 PM »
I haven't been sleeping due to being out of one of my medications, but last night it finally caught up with me. I slept all day. I had a very strange dream that seemed absolutely real. I am usually a lucid dreamer, but this one I was trapped in. It's been on my mind since I woke up.
Customs / Re: New Resources?
« Last post by BlackCurtains on Yesterday at 04:36:49 PM »
Yes, Shai, I've noticed that too about G4 customizers. I wouldn't link anything that uses questionable materials, or down right wrong materials, don't worry :)

I will check out out RetroGeek.

Yes, that would be lovely! :)
Off Topic / Re: Do you buy physical media (CDs, Records, DVDs, etc.)
« Last post by Pokeyonekenobie on Yesterday at 04:27:04 PM »
I live in a place where the internet is spotty so I definitely prefer physical copies of things.  My parents stream, and then complain when they have to wait for the internet to catch up to their show or when the streaming service decides to drop whatever they were watching.  I know the physical copies take up more space which is why I buy big CD cases that hold 200+ discs and put them in there. I have a lot of Anime and TV shows, so it's not all single disc movies.  One day I would love to have a movie room and put them back in individual cases but that's not happening any time soon.  With the physical copies, I can also watch/rewatch whatever I want whenever I feel like it.  I buy music CDs and Audiobooks in physical formats as well.  And I prefer physical copies of video games because then when my niblings come for the summer they can play the games as well without taking over my Switch.
Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« Last post by Ponyfan on Yesterday at 03:34:24 PM »
Beth, I'm so sorry that happened to your parents.  I can't even imagine how scary that must have been for you and your parents.

I'm really sad today. 

My dad has been really whiny lately.  He keeps saying my mom and I eat too fast and rush through meals.  We do eat faster than him since  he
eats super slowly, but a large part of why he doesn't get done as fast as we do is my dad will get up while we're eating and start doing other things and then return to his meal.  Of course, if he does that, he going to finish a lot later than my mom and I do.  I'm sure if I did the same thing I'd be told to sit down and eat and the other stuff could wait until later, yet he does it and then complains when he's the last one to finish eating. 

I do eat a little fast sometimes because I'm really hungry especially if it's been a long time since my last meal or if the previous meal wasn't much. 

Also yesterday, my dad said I could pick the restaurant we were going to eat at, but when I told him, he didn't like what I picked and insisted we go where he wanted instead.  I could have argued, but it would have ended with him getting angry and never letting it go.

Yesterday my dad almost hit a parked car.  How do you not see a car parked right in front of you?  He had to jerk the wheel at the last minute to avoid hitting it. 

My dad called a guy to give him an estimate on cutting back some of the huge tree branches that are touching the roof, but he never showed up yesterday or today.

I laid down on the couch for a few minutes because I was really sleepy.  My mom came in and woke me up asking me if I didn't feel good.  I didn't go back to sleep after that.

Also, I didn't see a metal bar in front of the refrigerated cases at the store and slammed my leg in to it

Their physical shape would resemble real ponies or horses, but with longer hair, because BRUSHABLE, & their colours would be rainbow colours, mixed with white. Not TOO much pink, there'd be males with slight but noticeable differences from the females (we could even have beards on adult males). And since we're in this day & age, some Ponies who are neither male nor female, again with a slight difference.
There would be younger Ponies of several age groups, including babies, toddlers, tweens, & teens. There would be Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, Sea Ponies, & some kind of fairy Pony (I love the Breezies & the butterfly wings on the Wingers). There would be pets, playsets, friends of other kinds of animal, & some kind of gnomes or elves & fairies who could all interact with the Ponies.
Variety & collectability would be the focus, & any QR codes would be linked to videos or downloadable images, artworks, colouring pages, & background scenes. 3D printing options would be included for accessories, with the Pony website giving options to "print for you" for a small materials & postage fee, plus enough to pay the supervising workers. I totally agree with clothing patterns being made available too.
Their world would be magical, & feature adventures & challenges as the Ponies explore the world. No silly "tea parties all the time". Each Pony would have their own character, magic, & colour scheme. The symbol would be there, but not in the "Friendship Is Magic" way of restricting a Pony's career choice. There would be groups of Ponies with particular themes & gimmicks, but not outright gimmick for gimmick's sake (yep glow in the dark, nope pocket on one hip). Articulation maybe, but not at the expense of looking pleasant or feeling uncomfortable in the hand.
Minis, yep, with their own mini playsets, but not at the expense of the normal-sized Ponies (3 inches is too small, so I'd go for at least 4). Plushies, yep, some.
Bring it back to building the world for your Ponies to live in. That's one of my fave parts of collecting
Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Last post by Ponybookworm on Yesterday at 01:14:49 PM »
BC, Beth, hope you both get better sleep xxx
Cowboy I hope you get MORE sleep xxx
Squirmy hope your head improves & stops aching xxx
Artie those shoes are so CUTE!!!

Finished scarf & also finished the next hat & started on its gloves. Working through last scarf too bit by bit
Went to noisy coffee in the morning, made macaroni cheese in the evening. Two portions again & I froze the second
Weather is warm, but normal
Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Scorpan has arrived!
« Last post by brightberry on Yesterday at 12:13:29 PM »
That's amazing!
Off Topic / Re: Do you buy physical media (CDs, Records, DVDs, etc.)
« Last post by bladed on Yesterday at 11:50:11 AM »
i don't actually unless it's something i particularly want and can't buy digitally - the extra cost involved is too much of a hassle especially as time goes on PLUS i am mostly importing things from japan... which adds even more money... and admittedly as soon as i do get the physical media i will rip it, so i can watch/listen/etc without having to worry about anything in the process breaking. for example my blu ray player currently will not play blu rays, but it can still rip them.
i do buy my own copies of digital things because it's much more affordable, and when i can i tend to support things by buying merch etc :) if it weren't for the cost and annoyance of having to buy and set up external things (wasn't a problem when drives were just a default on everything...) i would probably own more physical media. i detest streaming and avoid it as much as possible though, i've got everything i listen to on digital copies.
my parents still own 2 large boxes of their vinyls they collected for about 2 decades and bought a player for them years ago though it doesn't see much use. we have an alexa for convenience but there's a lot of songs that you can't play because of amazon's prime music thing (if they have it at all) so we kept a lot of cds too.
Pony Corral / Re: How to clean Sweet Talkin‘ Ponies
« Last post by BabyTaffeta on Yesterday at 11:32:00 AM »
I normally do dunk my ponies and let them dry upside down standing on their tail hole for 3 days or so. Normally that works getting all the water out again :)
But with the talking mechanism I am really afraid to destroy it because it still works well after so many years!
Thank you for your advice :)
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